Although the schedule was to land from the demon capital, then go northward along the road, go to the magic capital, and then the imperial capital, and then go to various places to play.

But because of Wang Qiwen's phone call, senxia can only temporarily change the itinerary and go to the imperial capital.

Near the 21st century, the imperial capital of a big eastern country has already had the embryonic form of the future imperial capital.

When the plane passed over the imperial capital, Sen Xia even thought about it in her mind. If she bought a house of more than ten or twenty units here and waited for a decade or two, would he be able to become a billionaire?

If you buy hundreds of sets, billions of them are not a problem.

"This is the capital of a big eastern country..."

Snow is gathered to the stringed window of senxia's side, and then looks out.

"Don't look at the way it is now. After more than ten years, maybe Tokyo is not as good as here."

Mori is in a good mood today.

After taking off from Daiwan, senxia's mood has always been in a complex emotion of some tangle and joy.

However, as the plane gets closer and closer to the mainland, senxia's entanglement gradually subsides, and her joy begins to occupy her heart.

Although in the plane, snow is still some inch, but Sen Xia side or very generous to forgive her.

"Brother and brother, you see, this is the Red Treasure book, you also take it."

Seeing that it was coming soon, snow took out the Red Treasure book which had been put up all the time.

"Why do you have this Sen Xia looks confused.

"Didn't reneisant bring the red book before?" Snow opened the book with a smile.

"And then?"

"Then we all think it's a good thing to bring the Red Treasure book, so let sister Yi Ji prepare one for each of us. It's brother's

Xuenai hands it to senxia. When she looks at it, it's a two in one chapter

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