"Oh, senxia, I found out that the younger sister accused Yang Jian or something. It seems to be very touching!" What

make complaints about is the romance of the three kingdoms after watching the lotus lantern. Instead, what she did before she was Tucao's sister control nephew, Yang Ji... Qianjia suddenly felt good with a feeling!

Well, especially as a matron, my sister finally married someone else.

But when Sonia heard it, she felt good and the egg was broken.

Sen Xia likes the space of fate, but for this love hate entangled egg story, senxia really can't like it.

"Sister, aren't we talking about the Three Kingdoms?"

Senxia takes a look at Yi Ji next to her.

At this time, Yi Ji did not wear the tight maid's dress that he was wearing at home. Instead, he was wearing a cross dressing dress. In a large Eastern country, some controlled things could not enter the country.

Although she was dressed in casual clothes, she was still a maid. She followed senxia half a body without saying a word.

At this time, Yi Ji looks like a quiet lady.

However, senxia knows that although Yi Ji looks like this, he doesn't lack the weapon.

The belt on her dress and her backpack loaded with heavy objects are seemingly normal but actually frightening.

Sen Xia did not want to make complaints about what he was doing at this time. He only hoped that Yi Ji would help himself to divert the topic.

Life always hate water Changdong or something, this kind of story is good for others to see, Sen Xia himself is not going to touch.

"What's interesting about Erlang in the Three Kingdoms? Of course, fairy tales are more interesting than historical legends If we just talk about the Three Kingdoms, Qianjia is also very interested. However, the culture of a big eastern country is extensive and profound, while Ni Chong is too addicted to the Three Kingdoms. This is not interesting. Therefore, Qianjia wants to get in touch with the history and culture of a large oriental country in an all-round way.

"It seems that miss xuenai is also interested in the classical culture of some big oriental country. If she knew about this, she would be very interested."

Ichi spoke.

"I don't know what's going on there..." As soon as I heard about snow, Qianjia's attention was really attracted, "what kind of Chinese wedding, what will it look like?"

"Well, it's all right. The wedding ceremony in a big eastern country, if you insist on it, is also divided into nationalities, regions and times. Different times have different characteristics. For example, most of the wedding dresses we see are white. However, people in a big eastern country like red, so red dresses are very common. But in ancient times, blue and black dresses were used as wedding dresses Senxia Shunkou said.

"I see." Qian Jia nodded, "this is really strange."


Senxia shrugged, quietly relieved in the heart, that kind of egg pain ghost pull sister control Yang Jian's topic, was omitted.

"But then again, senxia, since you know so much about the history of a big eastern country, you might as well write an interesting story with Yang Jian, the God of Erlang, as the protagonist." Qianjia proposed.


Sonia egg.


"Er..." ×2。

The same as senxia, there are two other people, Lao Xu and mushroom.

After senxia entrusted them with the task of spreading the fairy sword, they went all night to clear the customs.

At the expense of an evening, they managed to get the job done - although the game itself is fun, it's uncomfortable when "game" and "work" are combined.

And it's just the beginning.

The internal settings, characters, scenes and other information from Daewoo company have been sent here. They have to finish reading all of them before they go to Wudang later today - well, yes, in a few days, they will go to Wudang.

It's not about traveling, it's not about becoming a monk. It's about going on an inspection tour.

Still that sentence, to work, and simply to play, at this time the feeling in the heart, is completely different.

At this time, both of them had just finished reading the materials and were lying dead in the hotel. Although it is a five-star hotel, it still doesn't make them feel comfortable.

"I've brought you lunch."

At this time, Wu naichong came into the room with his room card.

In Wunei's hand, he carried several lunch boxes in plastic bags.

"Box lunch again?"

Box lunch is a kind of Bento in Japan, but after eating it for several days, the three people all think that the name "box lunch" is really good.

Heavy oil and salt can replenish physical strength and taste good, but after eating, the feeling in the heart and stomach is very subtle.

"Well, that's what the food is like here. You can make do with it." Wunei put the lunch box on the table.“…… I'm going to have a big meal

Naisu struggled to get up.

"Yes, I think the Sichuan restaurant opposite us is very good." VANET smiles.


Nai Su immediately lay dead again. The Mapo Tofu I ate in the restaurant called Taishan last time had already made Nai's egg ache for a while.

"Forget it, call KFC..."

Lao Xu shook his head.

There are not many McDonald's in a big eastern country these years, but there are many KFCs.

The number and popularity of McDonald's are far stronger than KFC. However, in a big eastern country, the situation is the opposite.

Compared with the boxed lunch brought by Wu nei, Lao Xu thinks that eating a little hamburger or something is more able to replenish his physical strength.

Wu Nei is still the one to run errands, but anyway, the fast food restaurant is not far away, and Wunei didn't say anything.

"Oh, wow..." After drinking a cold cola, Nai Su's whole face was excited, "finally come back to life!"


Lao Xu didn't speak, but seeing his face relieved, he knew that Lao Xu was tired enough.

"Well, do you have any ideas?" Wu Nai asked.

"Ah, it's a little bit. Although I still want to go to the library to have a look, all of them are Chinese, so it's very troublesome to read through..." Naisu shook his head.

The characters of a big eastern country are very close to those of Nihong, and there are also Chinese characters. However, there are real differences between the two sides. It is absolutely not a simple thing to open a book and find information.

However, after reading the things on hand, Nai Xu found that if he wanted to write a story, he had to check the information.

