The wisdom of man builds vanity and glory.

Human karma calls for nightmares and demons.

The two relative elements gave birth to a chaotic city - mototai City, Tokyo.

Miasma covers the whole city. In the deep fog, countless tall buildings can be seen. The streets are empty, and the whole city is occupied by tentacles and monsters.

Behind the bustling scene, there is such a distorted landscape, but in the daytime, people are still living as usual. They seem to turn a blind eye to such a distorted scene, and just live as usual

The above is the background of the story that Sen Xia is about to create.

“…… Well, it's a little Crusoe. " Seeing this background, Qian Jia put forward her own opinion, "but I feel that The whole city of Tokyo is crazy? "

"Well, to be precise, it's the distortion of the senses. It's only to be able to see the line-up of the world and see Tokyo wrapped in meat and tentacles."

Yes, in the Sonia version of the story, the whole world has been covered by tentacles and meat, but the distorted people, in this environment, quietly eat meat and drink blood, and then maintain their "daily life".

The source of inspiration is "the song of saya". However, in the song of saya, only the male protagonist Yuki sakazaki has been distorted. However, in moriha's story, the people who have been distorted are the people of the whole city and even the whole world.

The only way to see through the real world is to endure the devil.

In this filthy world, only tolerating the devil is the light of the world.

They are like night watchmen in this desperate world.

"There is no hope in this world. The so-called hope is just an illusion before the arrival of despair; there is no redemption in this world. The so-called redemption is just a joke before the arrival of judgment."

To the devil bear watch the night, overlooking the sun on the horizon.

However, the morning light of the real world will rise, while the morning light of mankind will fall into the night forever.

Just a few words, that world full of despair, has been outlined by Sen Xia.

“…… It's not so much tolerance to the devil as the watchers of the night. "

After listening to Sen Xia's explanation, Qianjia also understood the tone of the whole story.

This is a world of absolute despair.

There is no light, as long as day after day of struggle, year after year of watching.

Senxia told the whole story seriously, and Qianjia's face also showed a thoughtful expression.

Indeed, according to Sen Xia's plan, the whole story is really dignified.

"But in a hopeless world with no hope at all, will players be motivated to play games?"

Qian Jia put forward a view.

"There is no hope in the plot, but that doesn't mean we can't give the players hope!" Senxia smiles. "And, we can make the characters more beautiful..."

Senxia remembers that she has already drawn all the clothes she can remember in the magic tolerance. With the clothes of the city of magic child, she feels that these are very touching.

What's more, senxia can design the monster a little bit darker, and then make the protagonist become a gentleman every time he is killed by the monster, which is more interesting.

In this way, players can play death play in a variety of ways.

In addition, it is not necessarily death in the game. For example, the character is captured by the tentacle and then caught. In this way, there is no death and the players can daydream. This is also a very emotional thing.

People always like to look for the meaning of works in different works.

Looking for life in gentlemanly plays, and looking for celebrities in serious works, not to mention, the dark and deep disability in gentlemen's plays is really attractive, and the gentleman's plot in serious works is also a highlight.

To Malin was originally a very interesting work, but so far, senxia has not even seen a bird's hair, so she doesn't mind fusing it with the soul of darkness and turning it into an interesting story.

"Well, it's a way. Let's do it."

Qian Jia thinks Sen Xia's idea is good.

After a while, they came to senxia's room, and then senxia took out the works she had painted on the devil's tolerance, and said, "I think these are good reference pictures for magic tolerance."

According to Sen Xia's idea, there can be a facial pinching system, and so can men, but we are mainly for the sake of sister paper.

"Well It's very touching. "

Although Qianjia thought that the soul of darkness before was also good, compared with the current gentry works, Sen Xia felt that the version in front of her was also good.

"I prefer this one."Senxia took out a picture. In the picture, it was a girl in a tights.

However, the source of this sister paper is not to bear with the devil, but the role of "Shenshou Qinghua" in the city.

Shenshou Qinghua is definitely a sister paper with feeling. Even Qianjia nodded after seeing it.

Although tights are usually used as the material of "harmony", generally speaking, the paper with tight clothes, especially those with latex color, is actually more sensual than all of them

What's more, the color and bearing are up, but this setting is actually easier to audit.

Don't say in the host, even a big eastern country's audit has given you, believe it or not?

After the DC platform failed to issue 18x, senxia was thinking of various ways to pass the audit.

At this time, senxia noticed a great invention: the tights.

Tights are a great weapon, especially latex tights with special luster.

This kind of latex tights, one does not occupy resources, can show good 3D effect, two do not expose, can praise to pass the audit.

Since it's the history of the near future, Mori thinks that tight clothes like latex tights can exist, and if Ninja What do you wear without tights? When

was preparing to do interactive movies last time, he had make complaints about the performance, but something like latex tights appeared in the magic, which was normal.

"For the long-range, you can use the 3D images that have been rendered to model the close range. In this way, it's almost the same..."

Senxia thought for a while, and found that the performance problem of the system seemed to be well solved.

