It rained heavily, and the night, originally illuminated by neon lights, seemed to be darkened by the sudden rainstorm.

Zhaoyan's home is a typical apartment.

After entering the door, you can see the one bedroom inside.

After entering the door, there is a porch. On the right side of the porch is a small one, about one meter. At the end of the corridor is a washstand. Under the washstand is the washing machine, on the right is the toilet, and on the left is a bathroom.

Four style separation is the most classic Japanese design. Mori also likes this kind of design. It is clean and hygienic, and it won't disturb each other. It's very easy to use.

After looking at the right side, senxia looked to the left side again. This side is the kitchen. The kitchen is very clean, and the kitchen utensils on it are also put in order.

How to say, although the kitchen utensils were put in order, senxia felt like a bookcase when she saw the situation there.

From the front of the porch, there is a room about square.

Although the whole room is only about ten square meters, it seems very empty. In the room, there is only a bed on the left in the middle of the room, and then there is a wardrobe on the other side. There is almost nothing else.

The books bought by Chaoyan are all placed on the floor at the head of the bed.

Facing the door is a French window. There is a balcony over there. There is a clothes drying pole on the balcony, but there is no clothes on it.

The whole room, not only does not have the atmosphere of a girl's home, but also does not have the atmosphere of ordinary people's living.

"Ah, I'm sorry, because it's temporary residence, so there's no breath of life in this place..."

There was some regret on his face.

But Sen Xia knows that what Chao Yan regrets is probably not this room, but something about "that person"?

It's strange to say that the two people have known each other for a few days, but the physiognomy seems to be very good. At this time, the relationship between the two has risen to the level of friends.

Although we say so, in fact, we don't have much chance to talk.

More often than not, Mori sat in front of the computer, and then read a book by the windowsill.

But when I talk to Zhaoyan, it's a great feeling.

It's not that there's something special about talking to her, it's a very comfortable feeling.

You don't have to worry about a "brother's declaration" just like xuenai, and you don't have to worry as much as Qian Jia that there will be a ridiculous sentence from time to time. Although it is similar to master Jiye, you don't have to worry about hearing a beautiful line that makes Mori Xia Juhua anxious.

To put it simply, if Qianjia and senxia have a conversation, they have a positive degree of + 2, while Ji ye and Sen Xia have a good feeling + 1, then when Zhaoyan talks with senxia, they are positive + 5 or even + 10.

After entering the room, Chaoyan turned on the light: "senxia Jun, please come in."

"Hi, excuse me."

Senxia nodded and went into the room.

After finishing this sentence, Sen Xia then followed in the face of the back, into the room.

After entering the room, senxia found that there was a small TV at one end of the room.

"This is what it looks like here." She chuckled and went to make tea.

Although it is summer night, but drink a cup of hot tea, it is still very comfortable.

"Wow, it feels great here."

Sen Xia quietly drank a sip of tea, and then closed his eyes, quietly feeling the refreshing rain night.

The rain takes away the summer heat, leaving cool and comfortable.

"Ah? Is it great? " Zhaoyan was a little surprised.

"Well, it's quiet and refreshing." Senxia smiles.

"Because there is no temporary furniture and decoration here Zhaoyan is a little embarrassed.

"That's not the case." Senxia smile, "although there is no furniture here, but there is a kind of face you breath, so it is very comfortable."

"Well --"

Hearing the words of senxia, Chaoyan blushed at once.

"Cough up," senxia also realized that he seemed to have said something wrong, "it's not like that! I mean, the feeling here is very beautiful. It's the special feeling on you! Yes, that special taste

Just after saying that, senxia realized that she had made a mistake again: "cough, it's not the taste! It's feeling! Feel it

I always feel that some of the more described the more black feeling.

Senxia felt sweating on her forehead at this time.

But at this time, Chao Yan chuckled and said, "well, I understand what you mean by senxia Jun

"Hoo..." Sonia was relieved.But

Senxia then looked at Zhaoyan.

"Well? What's up? Senxia Jun? " She asked curiously.

"Well, Chao Yan, you live here alone. Is that ok?" After all, Zhaoyan is just a delicate girl who has no ability to resist. Although the public order here is not bad, it is still worrying for a girl to live in this place?

"Then, senxia Jun doesn't have to worry about it. The neighbors around are all good people ~" he smiles.

But I don't know why, when senxia saw the smiling smile of Zhaoyan, his back gave a strange greeting. This kind of feeling was just like the feeling that he was cheating and being caught in bed by xuenai Wait a minute. Why is snow?

"Well, it's just temporary residence. After a while, I won't stay here..."

She chuckled.


Sonia murmured, his eyes looking out of the window.

And that's when the rain stopped.

At this time, senxia's mobile phone suddenly rang.


Senxia picked up the phone.

"Brother? Where are you now? "

Xuenai's voice came from over there.

"Well, I'm out there. What's the matter? Didn't I call and say I won't go back to dinner? " Senxia asked strangely.

"But it's already nine o'clock! My brother radar warned me that if I don't contact you now, the situation will be dangerous! " Senxia seemed to have seen that the snow over there was pouting.

"Because it was raining before." Some make complaints about it.

"So I called you after the rain stopped." The voice of snow over there came again.

"Er, ok..."

How to say, senxia is really speechless.

