"As a result, things seem to be getting more..."

Obviously, I want to have a good rest in the summer vacation, but when it comes to the critical moment, Sen Xia found this very let his eggs broken.

Until Monday class, Sen Xia side because of this thing and incomparable egg pain.

"Senxia Jun good morning ~"

just put down the schoolbag, Zhaoyan came to Sen Xia's side.

Chaoyan is wearing a summer school uniform, and her legs are a pair of black pantyhose. Against the backdrop of the pantyhose, Chaoyan's legs are slender and straight, which makes people unable to move their eyes.

"Ah, good morning, Chaoyan."

There is a subtle feeling in my heart.

What's worse, every time she sees her face, Mori's body will naturally produce a conditioned reflex.

Obviously, she is a pure girl, but her skill is so good. What kind of trouble is it!

Today's Sen Xia came earlier, so there was no one in the class. At this time, only senxia and.

"Na Na, Sen Xia Jun ~"

he called Sen Xia's name to his face.

Senxia is putting the schoolbag. After hearing the voice of Zhaoyan, he turns his head.

At this time, he just saw Chaoyan carrying his skirt.

Open crotch pantyhose


Senxia was stunned.

See Sen Xia in this side is frozen, face then smile to put down the skirt, a face successful expression.

"That At least * * should wear it. It's easy to get rid of it... "

This is Mori's. )

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