Mori Xia, who failed to abuse vegetables, finally came out with a brain hole: otherwise, we'd better do some small competitions now!

The concept of E-sports doesn't exist now, but it doesn't interfere with Sen Xia's brain hole.

For most people today, "electronic" and "competitive" are totally unrelated.

But it doesn't stop shawson!

Well, then the champion will be able to get the champion skin and bonus Oh, by the way, it's better to live.

Sen Xia thought of many ways to do this kind of competition in his mind.

Well, it's super sentimental.

Senxia felt that such a method was just like a blast.

"You say, how about a game game?" Senxia suddenly said.

Qianjia just lost, this time is depressed, she suddenly heard senxia in this side ghost.

"Game competition? Sonia, are you right? " Qianjia has not finished asking, she suddenly eyes a light, "ah, wait a minute, this seems to be really can ah!"

It's good. It seems that it's really It's promising!

Qian Jia thinks that if it is so integrated, it is not impossible. If it can be made into a video game competition, and then promoted, it seems to be a very interesting thing.

"However, for the first time, we can make a small-scale one and see the reaction of everyone. If the response is good, we can make a big one in the second."

Although senxia has a brain hole, he is not sure whether this form can be liked by people today.

If people at this time like this mode, they will make a big news in the second session. If the audience's response is not strong, we can continue to do it. However, we should not think about such things as making a big news.

"Let's leave it to North America."

Senxia here just gave an idea, as for the rest of the matter, it is left to the following to do well.

"Let's talk about it after we come back from some big eastern country."

Speaking of it, after coming back from a big eastern country, senxia still has to attend cm, and then she has time to deal with these matters.

However, senxia doesn't care about this, because it's still early. At most, senxia gives some simple directions there. Even if the activity is completely in accordance with senxia's rhythm, it is also a minority. Before the prosperity of online games, this kind of thing is a minority. No matter how it is, it is not a fire thing.

This kind of thing, now want to do, completely because of their own interest, if not, this kind of thing is simply impossible.


Think of CM, senxia always feel that he seems to have forgotten something.

What, what What is it?

Senxia always felt that some important things related to her were forgotten.

But what is it?

Senxia is thinking.

"Well, I can't think of it anyway. It must not be an important thing."

Senxia cleverly set up a flag for herself.

Senxia Jun, who feels good about himself, after thinking about this matter, he no longer cares about these things.

At this time, Sen Xia was more concerned about the three days and two nights of going to Daiwan, and then to some oriental country.

The trip to Daiwan is not managed by the mainland, but it doesn't matter. Senxia still eats and drinks at public funds.

In some cases, the Pharaon is a good teammate.

After senxia decided to form a group, pharaong and several other manufacturers contacted Daiwan. It turns out that RB people are much more comfortable in Daiwan than in mainland China. After learning that RB's team of game manufacturers "group" came to Daiwan, they were instantly shocked.

Although GALGAME is a minority, it has to be said that GALGAME culture has a great influence on Daiwan, and there are many games in it. In fact, it is not AVG adventure that later generations say, but classic RPG, such as pharaokong.

After receiving the news from Rb, we held a meeting for the first time, and then we decided to take on the game army killed by RB.

In fact, when senxia decided to go to Daiwan for three days and two nights, and to visit Alishan by the way, game manufacturers on the other side of Daiwan were also suffering from headache.

"Rb, it's just bad people coming here..."

Li Yongjin, chairman of Daewoo, is talking to the person in charge of Hantang.

Not only Hantang, but also several other game companies, have sent responsible people over.

"Falcom's contacts have said that they mainly go to the mainland to talk business, but they are just on the way here." It's the person in charge of bird of Paradise consulting."I received a message from SEGA. Animic is the host of this delegation. I heard that they had spent tens of millions of dollars on Shangmei film and asked us about it before. Now they have a lot of money. I'm afraid they don't want to buy it..."

The person in charge of Hantang said this. Hantang and Sega began to cooperate in 1995, so Sega helped to convey this matter.

After hearing "animic", several other game manufacturers almost took a breath.

Although Sen Xia usually looks light and light, in fact, the gold lettered signboard "animic" is still very useful, especially in small places like Daiwan.

Animic has been regarded as the "big guy" in the video game industry when the video game industry is underdeveloped. Although it can't compare with those who engage in hardware, there are some who can match animic in the simple third party.


Li Yongjin frowned.

Animic's technology is very good, and they have a set of 3D games. Even if they are not selling well, they are good works with good reputation.

Of course, what they make the most money is not this, but a game called "Plants vs. Zombies".

Oh, by the way, I heard that they were going to make a derivative work related to plant vs. Zombies, but the official only once sent a message, and then there was no news, and I don't know what happened.

"Do they really want to buy?"

Someone asked nervously.

Senxia has organized a group to bring people here. Although they are all manufacturers of GALGAME and similar games, this "sightseeing group" is undoubtedly a nuclear bomb for Daiwan.

"Acquisition..." Li Yongjun also frowned at this time. Daewoo was actually acquired not long ago.

