After persuading xuenai not to mess, Sen Xia was relieved.

If it's not adopted, it's OK. If the script is approved, xuenai will definitely ask senxia's character to wear that kind of "iron underpants".

Although wearing this thing is the character in their own game, but this role wearing such clothing, always let Sen Xia have a kind of illusion of empathy.

After all, this role is made by Sen Xia according to the options. This sense of substitution is really good. What's more, there are so many sister papers in the plot, and there is a sister full of integrity. This interesting feeling makes senxia feel very good.

But the problem is also in this place.

Good things are good, but when they are bad, things get bad.

If senxia is a character who plays a gentleman's plot, it doesn't matter what he does, but this role is made by senxia and xuenai. He is born with a talent of integrity, so he can't mess around.

After trying to persuade xuenai not to do such a thing, the matter was exposed for the time being. Seeing xuenai's indignant appearance, it seemed that she did not want to continue playing the game for a short time.

"Anyway, in the future, I can get a character to play this and that story..."

Senxia is still very interested in the content written by the second generation Mu teacher, so at this time, Sen Xia also wants to try the plot of the second generation Mu teacher.

Part of the stories written by the second generation of Mu teachers are general-purpose stories, which are the plots that all players can combine randomly. For example, the childhood sweethearts in reverse, such as the dust girl in red light street.

This part of the plot random combination, in fact, is very interesting, each game, can let players get a different game experience.

But this method is not without defects.

Because if the plot is randomly combined, some contents must be generalized. Too much modification and features will cause ambiguity and contradiction in the description of the story itself.

Therefore, such plot weight is not enough.

But this is not a problem, because the main part of the second generation is actually some special plots.

In the game world, for example, there is a hypnotic city.

This hypnotic City, under normal circumstances, players will not find abnormal, they will only think that this is an ordinary city with serious identity verification.

However, players can take on a mission in ESU.

This task is limited to women, and the object of the task is a hypnotist.

The magic city of Izu is a very important point in the game. In the game, the magic city is almost equivalent to the magicians of New York and Harvard. As long as they are engaged in magic related professions, including magicians, warlocks, magic swordsmen, etc., generally speaking, they can not avoid the plot related to Izu, so this plot is not very difficult to trigger.

Hypnotist this task, players have several ways to complete and the outcome.

One is that the player receives a task from the guard, and then goes to the hypnotist to collect evidence. As long as the player catches the opponent, the task can be completed - although the hypnotist will eventually escape. In this mode, players will get special equipment and magic props awarded by ESU. In this mode, although players will be hypnotized, but there is a way to extricate themselves, which is an orthodox line.

The second route is to receive the task, and then do the task all the way, but deliberately don't expose the other party. At this time, players will fall into hypnosis and cannot extricate themselves, and then be sent to the hypnotic city.

The third route is that after receiving the task, the player who is found by the other party and hypnotized will be treated as double-sided spies. After the hypnotist is rescued, he will be brought into the hypnotic city.

The fourth route is that the player does not follow the route of the guard team, but takes the route of the opposite party's students, and then is hypnotized in the name of "teaching hypnosis", and finally sent to the hypnotic city.

The fifth route, players need to stay around each other, and then hypnotists will hypnotize players through events.

Among these five routes, as long as you don't die, players can finally get out of this hypnotic state.

But, gentlemen's game, what we need is a big death?

Therefore, players deliberately let their characters be hypnotized, it will happen very interesting things.

After entering the hypnotic City, the player will turn on the reputation of the hypnotic City, and then the player can exchange various options to enhance the work efficiency, and can also replace their own common sense.

And in this, players also have a way to save themselves from the hypnotic state. Of course, players who like to die can also let their hypnotic personality cover their personality and become someone who can do things like this and that.

Although it sounds complicated, in fact, these plot lines are actually the same way.

In any case, the hypnotist will eventually be "someone" to see through, and then put into prison, and finally use the inside to escape.Among them, the player of the first route is the one who catches the other party, while the player of the third route is the one who saves the hypnotist. The other three types of players are victims. In terms of the plot itself, there will be no change due to different routes. Once this series of tasks is completed, the hypnotist will disappear from ESU and appear in the hypnotic city.

However, the plot is very intriguing.

However, this is only a common script written by the second generation of Mu teachers.

Senxia's favorite is the script that sneaks into a magic school. This task is only for boys. It requires players to sneak into school disguised as women. This play is similar to the magic version of a girl falling in love with her sister. It is also a script that the second generation of Mu teachers pay tribute to teacher shawson. But in this script, the player's male identity may be discovered and threatened by different people, and then do things like this and that, and the plot is quite good.

Senxia didn't play these scripts, but she had seen the original scripts of these parts, so she still knew the plot. After integrating the script, the whole plot will become a very memorable and interesting story.

"Well, Sonia, I have something I want to talk to you about." The snow over there is indignant and indignant to leave, Qianjia sits by the side of Sen Xia.

"What?" Senxia creates a sister paper role to play the gentlemanly plot while listening to Qian Jia.