What xuenai said is too reasonable, senxia refuted.

"So, brother, hurry home! I've prepared supper for you The snow over there is a lovely voice.

When she heard senxia say that she would go home, xuenai's voice became much more lovely.

“……” Sen Xia shook her head, then raised her head and looked at her face, "the rain has stopped. Just now my sister called me and asked me to go home quickly..."

Although Sen Xia still wants to have a chat, unfortunately, it seems that there is no chance.

"Well, senxia Jun, you really like your sister very much..." smiling.

"Ah - well, I'll leave first."

"Well, have a good trip."


“…… I don't know why. I always feel that there is a fox spirit around my brother... " While talking, a bunch of hair on xuenai's head seemed to sway for a while.

"This shows that the host is really popular ~"

next to Yi Ji seriously said.

“…… Is it? " Xue Nai turned her lips and said, "come back, my brother's maid team will come here in half a month?"

"Hi." IKey nodded. "Two and a half weeks to be exact. But some maids have already arrived in Tokyo

"Ah, that's the one, not the ones from the village." Xue Nai turned her lips and said, "really, if all of them are chosen from the village, why do you have to look for someone from outside?"

"Hi." Yi Ji nodded, "although most of the maids are selected from the village, they are not all like this. The pure maids are cultivated in the village, but the maids of the maid team are not only responsible for the function of the maid. Besides, the sisters are not outsiders

"Well..." Xuenai doesn't agree, but it can be seen from her expression that xuenai at this time is not quite reconciled. "Although she has already prepared herself, her brother suddenly has so many girls around her. It's really uncomfortable Do I want a strong bow? Well, I can't. in that case, I'll just give up... "

Snow is a face unwilling appearance.

"Well, indeed, Miss snow, you are not fit to do such a thing." Yi Ji said seriously, "in a sense, the master is a very dedicated person, although not single-minded, but when the master does not abandon the lower limit of his heart, if you are so strong, the master will almost certainly be devoted to you, but such feelings, as you said, are not what you want."

"Mm-hmm! We are twins who have been entangled in each other since the beginning of our soul. The fetters of my brother and I will never lose to those fox spirits The snow is boosting itself.

But at this time, snow is hesitant again: "say again, in case the elder brother is forced to push down, how should this do?"

"Don't worry, Miss snow." Yi Ji's face showed a confident smile, "although it is difficult to judge whether a man is in the place, it is still very good to judge whether the girl around the master has ever done that kind of thing.""Well, this is too much..." Even xuenai felt that Yi Ji's method was too much. "You should do it quietly, and never let the client know. But if there is any abnormal situation, you must tell me, I will go to see which fox spirit it is..."

"Yes." IKey nodded.

After finishing this matter, snow Nai also returned to the orthodox style: "say, the maid's uniform options are these?"

Yes, xuenai is not just chatting. At this time, xuenai is discussing the uniform with Yi Ji.

"This is home clothes, this is for going out, this is fighting clothes..."

Yi Ji took out some photos and showed them to xuenai.

"- what? Combat uniform? Is it CM's cos dress? Do you want to join in, xuenai? "

Yi Ji's words just attracted Qianjia, who had just returned home. She has been communicating with a big eastern country today. Until now, she has finally settled the matter at the embassy.

"No, it's a uniform for my brother's maid team. In short, it's a maid's dress. " Said xuenai.

"Ah? Is it? "

Wait a minute. If it's a maid's dress, why do you have to prepare a combat uniform?

Is there something wrong with this?

It seems that there is something wrong with Qianjia.

"Ah, because my brother likes tights so much, I'm giving him a choice." So said snow.

To be exact, senxia likes not only tights, but also clothes that are very, very "fabric saving".

But xuenai knew that although her brother liked to see that kind of clothes, she was very opposed to the people around her wearing such clothes.

In short, it means "just look at it.".

This is the conclusion that xuenai has been summing up in order to give his brother welfare.

The tight clothes, although also very feel, but compared to the kind of clothes that show a lot of, at least the body surface is completely covered by tight clothes. My brother still thinks that it is acceptable.

Although Xue is very tired of those hateful "sneaky cats" around her brother, from another perspective, she can't be too strict with her brother.

Therefore, xuenai decided that at least the girls around her brother should let her "audit" them first.

As long as a girl who is close to her brother, she has to go to the third generation and make sure that she does not have any infectious diseases and bad habits, and she can't communicate with people who have bad habits


But at this time, xuenai suddenly thought of a serious problem.


When Qian Jia saw the expression of snow, she was a little puzzled.

"It suddenly occurred to me that my brother seemed very cute..." Snow is dignified.

"Ah, in a way, it seems to be so." Qianjia does not deny it.

"Sure enough, it's not just girls, but even boys who have to go to the third generation Well, no, boys, it's really disgusting. If you have such an attempt on my brother, you can directly destroy humanity Well, it's decided, the destruction of humanity... "


Qian Jia noticed that although xuenai was smiling, the smile was still some Are you in a panic?

Well, it's like, it's like Sen Xia's cheating and being caught in bed by xuenai Wait a minute. Why is snow?

Qian Jia tilted her head


Two in one chapter.

Update get ~

sure enough, snow is still cute and lovely ~

ovo (to be continued. )

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