"Whoo In this way, it should be almost

After writing down the original ideas, time is almost sunset.

Although most of the work in hand has been completed, but at this time, senxia does not want to stop.

It was a rare inspiration. Senxia was ready to continue to write a script before.

This evening, snow is going to the hot spring villa to prepare equipment for the maids, so she will not go home. If senxia goes back later, there is no problem.

although Sen Xia wants to make complaints about why the maid's equipment needs to be sorted out, she doesn't understand what she thinks of herself.

"But why do the maid still have to prepare bulletproof vest? Why do you need a tactical dagger? "

thought of the list he saw, and Sen could not help but feel a desire to make complaints about it.

Which war world is this a maid! Why do you need this skill that is completely useless and completely unreliable in the world!

Senxia threw his head.

If we think about this useless thing again, senxia is afraid that her original inspiration will fade away.

Those things in the home, senxia felt a moment of weakness when he thought about it. This kind of thing, decisive or not to think better, otherwise, always feel headache.

"Well, it seems that nobody is today..."

Because of the network delay, Lily put out three consecutive streets when VR soldier PK was in. She kicked DC over by her angry home. Now she has taken DC with lenai to repair it. As for face to face, she said to take something, so today did not come to join the community activities.

"Well, it's almost the same." It was the complete school time right now. Senxia decided to change the place and continue to work.

The weather in June is very good, plus the rain in the previous days, so the air is very fresh.

Walking on the street, this fresh feeling is really a shock to the mind.

"Well..." Comfortable wind, comfortable air, comfortable sunset.

The whole people were infiltrated in the weather, which was really good.

After leaving school, senxia went to the cafe where she had been last time. Don't say, the pizza in that cafe tastes really good.

Sitting in the cafe, senxia was not in a hurry to open her notebook, but was ready to solve his dinner first.

Waiting for dinner, Sen Xia took out the "battle of yalsland" of Tanaka and began to see it.

Among Japanese writers, the author who has a better view is probably Tanaka Fangshu. Because the three views are similar or consistent, he likes an author. He thinks it is nothing.

Of course, Sen Xia does not mean to follow up to see or how. For tanzhongfangshu and his works, senxia is only slightly interested and interested. But the last conversation with Zhaoyan made Sen Xia think of tanzhongfangshu that he mentioned last time. So when he left the Department, he took out the book of tanzhongfangshu.

However, it wasn't long before Sen Xia stopped.

It's not because dinner is here, it's because the weather is beginning to change.

The climate in rainy season is always changeable. At this time, the sunset on the sky has gradually been covered by dark clouds, and thick clouds make summer night come ahead of time.

"Well, anyway, just like the last time, it won't be long before it stops."

Senxia muttered.

Such a storm, come fast, go also fast, but, dark sky color, always let people feel a bit dull.

Pizza and orange juice soon came.

Gently sipping a sip of cold orange juice, the cold liquid, from the mouth of senxia to the throat and esophagus of senxia, finally into the stomach, soothing the discomfort brought by summer.

The rain began to fall.

The big rain drops of beans beat the glass window of the cafe, making a crisp sound.

"What a big rain."

Senxia yawned.

The rain was rough, but it was very interesting to watch the storm through the window, and the feeling of smiling and watching the rain was very interesting.

It's great to see such a view.

Subconsciously, senxia looked across the street.

The last time Mori hurried out of the cafe, it was because he was just opposite to see face face was taken by a group of men to the suspicious alley.

But then senxia found out that he was all hallucinations.


But at this time, Sen Xia found that he had seen a figure in the place he had seen before.

In the storm, a girl was carrying a small umbrella, and then she was walking in the rain with a big box in her hand.——It's Chao binai and Zhaoyan.

Almost immediately, senxia found out who the man on the other side was.

Senxia rubbed her eyes and looked out.

Face in the wind and rain, is so petite.

You can't be wrong. This time it's not your own illusion.

“……” Sonia looked down at the still open pizza, shook her head, and trotted out of the cafe.

"Chao Yan!"

Holding an umbrella, senxia went to each other in front of the wind and rain.

"Senxia Jun?"

After approaching, senxia found that Chaoyan not only had a big box in her hand, but also a stack of books on it. These books were wrapped in kraft paper, but it was obvious that these kraft paper could not block the wind and rain.

The reason why Zhaoyan walked so slowly was that it was very difficult to carry so many things in the wind and rain. Even if she was loose, she could only stand on her shoulder and hold it with her neck.

But this is also the limit. When senxia came here, a gust of wind had blown the umbrella. If it wasn't for senxia, his face would have been drenched with rain.

"I'll help you."

Without saying a word, Sen Xia took the box in Chaoyan's hand.

The box is heavier than Sen Xia imagined. It's hard to imagine that Zhaoyan could carry such a heavy box forward in the rain.

"Senxia Jun -" Chao Yan was a little surprised, and then led Sen Xia to a nearby place to shelter from the rain. Although there was a small shed, but the huge rainstorm made this little shelter completely ineffective.

"Senxia Jun, why are you here?" A large area of Chaoyan's clothes has been wet. It can be seen that the sudden heavy rain has caught her off guard.

"Ah, because I'm next door." Senxia chuckled, "now is not the time to say this, these things can not be wet by water?"

Senxia noticed that although Chaoyan was wet a lot, the boxes and books were protected by Chaoyan as much as possible.

"Ah - well, I'll take the box. It's heavy." Zhaoyan looked at the senxia who was carrying the box. She took the box from senxia's hand and said, "if you want to help me, just hold these books for me."

These books should have been bought by Zhaoyan today. Through some damaged kraft paper, Mori saw the books inside. Obviously, these are new books.

