"I feel the malice from the world..."

The lotus lamp has started, but senxia inexplicably felt the chrysanthemum cold.

Is someone talking about me at this time?

Senxia murmured in her heart.

But this is not the time to think about these strange questions, because the lotus lamp is already playing.

It has to be said that at this time of the year, Baolian lamp is indeed a high-quality work. Although there is no Japanese version, Shangmei film also makes Japanese subtitles in order to facilitate Japanese viewing.

Just a few minutes into the film, the Japanese side was surprised, especially those who knew the business, such as xinjincheng and Takahashi.

"The picture is full frame, very smooth, absolutely one shot at a time..."

Xinjincheng originally wanted to do animation. He knew about animation.

There is no doubt that the animation style of a big eastern country is quite different from that of Mudong, but there is no doubt that the animation itself is quite excellent.

“…… This is a work of art

Xinjincheng sighed in a low voice.

I have to say, although the language is not good, there is a lot of skill in making films here in a big oriental country.

"Unfortunately, these technologies and personnel are all left over from the past, and now I'm afraid the loss of technicians here is already dangerous. " It's senxia.

Shangmeiying later produced such works as "I'm crazy about singing", trying to win the market.

But a big eastern country here, with the fact told animators: at this time, the production of pleasant goat more market.

After the blue cat is the rainbow cat, after the rainbow cat is the pleasant goat, after the pleasant goat is the bear appears, and then there are the pig man and other movies.

A big eastern country does not mean that there is no market, nor that the market is not good. The main problem here is that the children's market is too good. Adults think that it is children who watch animation, and the public opinion environment also thinks that watching animation is children.

"How old are you, and how old are you to look at such children's things?" ——This sentence, I am afraid that the early homestead men and women, probably have heard.

"Senxia Jun, the animation level here is really good, but the theme seems to be a bit of a fairy tale?"

Qian Jia comes to Sen Xia's ear.

The girl's breath, let the thinking of Sen Xia all over a shock.

"Cough That's right. "

Senxia clamped her legs in silence.

He also whispered to Qian Jia: "the concept of animation here is more young, so the plot and other things are the same."

"Well, it feels like Disney?" Qian Jia's head is crooked.

"It seems that we are going to get closer to Disney..."

Some big eastern country did not want to take the road of mud boom. They wanted to take the road of China's big lamp tower.

A big eastern country has always been a loyal fan and supporter of China's headlight tower country. Some things they even do are better than those of our country.

In this world, there is no such country as China's big eastern country.

It's a long way off.

"In terms of technology, compared with our side, it seems not inferior. The style can be adjusted, but I'm afraid it will take some time Well, senxia, is this work really not worth 30 million at the box office? "

After hearing Sen Xia's assertion, Qian Jia at this time was thinking about this aspect.

"On this point Probably, but we get us dollars here. In fact, it's a bit powerful. "

Even if it is a currency of the same value, compared with soft money, American Dao is more valuable in various ways.

In these days, making money is the first thing.

But what kind of goal can be achieved in the end, Sen Xia is not sure.

It is inevitable that the "lotus lamp" will not catch fire. A large number of investors in a big eastern country are also scared off for this reason.

But it's the Lotus Lantern after all.

There is still nothing to say about technology.

"It seems that the market of a big eastern country is not easy to do..." Qian Jia muttered.

"For now, TV animation should be the most worthwhile investment."

Not for income, but for influence.

Feelings can make money.

The sooner the gene of house culture is implanted, the better. In the future, all kinds of works will blossom. If you want to take advantage of it, it will be too late.

To tell you the truth, feelings are not the best way to make money. In this world, there are more than feelings to make money.

In terms of games alone, there are krypton gold masters No, it's Yin Yang division, and King pesticide King glory, this kind of game is something that can make a lot of money. Even if it is some cheap page games, it's very easy to make money - after all, many people play games just for the sake of "cool", and what feelings and so on, people will not consider at all.But as a gentleman, Sonia has a mission of her own.

To promote the royal house culture and gentleman culture, make the world full of love, and let the world line run on another road, which is what senxia wants to do.

And investing in Meiying is the first step for Sen Xia.

As for what will become after this Well, senxia's not sure.

"Although the situation can not be determined, I can be sure that the whole film market of some big oriental country is not mature. If we force the film industry, it will not work." Senxia finally came to a conclusion.


Qianjia nodded, as if thinking about something, but did not continue to speak, but looked at the screen in front of her.

The Lotus Lantern continues.

In the whole story, there are two images of Chenxiang, one is the image of his youth, and the other is the image of adult.

Along with the experience and life of Chenxiang, the sound of the three songs "miss you 365 days", "heaven and earth in my heart" and "love is just one word" sounded, which made Sen Xia's heart throb.

The fact has proved that the charm of these three songs is indeed huge. When the music starts, the Japanese audience on moriha's side are shocked.

Especially Qianjia and xuenai, who can understand the language of a big oriental country, is shocked by such music.

These three songs, in a big eastern country, are all classic songs that can be sung continuously.

After all, both master Liu and master Li are real masters

Not only that, but also famous actors and actresses who dub "the Lotus Lantern".

In order to make the lotus lamp, shangmeiying really used all her contacts and manpower, but unfortunately, they didn't get paid back

But this is the world.

In this world, there are too many things that can't be paid off by hard work.

Indeed, Shangmei tried, fought and compromised.