"It's about our" beautiful new world "and the previous" hero track "- Sega hopes that we can get these two games on DC, and then launch them in the United States. I just heard Dad's phone call and came here."

Qianjia did not have a hot spring, but because of some unexpected situation.

Originally this matter, is not so fast to Sen Xia's side, but Qianjia "someone from the top", so got the internal information in advance.

“…… What? "

But after hearing Qian Jia's words, Sen Xia looks confused.

What the hell is this?

"Our two games, one is gentleman's game and the other is MoBa online game. Can we really get DC?"

Senxia was shocked.

"Ah, that's what I said, but Sega seems to think that the network function of our game is great, so I want to take it up." Qianjia shrugged his shoulders and said, "well, you know how popular our hero track is, and how much attention has been paid to beautiful new world in the industry..."


Senxia had a feeling that she didn't know how to explain it.

Although senxia has excellent vision, but in these two games, senxia really looked away.

For a time, Sen Xia once thought that the game's audience was just like that. His expectation was not even as big as "plants fall in love with zombies", but the game was just on fire.

Later, after seeing the situation on the network, Sen Xia suddenly realized that what this game solves is not whether it is good or not, but whether there is a problem.

In this year, the number of Internet Games itself is very small, and there are basically no high-intensity online games against the category. Although there is a StarCraft game, StarCraft is not as professional as senxia. People's network functions are mainly based on LAN, and the functions of the Internet can only be said to be relatively small. It's not like senxia's side, it's ladder, it's matching, and there's skin. There's a variety of ways to play, and there's no money!

In short, this era is an era of Internet games, as long as there is a good game to meet the needs of players, that is enough.

Players don't know what MoBa is, and they don't care about Wow - because these games don't exist.

They only know that the game is fierce enough, the picture is good enough, and it is an Internet game that can interact with other people. That's enough.

It can be said that in this regard, Mori has really inadvertently changed the Internet trend of the whole world.

As for the beautiful new world

"Wait, why is there a beautiful new world?" Sen Xia looked down at her computer screen.

"You haven't seen our email lately, have you?" Qianjia sits down, and her bathrobe is also pulled open, but Qianjia doesn't seem to notice this. She took Sonia's Notebook - xuenai had taken the one she had brought - and opened the mailbox.

"I really didn't read it. There's a lot of things going on at school recently..." No way, after all, senior three, there are some things, senxia really do not have the energy to manage.

After opening the mailbox, senxia found a very delicate place.


In the mailbox, there are many messages from other manufacturers.

"The club was also contacted a few days ago. After the trial version of" beautiful new world "was released, there were a lot of people and clubs paying attention to the game."elf、soft、active……

Most of the clubs that pay attention to this game, or in other words, most of them are clubs that do 18x games.

They are very interested in what senxia is doing here, and they also want to discuss the future of the game with senxia

"Wait a minute, we do this game is not a small number of online games, they come to join in the fun? We don't have CG drawing background... "

This is just a simple online game, niche, and still 18x.

"Because it's a word game, and it's still 18x."

Sonia patted her head.

In order to go to Dongda with xuenai next year, Sen Xia reviewed the high school curriculum during this period, and didn't really care about other things.

Now think about it, this game of their own, it seems that it can be called the world's first gentleman to the online game.

"In a sense, we can really be regarded as..."

The definition of the word game has never been a word game, but words are indeed a good carrier. If Sen Xia insists on saying that his game is, it is in fact justifiable.

Qianjia sighed. She knew that senxia's energy was not in this area recently. She had to explain to senxia: "on our mityin platform, the sales of old games in these clubs are very good, and the sales cycle is only two weeks different from that when the entity is put on sale. On the Internet, the sales volume is maintained for a longer time, and as long as we discount and do activities, the sales volume can increase Add a wave, so when we make the "niche game" you call it, everyone's attention is actually very high. "

To put it simply, other clubs, because they have tasted the sweetness before, are also paying close attention to the new things made by senxia at this time.

It has never been a platform for players to communicate with each other, but they seem to think that online games and integration seem to be very interesting

Don't say, as far as Sen Xia knows, they do have similar things, and they are quite angry.

The most famous 18x series of online games, of course, is Shenji.

"Come on, put on this green hat, we are brothers" - this famous line, is from this game.

In addition, there was a famous game called Beng 3 in a big oriental country. I wanted to introduce the green hat system to death. I don't know if it was stimulated by Shenji's game

Except for Shenji, it's similar to black_ Lilith produced on the magic tolerance of this game, there is also a network version.

"I think hang, in Japan, people prefer the plot. This kind of online game that needs interaction is destined to be a minority. At most, they make online games that are constantly updated. " Senxia finally gave her opinion.

No way. It's OK to change to other countries. Japan is a place I can't.

After that, senxia's role has been established, and he happily begins his journey to death


Update at noon ~

baa, ask for a subscription ~ ovo

two in one. I am very busy and have a little heart pain. This afternoon, I will explode liver and have a good rest in the evening. (to be continued. )

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