Dreamcast's landing in North America has triggered a huge repercussion throughout North America, especially in the United States.


This is what Lynn felt after playing a VR fighter.

Lynn is an international student living in Los Angeles. He is from a big eastern country. He is not very interested in other things in the United States. He is extremely interested in the things related to electronic products. The video games derived from electronic products are also his favorite things.

He likes both PC and home computer. In addition, he also likes all kinds of novel things.

Unfortunately, Dreamcast was not launched in North America, but in Japan on the other side. Although you can buy Japanese version of the machine, there are many inconveniences, especially when connecting to the server.

According to the theory of some players, the delay of this kind of home computer can cause big problems when playing Internet games.

But now, the American version of the game is finally here.

After playing the VR warrior, Lynn opened the sonic game again.

Sonic is definitely a good game, although different from super Mary, the cool Parkour and mobile are really cool and incomparable.

"Ah, but there is no good double mode..."

Lynn remembers that in the initial promotion, sonic was a cooperative game. Players could control the blue hedgehog sonic and the orange squirrel tales to cooperate. In some specific scenes, the two characters could cooperate, and then complete some specific playing methods.

But it's a pity that in the current version, the system doesn't seem to be added. Players can indeed replace them with squirrel towers. But I don't know why, when playing this game, Lynn always feels uncomfortable, as if he was forced to add it.

After reading this, Lynn shook his head and landed on qicq.

Qicq is now in North America and has almost become a communication space for professional game players. Although it is different from the forum, here, especially in the group of qicq, we can have very good communication and interaction.

"Did you hear that Sega recently announced a cool game!"

"Sammy! It's that Sammy

Yes, with Dreamcast landing in North America, the promotion of this game has begun.

Many players in the game saw the promotion of this game, are running around to tell, it is simply enthusiastic do not want to.

"Everyone loves this game

Lynn has also inquired about Shamu before. It is a super cool game, an open world, and a high degree of freedom - this is a model of the new generation of games!

"Do you know this game of Shamu?" Lynn once again entered another group, which was a little more popular. All the new people who had just joined the game were playing the game. However, there were also old birds like Lynn who were good teachers. They were in these groups to answer all kinds of problems encountered by players.

"Ah, it's a new game developed by Sega. Hey, man, I heard about me. I think we can look forward to the mecha game that animic publicizes recently..."

"Animic's the rebellious Lucius? Listen to me, I've seen the trial version. This game must be fun to play at the highest difficulty

"The rebellious lulutius" will have the same name animation next month, which seems to be a revenge story similar to Hamlet

"The summer vacation discount of mityin platform is about to start! I've got my wallet ready! "

"Oh, it's over. I recently bought a Dreamcast, and I forgot the price reduction promotion of mityin platform!"

"Fool, please borrow money to buy. After this village, there will be no shop."

Although everyone has heard about the game of Shamu, when Lynn strolled around the forum for newcomers, he found that they didn't seem to be interested in the game?

Eh? Strange?

Obviously, this game has an open world and scenes, as well as very powerful special effects, which are very good

He returned to the previous group, which had a small number of people, but all of them were "high fun".

Sure enough, here, everyone is discussing the new technology used in the game. They think that the game seems very interesting. All kinds of game routines that have never been seen make this game a little different.

One word: like!

Two people: great praise!

Although it seems that the action is stiff and the expression of the characters is strange, but Well, it's still acceptable!

"Sammy will be on sale in October. I'm really looking forward to it..."

"I wish October would come soon."

"I want to buy a PS2 for Christmas, but Sammy was developed by Sega, so it seems unlikely to land on the PS2 platform...""What are you afraid of? PS2 has better performance than DC, and also supports Internet system. It will be good to start a PS2 at that time!"

Gaoplay never worries about the number of game machines. If one is not enough, there are only two and three if two are not enough. That's it. ~

on the other side, Lin en shakes his head.

Why don't you buy it together? DC one, the promotion game to start again, and this is just a promotion, you can usually buy it, DC is now the first! North America starts! Such an important commemorative product, we must buy it now!

Why do you just don't understand?

But Lin en knows that Meng Xin doesn't understand some problems, and no matter how many explanations are made, he can't understand them.

Alas, the world of high play is so empty, lonely and cold.

"But Lu Lu Xiu's game is still good."

The only thing Lynn agreed with was that lulutio was a good game.

This is a strategic and tactical game. According to the official propaganda, the game seems to be a trilogy.

Before that, Lynn had played a trial version of the game.

don't say, "the game of reverse Lu Lu Xiu" is really good game, and as some people in the forum make complaints about the message, this game needs the highest difficulty, so that we can fully understand the game strategy.

Lynn used to think he was a master of the game, but when Lynn started playing the game, he realized that he was just a pupil.

And as if on purpose, the highest standard of difficulty is "qualified military graduates" Qualified, you meow! Obviously, it is the highest difficulty, but there are still some of them!

Thinking about it, Lynn found that the game of Lu Lu Xiu is really good.

Although Shamu also began to publicize, the styles of Lu Lu Xiu and Shamu are completely different.

