Although senxia and Qianjia have a big brain hole here, the final decision is in xuenai's hands.

Originally, after hearing the news, snow did not feel much.

"-- what, would you put a handmade one tenth of the size on my brother's bedside? I do it In Qianjia's "plan through" expression, xuenai is begging Qianjia to quickly use her body to put it on Sen Xia's head. "Well, you must let my brother wake up and see what he has done, and then go home. It is similar to the producer in idol master who is called" Wunei p "by players. This" P "can basically be understood as a producer.

Samurai believes that Narita has great potential to become an idol singer. He even wants to negotiate with Qianjia and try to dig him out.

This matter once let Sen Xia cry and laugh. Because in history, Sakamoto did this. In "history" he wanted to accept the other party's invitation, but he was blocked by his own teacher. Finally, after twists and turns, he finally accepted the other party's invitation and entered King Records.

This wave of "forced restoration of history", senxia said, feeling very delicate.

However, Mori is not a record company either, so it is OK to reach a cooperation between the two sides. After all, Mizuno Mizuno still has the work of SonoVue.

Although he usually has to practice singing and dubbing, when he is resting, he will occasionally continue his previous work in animic club.

According to Nanai's own words, working in animic club is the most interesting time.

"Senxia Jun, you seem to have been very busy recently." Nanai is a little worried about senxia's appearance, because these days, senxia is almost squeezed out of the company before she can go home.

When it comes to this issue, senxia can only smile bitterly.

"Well, it's impossible. I didn't expect it to turn out like this."

Does crowdfunding sound interesting?

But if you dig a hole and bury yourself, it's not fun.

That's what happened to Sonia right now.

Crowdfunding is very interesting, but the Internet has not developed now, so in theory, crowdfunding will not succeed.

But here's the problem.

Although crowdfunding did not rise, but the enthusiasm of players, but an Internet can not block.

At first, senxia just wanted to try the water, but at this time, players found that the Internet had become an obstacle to themselves, and they thought of a simpler solution: to contact animic Club directly!

The key is that this connection is not just a common connection. Among the people who contact them, many of them are local tyrants themselves.

What are local tyrants?

Golden thigh!

Gold Lord!

Food and clothing parents!

Other news also said, but in front of the local tyrants who like their own games, how could senxia not care?

At this time, senxia is busy to solve these problems. What's more, you can't say that it's better to dig a hole without filling it.

The advertisement has been launched and the publicity has been well publicized. The key is that the effect of TM is so good that we can't get rid of it now!

The problem that Sen Xia faces here is that it is difficult to get rid of the tiger. Although senxia wants to throw the pot, she has no way.

So, senxia can only with the help of Yi Ji, and then on the scalp.

Fortunately, so far, there has been no big trouble in the whole thing. Although I was busy for a period of time, I was almost at a loss, but in any case, it was finally settled peacefully.

If the whole thing really falls apart, the reputation of animic society will certainly collapse, and then senxia will probably have to wash and sleep.

"Oh, but to say it, now we have passed through the most troublesome stage, and there is at least room for the rest." Sen Xia shook her head, some sigh.

"I see." Nanai nodded, "although I don't know what's going on, but senxia Jun is really good."

However, Nanai didn't understand senxia Jun's meaning, and threw an unknown smile to Sen Xiajun.

Senxia suffered 10000 damage and sank.

"Cough, but in fact, it doesn't need to know what's going on. In short, it's just about business. It doesn't matter if you don't understand it, Nanai."

Senxia waved.

"Oh." Nanai tilted his head and said he didn't understand it very well.

"Oh, it's getting late. Let's have lunch together." The rest of the matter, probably can be solved in the afternoon, senxia decided to take a little rest.

"Hi." Nanai nodded, too.

However, as soon as Sen Xia went out, she saw Lihua, who was also too busy to get on the ground. She was copying documents and preparing to send them out, which were all about the hand-made affairs of "Qiqi".There are a lot of people who want to know about this matter, and in order to let the media publicize it, so Lihua has to distribute the relevant materials - well, in short, it's soft text.

Of course, this is not only that. There are also many advertisements for the later anti retrogressive Lu Lu Lu Xiu. The popularity of Lu Lu Xiu is about to start to stir up at this time. It's only half a year before Lu Lu Xiu's listing. It's normal to do publicity at this time.

"Senxia Jun, is the list of materials ready? I'm going to distribute the materials now. " Lihua saw Sen Xia coming, so she asked.

"Almost." Senxia looked at Lihua, "but I think the most important thing now is lunch, chairman Lihua. Why don't we go to dinner first?"

"Ah?" Lihua was still very angry, but after hearing senxia's words, she turned red and her tone changed.

"Well, it's almost time for us to have dinner! Don't be idle Senxia smiles. After speaking, senxia and Nanai walk towards the door together. Lihua thinks for a while, and finally follows senxia


Today's update.

Sleepy, fatego national clothes are coming again, liver is going to explode (to be continued. )

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