The transfer of students caused some small commotion in senxia's class.

However, everyone played and played, and after that, everything returned to normal. However, in Mori's class, there was a beautiful scenery.

Sure enough, it's interesting to have a girl or something.

“…… Whoa

When the class was finally over, Mori felt much more relaxed.

Because the relationship between senxia and the new transfer students seems to know each other before, it makes everyone focus on Sen Xia.

It's quite uncomfortable to be watched all the way for a long time.

"Senxia Jun, this way!"

Just after class, senxia was stopped by the painting fragrance.

"Well, monitor, what can I do for you?"

Well, at the beginning, the most burning eye was the monitor hulixiang, so when senxia saw lilixiang here, she had a feeling that psychological shadow was about to explode.

"Well, Chao binai has just come to our school, and I'm going to take her around the school." She came to Sen Xia with a smile and said, "if you don't mind, can you come and help me?"

"Cough OK

Can't you, this expression is clearly saying "if you don't agree, I will force you to agree".

So at this time, senxia seemed to have no other way but to promise

Well, after all, Chaoyan is also looking at himself with expectant eyes.

Introducing the school to the transferred students seems to be a "reserved program" that often appears in animation. However, Sen Xia wanwan didn't expect that he would also be showdown.

Of course, senxia is not alone on his own. He is actually with Erika.

“…… I see. You and Chaoyan met a few days ago... "

After senxia explained the origin of the matter clearly, she was obviously relieved.

In addition, she seems to have become a lot more friendly.

"But Sen Xiajun is really a good man. It's just the first time I met, but I still brought my classmates to school." in the words of hulixiang, it seemed that she meant something.

"All said, it's just on the way. Besides, we didn't come to introduce the school to Zhaoyan. Now, don't discuss my affairs!"

Senxia felt that this strange issue should not be discussed at this time.

At this time, can't we say something with integrity?

“…… But Chao Yan seems to be familiar with our school? " Erika changed a topic.

It's clearly in the school, but when Chaoyan walks with Sen Xia, she doesn't seem to have any hesitation. Besides, she looks very brisk when she walks, which seems to be right here Really familiar?

"I have seen the map of the school. I am very interested in the new school, so I have written down all the roads above." Face smile.

Although she was called by her name, she didn't feel anything wrong. In fact, it was Zhaoyan's own request.

Because of the relationship between calling each other's name, the relationship between hulixiang and Zhaoyan, the speed of warming up is also very fast. After meeting each other for less than half a day, they can walk together with a smile, which is like a good relationship.

"Well, what's the matter, senxia Jun?" Zhaoyan noticed that the senxia side has been looking at his side, so he changed to look at the senxia side.

"Ah, I'm sorry," senxia said apologetically. "I just think that the way you look now, Chaoyan, is different from that when you are in class."

"Well, yes, it seems that the face after class is easier to get close to." Here's hulixiang.

"Maybe it's because I'm not very adaptable to a crowded environment." Face smile.

Is it because of the "that man"?

Sen Xia came to Chao Yan's side: "Chao Yan, do you mind telling me about that person? Although I don't know if I can help, I can't bear to see a girl in such distress! "

If Zhaoyan is troubled by something else, senxia probably won't have such a view, but when she hears "that person", she thinks she can't.

It's hard to bear to see a girl yield to a man because of some kind of pressure!

Well, a man like this kind of animal should be put on women's clothes and be pressed by other strong men!

You know, even among criminals, those who forcibly push down girls are the most despised existence.

"Ah? What's going on? " After that, she heard her words."It's a long story..." Senxia didn't know how to explain it. He found that when he asked about this sentence, he seemed a little too bold. So he was thinking about how he should end up now.

And the face over there was smiling: "well, it's not a big deal, it's just some small arrangements on the family. For me, it's not a matter of embarrassment."

"Is it the family arrangement that your family wants you to do something strange?" Hulixiang also thinks that this is not a very simple thing. It is clear that this is not a suitable day for transferring to another school. However, Chaoyan is transferring to another school at this time. There must be something strange about this. "Is it to send you to the scene and marry you to some hateful guy for political marriage?"

After all, Zhaoyan has a lady like smell. When she sees each other, she naturally has this association.

After hearing hulixiang's words, Chaoyan's figure was obviously stunned.

"Oh, is that really true?"

"What does your family want you to do?" he said

"Well, it's not the same thing." "In fact, to tell the truth, I don't know what he looks like. In fact, my family didn't give me much information."

"Ah!" ×2。

This time, the surprise is not only a person painting Li Xiang, the next to Sen Xia after hearing the news, but also a little surprised and inexplicable.

In Japan, there are many kinds of chaebols and consortia. The "feudal remnants" left behind from the feudal era are very common. Some of them are very rare in other places. In Japan, some of them are basically common sense.

However, the words of Zhaoyan, which let Sen Xia some confused, what is her family thinking, just made such a thing? Obviously, I want to give my daughter to another man, but I don't want my daughter to know what she looks like or who she is. It's knitting!