Sonchard paused and nodded. Then he took off his coat and put all the books in his hand and wrapped them in his school uniform.

See the action of Sen Xia, the eyes of the face moved for a while, then she said: "let's hurry up now!"

After that, they trotted towards the direction of the family, and there was no extra thing to hinder them. It was not a problem to run a little.

So they huddled under the umbrella and headed for their destination.

Fortunately, the journey was not very far, so they had reached their destination in ten minutes.

But even so, Sen Xia and Chao Yan's body, are almost wet.

"Oh, I'm saved." After entering the apartment, Chaoyan took a long breath, and then turned to look at Sen Xia, "senxia Jun, thank you so much."

"Oh, it doesn't matter. I can't stand it if I just left it alone."

Senxia smiles.

"Senxia Jun, please take a seat. It's raining so hard now. Even with an umbrella, you can't go home." Chaoyan took a look at the outside environment, today's rain is very big, bigger than yesterday's.

"Oh, well, the rain will stop soon anyway."

Yesterday, the rain soon stopped.

"Just a moment."

Chaoyan put the things on the ground, and then took out a towel and handed it to Sen Xia.

The towel is white, with a single fragrance on it. It smells good.

"Senxia Jun, wipe it a little, it's easy to catch a cold."

After all, senxia's body was wet through.

Just now, in order to prevent Chaoyan from being soaked in the rain, senxia mostly tilted her umbrella on the other side of Chaoyan. As a result, she got soaked here.

"Oh, thank you." After taking the towel, senxia wiped her body, but her shirt and the clothes inside were all wet, so she still felt uncomfortable.

But rare, this is Zhaoyan's intention, so Sen Xia did not say anything.

"Senxia Jun, you are so wet that you really have no problem?" But when Chao Yan saw the appearance of Sen Xia, she was worried.

Not only her upper body, but also her two trouser legs have been soaked.

It's raining hard outside. Even if they enter the house now, they can hear the wind whistling."Oh, it's OK," Sonia chuckled. "It's not the first time anyway."

Speaking of it, senxia once sent Lihua home, which was also in the rain.

Hearing the words of Sen Xia, Chao Yan was stunned at first, and then chuckled out: "senxia Jun, do you treat every girl like this?"

"Ah? How do you know it's a girl? " Just finish saying, Sen Xia feels wrong, this word is easy to cause misunderstanding, he said awkwardly, "it's not that matter! I just can't bear to see you girls devastated by the storm

Just the face of the face, probably as what kind of flower heart radish and so on.

Conscience of heaven and earth, senxia has never done what brother Cheng does. He is very serious about feelings. Even if he likes several girls, senxia still dares to bet that his heart is sincere.

My heart and my actions are as clear as a mirror. What I do is just!

Face a Leng, and then chuckled: "well, but in fact I don't hate Sen Xia Jun you this type."

After saying that, Chao Yan said, "OK, senxia Jun, you'd better take a bath first. It's easy to get sick."

Sen Xia shook his head, and then looked at the face: "Chao Yan, you should go to clean a little bit."

Senxia noticed that the other party's clothes had been soaked through, and the clothes were completely attached to the body.

Hearing the words of senxia, Chaoyan also realized this, and then some blushed.

"Ah Just a moment. "

After she said that, she went to the bathroom, and then dried her body, and senxia wiped her body again, but the clothes were wet and still very uncomfortable.

"Senxia Jun, why don't you take a bath? I'll dry some of your clothes with the dryer." At this time, dry the face of the body, has come out of the bathroom, she has changed into a white dress, is very refreshing appearance.

Chao Yan said then walked to the side of the Sen Xia, and then looked at Sen Xia with concern: "if this goes on, it will catch a cold."

It's really cold. Moreover, it takes a little time to go home from here. What's more, if I walk to Zhaoyan's house wet now, I'm sure I'll dirty the floor.

"I'll be sorry." Senxia didn't show off.


After hearing the agreement from senxia, Zhaoyan also smiles: "wait a minute, please put your clothes in the dressing room, I'll go back and get them."


The bathroom of Chaoyan's house is not very big. After entering from the bathroom, it is a small dressing room, which is also a very classic Japanese architecture. In a big eastern country, even in many countries in the world, it is rarely set up a special dressing room for bathing.

After taking off her clothes, moriha put them in the basket.

Senxia noticed that in the next basket, there were clothes that Chaoyan had just taken off, and blue ones Cough.

Well, the senxia, who is used to the big wind and waves, says that he has seen too much.

After taking off her clothes, Sonia went into the bathroom.

The bathroom is also small, but clean, with a bath tub on one side of the bathroom.

However, senxia only wanted to flush his body clean, so he did not care about anything else, but directly turned on the hot water.

"Senxia Jun, I took your clothes first."

Just at this time, outside the door came the voice of Zhaoyan.


Senxia nodded.

However, before long, senxia heard the sound outside the door again.

"Sorry, senxia Jun. Dryer It seems to be broken. "


Today's part of the day.

My heart and my actions are as clear as a mirror, and everything I do is just. According to the words of the president, the seventh film of JOJO,

2017 is really the year of model month. Fe makes animation, FA produces animation, Eliya theater version, FSN and theater version. Is this the rhythm of saving the industry relying on model month

Five Dan 2 division sauce, Zhende baojuxi + 1, a Dagong, C son 3 Baoju, 4 2030, 2 baoweng, a black cup, a white cup, a five-star Shilang, in addition, the division sauce has 90 full Fu Fu Fu.

But why do you feel so empty after smoking

Suddenly I found myself krypton a lot, almost become krypton gold waste, tears run (to be continued. )

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