On the other side, Nai Shu and Wu Nei Zheng mingled with Lao Xu when Sen Xia taught Li Nai the experience of getting along with his sister.

Because of the relationship of work, the recent contact between several people is not much, but this does not prevent them from having a good time.

Since April, the sales of Yueji have stagnated, not because Yueji is no longer popular, but because the players of the game are saturated. Therefore, there are still many people discussing the game on the Internet and offline.

On the other hand, Lao Xu's recent works have also triggered a great discussion among players. Unfortunately, Lao Xu didn't have the same leisure time as Nai Su mushroom to read those online reviews. In fact, Lao Xu recently led people to do "beautiful new world", which made his head grow.

At this time, Lao Xu complained with naissu Takeuchi: "this kind of non-linear story is really hard to do. If it goes on according to the story flow, it can be very interesting, but it can be divided into parts, and then can be connected and combined at will. This feeling is really headache."

"But it's also fun. I've never played this game before."

Well, in the test phase, Nai had played the game. In the game, his role was a student sister named "muyezi".

Naisu has no need for 18x, he is more interested in stories.

And it turns out that although it's a very random game, if you can sort out the stories, it's very interesting.

"Well, I sometimes play this game myself. In the game, I have a feeling of running around. It's really good." Lao Xu himself sometimes plays this game. Although it's all words, it's really interesting when he encounters an event.

Several people were in the back row of the sacrificial stage at this time, because although they had the intention, they could not see the snow Nai dance there.

At this time, naisu thought of something: "ah, by the way, I remember that there was a guy named fake cat on the forum. When he played games, he posted his war report to the forum. It was really similar to the running group."

Speaking of it, senxia borrowed the engine of semi-finished running troupe made by her relatives. If you want to say that, there are some similarities between senxia and daituan.

And naisu said that the person who uses "fake cat" as his ID is also a celebrity on the forum.

"Ah, I wish I had heard about it. That man is very interesting." Lao Xu also thought of this man.

This "fake cat" started playing the game and said that his war report was posted on the forum. Because it was like a novel, it was very popular.

The fake cat chooses a male character, and the character he controls is hired as a teacher for his daughter because he saves the relationship with a king.

And this fake cat is a very troublemaker.

When he was a tutor for the princess, the guy put the princess in the right place.

However, it was not enough after pushing down the princess. This guy hit the snake with the pole, and all of a sudden he put the queen, concubine and other characters under his body, and wore a big green coat to the king.

It's not over, and the guy is aiming at the holy woman of the Vatican again, and is going to take it down - and even more outrageously, he actually succeeded.

Do you think it's over?

Pattern! Tucson!

The fake cat continued his efforts. This time, he extended the hunting scope to the whole aristocratic ladies. The daughters and wives of the ministers and nobles were pushed down by the fake cats.

In the game, the fake cat completed the achievement of wearing a green hat to a country in one breath.

It's not over.

At this time, the fake cat did something even more ridiculous. He actually tied up the king, and then in front of the king, passed these women one by one, and the king had some strange interests.

At first, the fake cat thought it was very interesting, but after playing too much, he found that there was a man mixed up here, which was really a bit of an eyesore. Then the guy turned the king into a mother and took it away

Although it is a very small country, it can achieve the feat of overthrowing a country in just a few months, which is really no one.

"Playing games like a fake cat is what our players should do Naisu sighed.

"Don't you say you don't like this kind of casual story?" One thing came to mind.

"Ah? It's not like that, "Nai Shu shook his head." although I don't like this kind of brainless script very much, isn't this kind of story very interesting? If our game can do the same... "

“…… Never! " Laoxu was scared and stopped, "this is a special case. When you play games, don't do it like this!"

Lao Xu knows that Nai Shu's strength lies in making stories. Now, in this beautiful new world, Lao Xu is very hard to make, let alone neshu.I don't know how long the work here has been delayed. Now naisu has no time to wander around Although this guy is really hanging out now.

"Ah? But this work of Mr. shawson is very interesting Ah, if you can live with Qingzi, it will be a great thing indeed... " Naisu's brain appeared with his wife Qingzi when together with the picture.

The man next to him shook his head.

Naisu's "wife" is named cangqi Qingzi. It comes from the "night of magic envoy" that naisu has not yet taken out.

Every time I see naisu talking about his wife here, Wunei wants to sigh.

You say, this good person, why should the character in the novel be his wife?

It's so nice to be like me. My wife, I'll draw it by myself!

Recently, the so-called Wu Wang's female characters have been very popular

Two people here indulge in the second dimension, at a loss, next to the old Xu, the heart is thinking of the matter.

The relationship between Xingyue and the DW community of Laoxu is not behind us. However, after preparing for commercialization, Sen Xia felt that it would be a good thing for both sides to cooperate with each other, and then conveyed the matter to Lao Xu and Wu Nei.