"Ah, well, that man is the master of our family for generations, and that person is almost our" Lord. " Chao Yan whispered his family background, "but I can't bear to be with a stranger or something

"Ah? Lord Although it is true that there is still such a relationship, generally speaking, in this era, it seems that there are very few such terms and relationships in this era. Even in Japan, this concept is a bit outdated.

However, considering that Chaoyan is from Hokkaido, Sen Xia thinks that the relationship between them seems to be able to make sense. There are still many places in Hokkaido that are relatively primitive and retain a relatively primitive ecology. This possibility still exists. Besides his own family, there are family servants in Qianjia's family!

"But what kind of family is there in Hokkaido?" Senxia thought for a long time. He found that he didn't seem to have heard about other families except his own?

However, the surname "Chao binai" is too common. So Sen Xia didn't think of many clues about this "Chao binai" at this time. Could it be said that Chao binai had a relative named CHO binai Shijiu, and that chaobinai's chaobinai and chaobinai's were both from the future?

What about the chief? Is there any hope in changmen? Where's ah Xu?

make complaints about the water of Tsao Tun, which flooded in the heart of Sam Xia.

"Although the fate has been doomed, but sure enough, I want to live my own life." Chao binai tells his ideal to his face.

This is not a complaint, nor some kind of rebellion or an excuse. Mori thinks that she probably understands the meaning of the face words. She just said it in order to make her heart no longer so miserable.

Zhaoyan is not the kind of person who will spread the secret everywhere, otherwise, her character will not let her keep a polite attitude towards others.

However, she probably really needs to find someone to talk to, so things have become this way.

"So don't you know anything about the person who will affect your life?" Erixiang raised her eyebrows and looked at Sen Xia.

Chao Yan nodded.

"Anyway, monitor, why do you always look at me when you are talking?" Sen Xia looked at the monitor next to him strangely.

Zhaoyan also has a strange look.

However, at this time, the next to hulixiang suddenly chuckled: "ah, La La, that's really a coincidence. Before senxia Jun, she used to snatch marriage for a lovely girl ~"


Chao Yan raised his head and looked at Sen Xia inexplicably


"Achoo --!"

Lihua looked at the document in front of her and sneezed."Although it's summer, you still need to pay attention to your body a little bit. Those who come in and out of the air conditioner are the most likely to catch a cold.

next to Lihua, Qianjia puts the black tea just made on the table.

"Oh, it's just a little itchy on the nose, nothing." Lihua shook her head.

This is the animic club. Although Sen Xia is still in school, she is flirting with other girls But Qianjia and Lihua are sorting out documents and materials at this time.

On the computer in front of the two people, it is a drawing device with 16 colors.

The sensibility and skills of fine arts are very obvious in a 16 color environment. When you tell the newcomer that the painting here is not good, he can immediately understand it; but in the case of multicolor, it is difficult for people without artistic cells to feel the difference. Even if he can feel the difference between the two works, it is difficult for him to understand why the powerful people are powerful and why they can't. Therefore, at this point, it is not good for the development of new people. Therefore, in the current transitional stage, the people on the side of animic will let the new people make a 16 color version first, which is regarded as training and training.

Of course, this is not what Qianjia and Lihua are thinking about. In fact, what they are looking at is the design of the character itself, and the name of the character that has been designed will resound through the gentry world in the future, namely, seven love.

Seven love, the first generation heroine of a hospital sick building series, is almost set as a goddess in this series of works.

If seven setae love is set in elf, then she is likely to become another high-profile painting, not only won't be pushed, but also can influence the protagonist.

But mink has great ideas. The plot of the goddess falling into the world is very attractive. With the heavy taste, the whole picture and plot are very shocking.

As a matter of fact, mink has also succeeded, and their practice has really made qisete love fire - in the "history".

As for Gao Bu's paintings, although they are also liked by many people, we all know that there is a work that stinks, but there are relatively few people who know about it.

"It's almost here." Qian Jia nodded, "the following is fanclub..."

Yes, fanclub. Nowadays, many game companies have to rely on the development of fanclub to attract more attention.

For example, mink, which is now cooperating with animic, also has a club of its own. The first batch of participants have been given a series of commemorative products from Miss candy.

Clubs like Alice and ELF also have their own fanclub.

Although senxia has a website, there is no club.

So at this time, Qianjia thought that they should have it.

"Use the opportunity to make this game..." Her eyes were fixed on the painting of love in front of her eyes.

"Achoo -" Lihua sneezed again.


A single, drawn to the general secretary, the general secretary really love me^_ ^

then I took a look at my good friend, a good friend named General Secretary chongtian, the general secretary of wubaoju. I remember that he also had the king of manbaoju. For the local tyrants and Europeans, I can only say that he knelt down directly

Well, there's a wave of wishes over the weekend. If you get out of the sauce again, you can continue to break out^_ ^(to be continued. )

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