Just as naisu and Wunei knock on the door of Tianhai home, sister Yi Ji is preparing to start cooking, while Sen Xia continues to happily open her brain hole, ready to improve the follow-up plot.

"Excuse me, Mr. shawson."

After they entered the senxia family, they realized that their visit was too abrupt.

After Sen Xia opened the door, the two men who realized this were both timid and embarrassed.

"Well, nothing. I have nothing to do now."

After all, today is a day for rest. Although it is a graduate, Sen Xia's life is not slow.

It was an unexpected thing that Wu Nai and Nai Shu came to visit at this time. However, senxia didn't think it was wrong. On the contrary, the incident itself made senxia feel very interesting.

"Tea, please." Senxia gave the green tea to them.

"Thank you." They took the green tea and then sat on the table. They didn't know what to say when they looked at me and I looked at you.

Although the two had already said the problem at the beginning, they were embarrassed when they came here.

“…… Is there anything you want to ask? "

Although Sen Xia didn't know what the two men were doing at first, judging from the appearance of their sudden visit, they certainly didn't come to visit Sen Xia, and their present appearance illustrates this point.

Naisu and Takeuchi have been throwing eyes at each other, but neither of them understands the meaning of the other.

Finally, it was Takeuchi.

"Well, our monthly club is preparing to start making new games recently." He said.

"Oh, that's very good. I support you. It's almost time for Yueji's fandis to start preparing."

According to Mori Xia, there are many interesting things on Yueji, and the "Yueji fighting" is actually quite influential.

But at this time, Wunei said, "we have already made a decision about fanidis, but the game we are talking about is not Yueji."


What kind of games did you make after Yue Ji?

…… Y_ night?!

Mori immediately thought of the game that left the most brilliant results in the GALGAME industry.

After making Yueji, they really made such a game. Yes.

But senxia didn't expect that they started making this game so soon?!

If Mori remembers correctly, the game should have been launched in 2004, and now it is in 1999. If it was launched in 2001, it would have been three years earlier than history.

After knowing this matter, although Sen Xia was very happy, on the other hand, she was worried.

Naissu mushroom and Wu Nai Chung both made this game three years earlier than in history. Will the script and human settings of the game change?

It's OK to say that the quality has improved, but if the quality has deteriorated, let alone that the yuechefs have to tear up time and space to find senxia PK. As one of the "moon cooks", senxia himself can not accept the result.

However, Wu Nai Chong did not finish his words. At this time, he continued: "I discussed with naisu before. We want to take this opportunity to commercialize the moon club, and then make this game our first commercial game."

"Oh, well, I don't think it's a problem." Senxia has no problem with this issue, because the "future" type moon society started to commercialize when making the game of fat. Since naisu and Takeuchi have made the game ahead of time, the commercialization of model month will certainly be advanced.

"But we don't have much experience in commercialization, so we want to ask Mr. shawson..."

In the eyes of Wunei, this is a very cheeky request. Originally, if he came to visit, he should at least bring some gifts. To ask such a crucial question, bring a watermelon, it is not enough. At least prepare a melon. Well, yes, melon is a very valuable gift.

One of the reasons why Wunei and naisu felt embarrassed at the beginning was that they had completely forgotten this basic etiquette after being overwhelmed by blood.

However, senxia didn't care about it. He regarded everyone as friends, so she was quite casual: "well, there's nothing special about it. I'm sorry to say that, because we were able to set up the company at that time, it was entirely because Qianjia had sold the house. "

After all, it was the house in Tokyo, and the price of an apartment made it possible for the then ani fan club to maintain normal operation.

But after hearing Mori's words, Takeuchi and naisu were all silly. They didn't have a big house in Tokyo to sell.“…… Well, Mr. Xia and Mr. Xiasen, have you ever considered looking for investors? "

Nai Su often calls senxia "teacher Xiasen". Although Wunei sometimes calls senxia that way, sometimes he also calls "senxia". However, at this time, Wunei is obviously a little uneasy.

Senxia shook her head, and then said, "well, we are high school students after all. High school students start a company or something. It sounds like an unreliable thing? Moreover, even if there were investors, we probably didn't want them at that time, because ani fans are our own. Of course, we didn't mean to let other people interfere with ani fans. "

The introduction of investors can make it easy for the club to start a business, but it's just that. In many cases, investors will also affect the company's strategy. Even if it doesn't, it's uncomfortable for others to mix in their own words.

If a large-scale joint-stock company has shareholders and investors, of course, there is no problem. But senxia wants to get it, but this is not the case. Ani fans themselves are not traditional big companies, although senxia really wants to do everything.

"Ah, my own club, it's really good. At that time, I could play games whenever I wanted to, and write novels whenever I wanted to..."

Naisu felt that senxia's idea was in line with his own mind.

However, after naisu had just finished this sentence, he heard the announcement of Wu Nei Chong, who was full of cold and dark terror: "if you dare to be lazy, every day you are lazy, I will break your game board."