This is the cruel reality.

So, in order to make money, even gentlemen need to compromise sometimes.

But Sonia is rich now.

Money! Willful!

It is because of the money, so senxia can do what he wants to do according to his own ideas.

But they didn't have money, so they had to compromise.

Even if shangmeiying got the money from senxia, I'm afraid there is no way to turn around. This is not to say that they can only earn money, but that there is no soil for them to survive in a big eastern country.

In Mori's opinion, the technology of Shangmei film works with the technology and script of senxia. He is confident to produce some very good animations.

"The song is very good to listen to, dubbing is also very good, although it is a little biased towards the whole age, but this is not just right?"

If you're younger, you can watch it together.

In Qianjia's opinion, since we can watch it together, isn't it good?

"But sister Xuejie, what happened in the imperial capital should make everyone have some impression. Indeed, this is for the public, but in a big eastern country, the most profitable thing is administrative orders..."

Well, just like a titanic, it has to have an administrative order, and then form a team to see the film together. Then the box office will be so high in a big eastern country.

If Sen Xia wants to make a lot of money and have a high box office, administrative orders are necessary.

In this case As expected, it is still the red line.

Do you want to make an animation of the Long March, anti Japanese and so on?

"Nah, senxia Jun, do you think we should take the themes of the Red Army's Long March and anti Japanese, or liberation, to film? It seems very good... "

Qianjia's radio waves are in line with senxia.

"Well, that's a good idea. I agree with it."

Senxia nodded desperately.

What's more, Sen Xia thinks that the theme is not a problem.

You see, there are so many anti Japanese dramas in the world, such as martial arts Anti Japanese, sci-fi Anti Japanese, Sherman with 300 armour piercing bullets a minute, what a shot at 800 kilometers away kills the head of a devil. These things are very disharmonious in TV dramas, but if they are animated, it's just right!

It's also good to have a deep film. There is a TV play named "no war in Beiping" in senxia's mind, and the theme is very interesting Eh, by the way, there are "lurking" and so on.

You think I am Chu Yunfei, but I am Yu zechengda!

Mm-hmm, this kind of play is also very interesting.

"I think it's very good to put such themes in the aspect of Anti Japanese." Qian Jia muttered, "the theme of guerrillas and base areas behind enemy lines should be very interesting.""Mm-hmm, I agree with that," said xuenai on the other side. Although their voices were very low, xuenai was sitting next to them, so she also heard their conversation, "and the heroic heroine or something, it seems that it is also very interesting Well, it seems that this kind of theme is not suitable for modern times, is it? But if it's ancient, it's more appropriate... "

Xue Nai thought of some things she liked to hear and see, but she still felt that this theme was not suitable for modern history.

"Indeed, this gentleman's theme seems very interesting..." Qianjia also thinks that this kind of subject matter seems to be very popular.

"I think in the near future, there are more ways to play..." Senxia here muttered, "I like fantasy and science fiction, but I'm not particularly interested in historical subjects..."

"For example, a certain Prince is captured by the enemy, then turned into sister paper by magic, and then is done something like this and that Well, it seems like a good thing Qian Jia looked at Sen Xia, suddenly thought of what, and then began to nod.

Senxia also nodded, but there was something wrong with him.

"Well, it doesn't seem appropriate for us to discuss this kind of gentlemanly problem now."

Just now I was still in the serious Anti Japanese war. How can I become a gentleman now?

Sen Xia took a look at the snow beside her. It seems that she is the one who takes the topic askew?

"Yes, if you want to make a box office, it's more suitable indeed." Qian Jia also nodded.


Senxia decided to make a big news in the morning.

Now, it seems that it can.

In terms of Anti Japanese themes, it is much easier to make big news.

In that case

Oh, yes.

"Red Dawn" seems to be good.

But after thinking about it, Sen Xia thought it was OK. The mode of the novel was not suitable for animation. Moreover, it was appropriate to slap the upper class in the face.

So, do you want to shoot a biography of the evil spirits in Maoshan?

Well, in this case, this kind of work seems to have a very interesting meaning.

"Otherwise, let's have a big news. How about using Nanna and Jingjing as the theme?" Qian Jia muttered.

"Cough, if you kneel and lick too much, it seems that it's not very good. Moreover, this theme is not suitable for us to do. Then we'll hire a local director or something and shoot again. However, we can still have the great light of our party. "

Only kneeling and licking can make money!

Only when a certain big eastern country has a foothold, can the next step be easy to say.

"But is there really no way for such a work to catch fire?" Qian Jia said.

But Sen Xia shook: "this is also no way of things."

If Shangmei film is to recreate the theme of Nihong, and then show it in Nihong, the money and box office of this film will surely be better than that of a big eastern country. If the fire breaks out, it will be interesting.

Unfortunately, there are not so many "if" things in this world.

"If things on our side can be settled, we may be able to do such things. Well, shoot some red and expert films. Well, it's better to say hello to some big eastern country before..."

Mm-hmm, senxia is ready to kneel and lick.

"It seems very interesting Then again, we Neon Black Mud boom, really no problem? "

Naturally, the conversation of these people was also heard by the people in the back row, because their voices were getting louder and louder.

The person sitting in the back row is Takahashi. He also thinks that the meaning here is very interesting, but We are so black ourselves, really no problem?


Today's discipline.

Well, I didn't get two ceremonies

It's true that without integrity, there will be no character

Tears running

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