"Especially Taoist materials." Lao Xu also added, "although the story of Xianjian Qixia is also a story of chivalry, it seems that there is something wrong with the concept of" swordsman ", but it has something to do with Taoism. In that case, I think we need to see more information about this. "

Although Lao Xu was very confident before, after reading it, he found that the Xianxia and Wuxia in a big eastern country were actually different.

When he thought of this, Lao Xu thought of the kind of puppet show he saw in the Bay last month. It was also very interesting and had a stronger martial arts flavor.

"Don't you want to go to Wudang? After that, I'll go to Longhu Mountain. Are these two places related to Taoism? " Wu Nei has nothing to do, but he has not been idle these two days, pestering the translator to ask a lot of things.

"If you look at it like this, Mr. shawson is really good. Even the mythological knowledge of a big eastern country knows... " Nai was in the process of sobbing, but he also had some questions, "but the teacher knows so much about the culture here, why should we write it?"

"Didn't senxia say that he hoped to cure some plots, but he couldn't write it out himself Well, maybe it's because he's going to write a new novel recently. It's natural that he can't spare time. "

Mori Xia wrote the script of the story of magic tolerance. Although the action game was arranged behind the soul of darkness, it was really senxia's work. In addition, senxia also participated in the script of the story of the black holy book - this was done secretly by senxia, but it is no secret.

The script of San uliana hospital, senxia has already got it, but there is still a novel here, which can't escape.

So, senxia really doesn't have much time recently. After returning from a big eastern country, senxia will continue to be busy in her work.

"Obviously, he is just a high school student. Mr. Xia Sen is really hard working..."

He is a senior high school student, but he can write such a powerful thing, and he is also a beautiful boy

Naisu mushroom sighed in his heart.

At that time, I still thought that teacher Xiasen was a girl's paper. It was not until later that her sister called her "brother", but naisu mushroom came back. Speaking of it, I seem to have fantasized about some subtle things at the beginning

After knowing that the other side is a boy, Nai Su mushroom's heart has been hurt. But at that time, naisu mushroom thought of the article that the second generation of Mu teacher once wrote -- what happened to boy paper? Beautiful youth is a part of Nihong culture. Don't play if you are unhappy!

It's a long way off.

After a while, naisu ate another French fries and said, "I have some ideas about script, but I seldom touch this kind of Xianxia style, so I don't know how to do it."

"Yes," Lao Xu nodded, "and I'm not very good at healing scripts."


Lao Xu just finished, Wu Nei and Nai Shu both looked at them with strange eyes.

“…… Well, by the way, I've made a little bit of draft setting diagram according to the previous art settings. You can have a look. "At the end of the day, instead, Wunei spoke first. He took out the draft settings he had made.

This draft was made by Wu Nei Chong according to the art style of "fairy sword".

"A little familiar..."

In the picture, it is a girl with a long sword and wearing colorful clothes. Although it is only a draft, the chivalrous style of Mei paper has been fully expressed.

But I don't know why, naisu always felt that he was somewhere and had seen similar things.

"But this feeling is much more gorgeous than the style of" fairy sword "

Lao Xu put forward his own opinion.

"Ah, that's right, because what I refer to is not only the style of" fairy sword ", but also the design in front of yuzao." VANET smiles.

"Ah, the shrine!"

When Wu Nei said this, Nai Shu and Lao Xu also responded.

The bird feather shrine worships the old man in front of yuzao. If you think about it now, it really has the classical mythology of a certain oriental country. What's more, the setting itself on senxia side is also very gorgeous.

"Hi, that's it." Wu Nai smiles, "I think Sen Xiajun should prefer this gorgeous style. Moreover, the myth itself is also that kind of more gorgeous feeling. The film of Baolian lamp is about myth, but I thought a lot about it. Finally, I didn't like the human design very much. Although the style of the original book is good, we are not Daewoo after all. Even if we want to do it, we have to make something different. "

Wu Nei was not a person who set up a person for the outside world. He just drew several figures according to his own understanding to give some inspiration to Nai Shu and Lao Xu.

But what does that say? Cao's following Xiao Gui is not something that ordinary people can do. After receiving the work of their predecessors, new people will definitely want to make some innovations. This innovation is not only to make the new works better, but also to let the new people prove that they are not worse than their predecessors.

Of course, sometimes it works well, but sometimes it causes some controversy.

But in any case, Takeuchi felt that since naisu took over the matter, what the "outsiders" said and said should be better than the original word-of-mouth.

In the script of "fate", takeuchong believes that he is also a participant, so he can make arbitrary demands on Nai Shu. However, at this time, Nai Shu is fighting alone. Therefore, Takeuchi does not propose any suggestions to Nai Shu to turn King Arthur into girl paper at this time, but helps Nai Xu to clarify his inner world and the world of the legend of the swordsman Image.

"I love this style, too." Lao Xu over there looked at it for a while, and he thought that the art style was really good.

"But will miss shawson like it?" Naissu asked a question.

"Well, no problem. Senxia's acceptance of style is very broad. Morita's gorgeous lace dress can be accepted by senxia. If there is only a small vest with sling, he will feel that there is no problem. Wu Nei's style is very good. As long as it is good-looking, there should be no problem with Mr. shawson. "

Lao Xu smiles.

"I see." Takeuchi nodded. "Come on, naisu, tell me about the Xianxia characters you know. I'll help you describe them."

At this time, with a pure heart, Wu Nei Chong, who is helping a good foundation friend, does not know that he is digging a hole for himself


How do you say that? I regard you as a brother, but you

Cough, the joke of buccal beard.

All in all, two in one, meow meow ~

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