That was last year, that is, in 1998. Daewoo was acquired by TSW. TSW assumed the copyright and liabilities of all Daewoo companies, and changed its name to Daewoo information half a year after the acquisition, which is now Daewoo.

This time, the capital change made Daewoo, or Li Yongjin, realize the importance of capital.

He turned his head and looked at the representative over there.

The game company Hantang was once known as "blizzard of a big eastern country" and "blizzard of the East". But in fact, the game company of Hantang was really slow in doing everything. After Microsoft launched windows, they still insisted on doing DOS games. It was not until this year, that is, the world robbery in 1999, that they began to use Windows system During this period, it was surpassed by Zhiguan and other manufacturers.

There is something wrong with the marketing of Hantang. Li Yongjin knows this very well - because old Daewoo doesn't attach importance to marketing, and Li Yongjin has always believed that the content of the game is more important. So old Daewoo quit the stage and replaced with new Daewoo who knows how to do marketing. Although the content is getting worse and harder, they are really more beautiful than before.

The capital of Hantang is about 20 million yuan. The value of Dai Yuan is not as good as that of soft money. In fact, it is not a lot of money. Animic makes most of his money in US dollars. It's easy to come over and buy it aggressively.

"But it shouldn't be. It's clear that our games sell better. Why would animic want to go to the mainland? They are on their way there, mainly to us? "

Some people also put forward new views at this time.

"Yes, the games over there can't be sold. Our games are much better! It's easier to sell the game in Daiwan

"Yes, yes, it's hard to imagine it! If we play games, we will have more influence

If senxia is here, she will spray her face.

In the era of per capita income of several hundred yuan, Xianjian was sold to 200 + and tycoons once offered 100 +. In front of 200 ocean games and 3 yuan pirated copies, which version to choose? Isn't it very simple?

A person's fate, of course, depends on self-struggle, but also on the process of history. Senxia's game has never considered making money in a big eastern country. Do you really think the game is stable?

Of course, senxia doesn't say that it's a good thing to play piracy. She just thinks that as long as you see the rules clearly, you won't complain about it.

Spending half a month's income to buy a game is really hard for people nowadays to accept.

However, if you want to say that you are not willing to spend some money to read books, and even spray the author's face after watching the piracy, it must be worth spraying.

But two of them are different. The former is a last resort, and the latter ha-ha.

"When we play games, we are a niche market in itself. If we have a small profit and a large turnover, we don't have to sell so much. It's normal that the mainland is so poor that we can't sell it. However, there are many people and great potential there. RB's group came here. Maybe it's just for exchange. " There are also discerning people.After hearing this, Li Yongjin also nodded. Many famous products did not bring great material returns to Daewoo. In a big eastern country, the game form was much worse than RB. The sales were good and the loss was small, and the difference in sales disappeared.

Daewoo is also deeply aware of this.

Why does Hantang want to cooperate with Sega?

It's because RB makes money!

Of course, animic is more high-end. People earn Japanese yen, but they earn more dollars. It's so powerful that they don't need it.

It is because the game industry in Daiwan, or in other words, the whole oriental country is underdeveloped, so people naturally revere the "giant" organized by animic.

It is clear that at ordinary times, we are still competitors, but in the "invasion of foreign enemies", everyone has to sit down and discuss this matter.

In fact, many people don't think there is anything about being acquired. It's a good thing that they can even be acquired there.

If senxia hears about this, she will sigh and tell these poor game manufacturers that they really want more

Well, actually not, because Mori also considered getting Daewoo or something.

We have money now! Even if we are lucky enough, we have a lot of small money now. At this time, it's not normal to buy and buy!

But to be honest, senxia is more concerned about the situation on the mainland side. In fact, Daiwan is ranked third.

Well, to be honest, senxia really wants to travel

"Let's see if we can work with them." Li Yongjin put forward his own idea, "our Daewoo's legend of the immortal swordsman" has been transplanted to Sega's SS, and this game will be released in China and Japan. "

Yes, after DC has been playing for more than half a year, Daewoo transplanted the fairy sword to SS


There was a whisper.

In fact, no one has thought about cooperation. After all, Rb is really a big game country.

It's no exaggeration to describe the game shortage as a big eastern country. Although there are occasional bright spots, it's just an oasis, while Rb and the United States are a forest.

At this time, everyone's mind is also vivid.

This time, Rb's "group" came to watch. Maybe we could find two golden thighs on our side?

In this world, some things, as long as you hold a golden thigh, want food and clothing are very simple.

"When they come, let's treat them first! Find out what they want to do first. " Li Yongjin put forward a view, "so many RB manufacturers come here, even if it is not malicious, but also can't let them look down."


Embarrassed. I found that the information was wrong after uploading (cough)

when it comes to domestic names, many people use their pronouns. For example, Li Yongjin, or some of them, just change their names directly, such as brother Ma and Zhou Jiegu. As we all know, it's good to be tacit.

In other words, today's company's welfare is handled by simple wisdom. Praise

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