After all, animic's main focus now is not on the text AVG. Mori aims at GALGAME, which is the real-time performance type. That kind of real-time calculation film is Mori's pursuit.

On the contrary, most of the work of DW society is based on words. If you need any kind of manpower for this month, you can also help.

Mori likes fat series produced by the moon club. Unfortunately, in the original version, fat only has saber altoria, yuanbanlin and Jian Tongying. However, due to the lack of time, Elia's route in their original plan was simply omitted. As for the r-sister route of rider Medusa and the c-route of caster Medusa, there is only a shadow, or even no shadow. It is a brain hole that has not been developed

In the past, these routes of fat didn't come out because of the lack of time. But this time, with the help of Lao Xu, Sen Xia thinks that there should be a high probability that model month can create the following routes.

Think about it. Five routes, fat / stay_ Night, it's just sensational

Sen Xia thinks that as a month's kitchen, he can cook to this state. He is really a wonderful fan.

Of course, senxia is not selfless.

Fat series will produce many works in the future. It can even be said that fat is another series that can continuously derive new works after GAODA series.

If it is replaced by a future word, it will be "big IP". Fat series "IP value" is very high, can derive many derivative works.

Can't catch up with GAODA and EVA, can't you miss fat series?

And more importantly, mushrooms as fat authors.

What is the most important in the 21st century?


Naisu mushroom's works have a certain influence in the residential circle.

Although in other aspects, naisu can not even talk about "popularity", but in the residential circle, fat series, Yueji series and so on, are very well-known things. Senxia, as a gentleman, is the first group to win over.

At this moment, naisu didn't think that Mori had such an idea. At this time, naisu was still thinking, is there a way to make fat series into the same game as "beautiful new world"?

But fortunately, Lao Xu didn't let Nai open his brain hole here.

After analyzing the pros and cons, naisu mushroom also realized that if you scribble casually, the final result is certainly not very good.

"Well, it seems that it can only be so now." At this time, naisu can only regret to shake his head, he really can not write "beautiful new world" such a complex story relationship.

It's not just a linear relationship, it's a whole story arrangement.

If the general story route is found to be in the order of 1 → 2 → 3 → 4 → 5, then in GALGAME, many routes are 1 → 3 → 4 → 2 → 5 or 1 → 3 → 6 → 7 → 5.

But "beautiful new world" is not only such a simple arrangement and combination. In the text of the story, according to the variables selected by players before, even if it is the same route and the same story, it may eventually be a completely different chapter, and this small variable is likely to lead the ending of the story to another route.

In addition, it is also possible for players to be willful and unusual. Therefore, in beautiful new world, the development of the story may be as follows: 1 → a → C → 2 → 5, or 1 → 5 directly.Of course, although it is more complicated than the ordinary word adventure, its own mechanism is not too strange. However, if this kind of thing is made, it still wants to look good, which will test the skill of the writer.

Nai's style of writing is very strong, because of his special writing techniques, in his works, there will be a unique "Nai Shu knot", which has been talked about with great interest.

However, the development of stories similar to the beautiful new world is not suitable for naisu to display his own writing characteristics.

Finally, naisu can only choose to give up.

"By the way, I heard that animic's current works will be made on Sega's home computers?"

After naisu finished speaking, Wu Nei also raised a question.

"Ah, yes." Laoxu nodded, "well, although it is true that the degree of freedom in developing games on PC is greater, we have to admit that the profit of home computer is really higher than that of PC!"

Lao Xu sighed here.

He read the financial report.

Although the secret silver platform is so popular on the Internet, because of the limited base, the total amount is not very large.

On the contrary, the home computer platform that senxia despises most brings the biggest profit here.

"Are you ready to develop your new game on DC?" Lao Xu asked.

Wunei nodded: "that's about it. I'm thinking about what to do. Although Mr. shawson has prepared enough development budget for us, he can't rule out the possibility of problems in the game... "

In the GALGAME industry, it is absolutely normal to go on the streets and die violently.

Although Sen Xia has given enough budget, Wu Nai Chong is also going to be the president. Whether it is the cost or the budget, Wu Nei Chong has to control it.

Although Yueji is successful, Wunei can't rule out the possibility of fat failure. If she uses the budget without restriction and finally makes a dregs, Wunei will probably buy a piece of tofu to kill her.

"However, if it is developed on the home computer, a lot of content in the game can't be presented to everyone, right?" But at this time, Nai Su suddenly raised an objection, "is this OK?"

Because of the need for various kinds of auditing, it is not so simple for a game to land on the home computer. Especially for those small butter manufacturers, such as elf, if they want to develop games on the home computer, they have to give themselves a knife and force their game to become an all age group.

However, in naisu's view, such an approach is undoubtedly a compromise. What he wants to present on his side can not be presented to everyone.

"Well It's really a problem... " Laoxu thought it was true. At this time, the crowd began to disperse. He suggested, "why don't we go to see Mr. Xiasen now?"


Today's two in one is another day two in one, orz

(to be continued. )

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