As long as you don't ask for the screen of the next era, as long as you can reach the image of monster hunter, this is enough. The first version of monster hunter is on the PS2, so in terms of performance, it is not bad.

"Well, good Senxia Jun, you already have an idea

Qian Jia at this time, also will Sen Xia side of the settings are all read once, and then she nodded.

Don't say, the settings senxia made here are really interesting. These character settings and clothing settings are also very interesting.

"Well, it's just a little thought." Senxia shrugged.

I did have ideas before, but senxia didn't think of integrating these brain holes at that time.

Decided not to continue to be a salted fish senxia, this time to get the whole story out.

"What about our story itself?" Sen Xia said that the setting is very good, but what is the story itself like?

"Well, in terms of story flow, it should be an action category game." Senxia muttered.

But how should the plot be designed to be interesting?

Playing with all kinds of incarceration, brain washing and hypnosis as in the original works of demon tolerance, it is definitely not possible.

How to design the plot more conveniently?

Senxia is thinking.

The original work of magic tolerance is a very interesting work, which can't compare with the taste of a hospital, but it's also very heavy. The city of magic child is a world of tentacle play.

How these worlds and stories should be integrated and set is also a topic worth pondering.

The first is target design.

Just as in the spirit of darkness, the ultimate goal of players is to spread fire. In this version designed by mori, what players have to do is the same, but what do players really want to do?

Senxia suddenly thought of the story in the soul of darkness.

"Pandora's box." Senxia suddenly put forward a statement.

"According to legend, Pandora opened the magic box, and then brought pain and injury to human beings. But because of fear, Pandora closed the box. As a result, only the" Hope "in the bottom of the box was not released." It is impossible for Qianjia not to know such a classic link in Greek mythology.

Maybe not everyone likes star Yaya, the holy warrior of Masami Kada, but this work really makes many people pay attention to Greek mythology.

Pandora's box is one of the most famous bridges in Greek mythology.

"- yes, so the ultimate goal of tolerance is to find Pandora's box and open it." Senxia said.

"Well, it's very good, but it's just a goal, isn't it peaceful?" Qian Jia tilted her head.

Sen Xia's statement is very good, but this part of the plot, is not that kind of very interesting thing.

But at this time, senxia said, "but only the light in Pandora's box is the real" Hope "

On hearing this sentence, Qianjia suddenly said, "ah, yes, that's right."yes.

Just like in the soul of darkness, the firewoman foresees the real future, and hides in the world after the fire fighting. The real action of Pandora's box should be: don't open the box.

Yes, although the purpose is Pandora's box, if the box is opened, hope will become a precursor of despair, which is the most terrible thing.

Try to think about it. This kind of scene is very touching.

"The watchman of mankind does not know that Pandora's box, which he has worked so hard to obtain, is actually a dangerous thing that cannot be opened? Well, good setting. " It's just a little bit of a little bit of storytelling, and the feeling of the whole story is quite different from before.

Dark and deep, and full of depth, coupled with some sense of the role settings, the whole story gives people a feeling, suddenly changed.

Qianjia likes this feeling very much.

"What about our story in the end?" Qian Jia asked again.

"In the end, the story is divided into several endings. One is that the player opens Pandora's box, and the world is covered with false wishes - of course, players can't see this. But if the players collect all the props, they will be able to open another ending, that is to seal Pandora's box again, and the world is still painful every day, but there are small changes. Of course, we will not tell the truth in the story, let the players discuss the plot by themselves Ah, by the way, we can also add a bad ending with too high pollution value. Players are blamed by tentacles for falling... "

Well, since it's to bear with evil and fall into the plot, it's absolutely necessary.

Of course, orthodox plot can't come like this, but we can give a bad ending!

A bad ending, a seemingly good ending, and a seemingly general ending.

Of course, the latter two are actually the opposite, but they are not bad.

Three endings, it's like a model.

"However, this is only a preliminary idea, and the plot still needs to be considered and improved." Senxia said, "in addition, there are various settings and so on..."

The original work of magic tolerance is just a gentleman's game. Although the plot is full of feelings, as a gentleman's game, there are no relevant settings in many aspects. Now senxia wants to make a game similar to the spirit of darkness, and there are a lot of things that need to be supplemented.

Well, if you can, senxia thinks that the story may have the same feeling as the original.

But what should be done in this respect?

Senxia is thinking.

Soon, senxia had an idea: since it's not easy to do here, let's give it to the players!

Yes, the idea that moriha thought at this time was to use the method used before, adopt mod mode, and then repeat the old technique.

In other words, it is to continue to use the vest.

What's more, it's not the same as that of LUOQI at that time. Senxia liked the role more and more, and even couldn't bear to let her do things like this or that later. But now this is different from the devil tolerance. The script itself is dark and disabled, so we can not only come here at will, but also come in different ways

Well, I like myself

Senxia has already decided to use the script of tolerance to the devil in the new game


It's a sad story that the design of the young girl's war story has really broken down

Today's update, this is the integrity Let's see if we can have another one in the evening. )

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