Shamu is almost completely realistic, while Lu Lu Xiu is a sci-fi style close to the near future, and his characters are more beautiful. You can see - well, you can see the C.C., you can see the Kalin

In terms of expressiveness, Lu Lu Xiu publicizes but does not exaggerate. It gives people a good feeling.

On the other side, mecha and other things have a strong appeal to men. What's more, Lu Lu Xiu's interesting point is that players can really use physical PK mecha. Of course, it's not hand to hand combat with mecha, but to kill them with weapons.

In Gundam, have you ever seen Gundam killed by rocket?


So, the first time in the game such interesting content, Lynn is very like.

At the beginning, Lynn also wanted to give you some knowledge about how powerful the technology Shamu has adopted and how powerful the game model has been created. However, after the relevant information about the game appeared in his mind, Lin was almost attracted by the game unconsciously.

"Lu Lu Xiu is said to be on sale globally in six languages: English, Japanese, Russian, French, German and Chinese. Although the pronunciation is Japanese, other texts seem to be very good."

"Ah, is it on sale at the same time? I thought it was only in Japan. Hey, man, that's good news

"Even if there is only sun District, it's not easy to buy games? Just buy the digital version on the mithrine platform. "

The advantage of the digital version is that everyone can play games by downloading.

Not only can you download the game, but also can download DLC and other extended content, it is not too interesting.

And before that, the game they made called the crown of sin was also very good. How good was the game?

In other words, many people find the original GALGAME version of the game because of this game, and then start to translate spontaneously. This process gradually stopped until animic officially announced the English version of the game.

As for the number of MODS in the crown of sin, it is even more extraordinary. The number of MODS produced by the Americans has already surpassed that of the sun District, and has exceeded several times.

In addition, Americans will play it. They have developed many servitude series of MODS around this game, such as conducting some kind of animal education for female characters, or forcibly changing male roles into female roles.

if you want to make complaints about what's worth criticisms and Tucao, After all, these Mods not only need to know how to write scripts, but also need a big touch to support them. However, it is expected that the style of ghost animal painting in Europe and the United States is similar to that of frogs, soldiers and great gods, so forget it

Personally, Lynn has three of the most demented mods he has ever seen.

The first is the green hat system. This department can only be carried out by selecting men. The players' girlfriends will be covered with yellow hair. Even the wedding night is no exception. If the player's choice is unreasonable, maybe the player himself is still at home, while the female owner is RinpocheThe second is the transformation department. This department must choose younger sister paper, and then it will be transformed on various human bodies. The most ridiculous one is that the limbs are cut off, and the story can be put on the circle to prevent players from playing in this game over.

The third one is more exaggerated, which is from Lucifer. This mod requires players to be male. In the plot, they will be induced by NPC step by step. If the player can't resist the temptation - usually this is what the player wants to see - then the player will be feminized step by step, and finally become a sister paper with big XX! Of course, because of the disordered gender system, this mod is very easy to cause instability in the game, making the game "boom!" from time to time Drop it.

"Can Lu Lu Lu repair load mod?" So, after thinking about this, Lynn thought of the game of lulutio.

Can this game load mod?

Thinking about this, he went to animic's website.

Lu Lu Xiu supports online combat mode, which has been confirmed on the official website. However, there is no official explanation on whether the game supports mod.

Animic is an English language website, but because English websites don't have enough time to open up, few people make complaints about them under the forum of English websites.

Lynn has trouble reading Japanese, but that doesn't stop him from browsing the web.

And on the web page, Lynn saw the news over there.

“…… Is this a petition? "

Although it was difficult, Lynn could understand the news.

After he looked at it, he found that this post is probably someone who wants to open the mod system of Lu Lu Xiu's game.

Compared with the Americans, the Japanese seem to prefer the game of Lu Lu Xiu of the anti rebellion. Compared with the previous game of hero track, they are obviously more looking forward to the game.

Do Japanese prefer single player games?

Lin en thought about it for a long time. He thought "hero's track" was very interesting. But I heard that the game was not well received in Japan. It was clearly made by the Japanese, but the Japanese didn't like it?

It's a pity that the Japanese can't enjoy such a fun game

Although there are all kinds of problems, as far as Lu Lu Xiu is concerned, Lynn thinks that it is possible to add a mod system.

He thought about it for a while, and at the bottom of the post, he said a supporting word in English.

"Oh, that's all right."

I'm really looking forward to the day when I can play "Lu Lu Xiu of the rebellious" next month

As a high player, Lynn can't wait.

Eh? By the way, I seem to be watching the game news before. Which game do I seem to be interested in?

Lynn scratched his head a little.

"Forget it, anyway, the game is exciting, and the picture of a good game almost doesn't matter..."

He murmured, then looked at the secret silver platform.

By the way, I've always had a lot of games to watch. Now I've hoarded a few cards Well, let's start with a batch of games, saying


In Rinpoche's words, use the first letter of Pinyin you'll see.

In addition, MI Yin platform and DC stem, from steam and PS4.

Tomorrow morning to do a physical examination, to see the physical condition, but the physical examination results seem to take two or three weeks to come out^_ ^(to be continued. )

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