Even in the game of gentlemen, ghost crying street belongs to an evil game.

According to ASO Kojiro's understanding, although this game is a gentleman's game, it is not a pure love game in the traditional sense.

With the more fashionable words on the network now, this is a very "black" game.

Mr. ASO doesn't care whether he is exposed or not. However, when he wants to play a game, he is still much more interesting than others. Therefore, when he is not exposed, he will try his best to avoid being exposed.

Mr. Aso has a network at home, but his home network speed is not very fast, so what he bought is the physical version.

The price of the physical version is more expensive than that of the online version, but loyal fans usually choose to purchase the physical version for collection.

In particular, DW's packaging is very beautiful.

The version purchased by Mr. Aso is a "limited edition of the first time" with a set-up version.

Originally, it is no longer possible to buy the first limited edition, but the shop owner specially retained several sets of the first back limited edition, so ASO increased the price to buy it.

There is no other reason, because at the beginning of the preface, it is about the story of brother and sister.

If Mr. ASO had played with the original ghost street, he would have known that the street of ghost cry in this world has already made a significant difference.

In the preface, Xu yuanxuan uses a special perspective, which is the perspective of the heroine Kong Ruili.

- this move was added by Lao Xu after listening to naisu and Wu Nei's suggestions.

Oh, by the way, the people in ghost cry Street are almost completely different from the original one. Moreover, the most thoroughly removed part is the content of the original version with dense phobia.

At the beginning, Lao Xu slowly showed the whole world in front of the players by describing Kong Ruili's perspective.

This world tells the story of a big eastern country in the future.

The background of the story is set in the magic capital of an oriental country. Human beings combine the knowledge of Biochemistry with the martial arts inherited from ancient times, and jointly build a martial arts system of the new era.

Mr. ASO didn't know the story of the next door house in detail, but the background of the story undoubtedly made him interested in the next door.

After understanding the concept of martial arts and martial arts, the background of the whole story becomes much easier to understand.

Although they are all works of xuyuanxuan, different life experiences build different people. Although they are all xuyuanxuan, their different life experiences make him play different games when he is a ghost crying street.

Even players who have played two worlds of ghost crying Street will probably feel that they are all games of Laoxu style, but the style of them is totally different.

The preface tells the story of the two brothers and sisters, and builds a peaceful and beautiful life for the brothers and sisters of the Kong family.

However, just as ASO was immersed in this wonderful story, he found that the tone of the whole story began to change gradually.

The whole story gradually began to become dark and depressing, especially at the end, when the hero's good friend, Kong Ruili's childhood sweetheart Liu Haojun, began to stand on the opposite side of Kong taoluo, the whole story had a strong change.

At this time, the part of the preface suddenly stopped. After ASO played the preface, he still had a wonderful feeling that he had not recalled it.

At the end of the prologue, the soothing music sounds again slowly. At this time, the whole picture changes again, and the start interface finally appears in the screen.

What appears in the background of the picture is a beautiful picture scroll standing under the tree with her brother Kong taoluo. Kong Ruili looks at her brother with a happy smile on her face.

Just to see this picture, just to see Kong Ruili's smile, Aso Kojiro has a feeling that he will be intoxicated.

Without hesitation, Kojiro ASO immediately started the game.

After entering the positive film, the perspective of the story finally shifted from sister Kong Ruili to brother Kong taoluo.

From the perspective of kongtoro, Aso has a feeling of empathy.

However, after playing the game for some time, Mr Aso realized that there seemed to be something wrong.

Although we know what happened at the end of the prologue, it is not shown in the script at the beginning of the main film.

But at this time, her sister Kong Ruili did not appear, which let ASO Kojiro's heart have an ominous premonition.

Soon, however, Mr Aso learned part of the truth. Her favorite sister Kong Lili was killed by Liu Haojun!

Just after seeing this news, Aso's eyes were unbelievable. In the plot, Liu Haojun's love for Kong Ruili is no less than Kong taoluo, who is his brother. But why did Liu Haojun kill his beloved Kong Ruili?As the story goes on, Aso Kojiro also realizes that Kong Ruili is not really dead, but her soul is divided into five equal parts, and she has hope of resurrection.

After knowing the news, Mr. ASO was relieved.

However, when ASO Kojiro learned that the five souls of his sister Kong Ruili were stuffed into the doll, and then Liu Haojun gave them to other gang leaders as dolls, he was immediately angry.

Lying trough, this can be tolerated?!

Almost in an instant, the anger in Aso's heart burst out.

In the preface, the relationship between the three people is rendered as if it is in a fairy tale. However, after entering the preface, the whole rhythm begins to turn sharply. Although the preface describes it, in the end, this feeling makes Masao koji very unhappy.

What's more, what makes Junichiro ASO feel incredible is that Liu Haojun has so many fans on the forum. At first, he thought that the role itself was a popular role that could pay for the protagonist. However, after playing the game, he didn't understand how such a person could attract so many fans?

Is there something else in this?

Aso Kojiro thinks this reason should be reliable.

Because he couldn't understand why Liu Haojun, who has always loved his sister Kong Ruili, killed his sister? He's not a character who will hate because of love.

And the only explanation for this is that Liu Haojun has always endured humiliation. In the end, this role will be washed away.

With this mentality, Aso Kojiro began to continue the game.

There are a lot of other routes in the game, but ASO Shigeru avoids those of other female characters. He even looks at the option strategy and directly chooses to take the younger line.

When ASO Kojiro knew that the murderer of his sister Kong Ruili was going to Liu Haojun, he was all Smecta.

This story is not right!

It's not the routine!


3K ~ this is the update of 3K ~

there will be surprise 233 ~ (to be continued. )

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