"Hi! I promise to work hard every day and finish the script every day after I have the club! "

After hearing this sentence, Nai Su instantly seemed to be a different person, and then sat up seriously.

Senxia glances at naisu.

It seems that naisu really likes playing games


Wu Nei was embarrassed and said to Sen Xia, "how do you think our model month should be done, senxia Jun?"

"This one..."

Senxia took a sip of green tea and thought.

Type month, or "type on", is the brand of model month.

This club, in the future, is actually the brand name used by Japan's game publisher limited Club notes in issuing adult games.

The person in charge of the notes club is Wu Nai Chong himself. As for the name of the club, it is derived from Nai Su mushroom's "notes.".

In the cognition of moon kitchen, generally speaking, "ノーツ = type on" is a fixed concept.

In 2003, after the release of "moon box" in the name of the same person, type "on" was officially dissolved. Since then, type "on" has become the brand name of limited club.

However, in fact, the main personnel of the Xingyue society have not changed, so we still call it "type ontype on". A big eastern country also calls them "type moon". As for the genuine brand of "Shiyue", few people know about it.

One of the most important reasons why type on is commercialized is to make fat. It can even be said that the type moon club itself is commercialized for making fat.

But for more specific information, how many investors were there at that time, and what was the registered capital at that time This kind of thing, senxia really did not go to check, after all, even true moon kitchen, also very difficult to care about this aspect of the problem.

Oh, wait a minute.

At this time, senxia suddenly thought of a very delicate place.

Don't you worry about something wrong with the moon?

Well, we just need to find a way to make the trouble within the scope of correction, which is good!

Therefore, senxia said: "if you want to commercialize, ani fans can invest in you. Moreover, I am also very interested in the game of model month. Personally, I would like to cooperate with you..."

Well, that's right. Senxia's strategy is to get himself in, so as to ensure that nothing goes wrong at that time!

"Ah, does Mr. shawson want to join us? That's great! "

As soon as I heard Mori say she was going to come in, Nai Shu, as a fan, immediately lit up her eyes.

As a homestead man who can raise his own idol and also provide for people to travel around the world, when he heard senxia say that he wanted to join, he almost wanted to jump.

"Cough, don't worry." Mori immediately waved her hand, "I want to ask you, naissung, wuneisang, Yueji's may line and fandis are doing

One of Sen Xia's complaints is Yue Ji's may route to the bow tomb. The story of Sen Xia's family has nothing to do with the story, so the may line is more important at this time.Hello, that mushroom over there. Why do you look up at the sky after hearing my question!

Why do you look over at that bamboo house over there!

After seeing the expressions of the two people, Mori instantly turned black.

Well, it's not just Nai su. Although Wu Nei has been urging Nai Su, he himself is also the king of the draft

"Cough..." Maybe it was senxia's blazing eyes that made Nai Shu feel embarrassed. He said, "well, I have a novel called" the realm of the sky ". Before that, I had been inspired and couldn't stop writing this story So So... "

So, there is no may line.


What's the reason for his meowing!

Senxia lifted the table.

"Are you really writing about emptiness?" Senxia squints at Nai Shu.

"Hi, hi, hi! Really? It's true! Would you like to read my book, Mr. shawson? " Naissu asked immediately.

“…… Well, forget it. "

Although I really want to denounce Nai Shu, if Nai Shu mushroom is really writing the realm of emptiness, senxia really has no reason to despise, because senxia also likes the realm of emptiness.

There is no way. Senxia likes most of the works written by Nai Shu. If Nai Shu says that he is playing games or making other excuses, of course, senxia can't help it. But when he says that he is writing the realm of emptiness, senxia is really dumbfounded.

"Well It's good to write this novel well. " Sen Xia shrugged, "but may line, what are you going to do?"

"We're going to make mayline first, then fandis, and then we're going to start making new games." He said.

"Well, that's fine."

If we start now, moriha thinks that with a little time for naisu and Takeuchi, they should be able to make some very good things.

Well, there should be no problem.

After all, with the help of Sen Xia, the progress and manpower of the model moon club at this time are stronger and more advanced than when they made Yueji in "history". So after that, they should still have enough time to make the may line.

This one should be stable.

Wu Nai is not a person who doesn't know the trade at all. He has always been a member of the industry. So after finishing his own plan, he asked Sen Xia some more targeted questions.

After all, model month is about to set up a business association. Mori certainly knows everything at this time. As long as fat can produce safely and smoothly, this is better than anything else.

"Yo Xi, next, let's talk to Mr. shawson about our new game idea." After finishing the story about business, naisu was ready to tell Mori about his new game, which is the first commercial game to be produced by model month


Today's gymnastics ~

I have a quilt king, but I choose to practice black hairless Dumbo doesn't understand people's heart

Two in one chapter ~ (to be continued. )

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