Jizong Gangji is more and more far away on the road of NTR, but Sen Xia didn't know this at this time. He also looked forward to Jizong Gangji's MUV in his heart.

Of course, although it is expected, there is still business to be done.

"We're going to take the form of a multiweekly catalog." Lao Xu said, "all the stories don't have to be finished in the first week. We can arrange the stories in the second, third and even more. Each time, the stories are different..."

In short, what Lao Xu is going to take is the experience of the crown of sin.

In fact, it is not uncommon to put stories in two or even three weeks, but it is less extreme than animic.

Among the more successful types like this, "Neil mechanical era" is even a very good example. In the case of multi-week entries, the story even replaces the protagonists, but the whole story can be told very well.

Sen Xia's story telling method is similar - even to say, the multi Week program itself is a part of the story and the plot.

"It was bad at first_ End, then normal_ End, good_ End。” Lao Xu said.

"You don't have to copy the whole canon of sin." Senxia quickly stopped Laoxu, "although we can also use this model in this story, but completely imitate, that is the routine, we want to play something interesting."

Although that said, Sen Xia didn't want to completely reject this method. In fact, Sen Xia felt that, in terms of his own side's external biography, this mode was very popular with Sen Xia, because this mode was the most suitable for the story.

This kind of story similar to exposing the dark curtain should be gradually opened one by one.

It's like peeling onions, layer by layer.

"We can tell stories from different angles." Sonia's got a brain hole.

"Tell stories from different angles?" Naisu seemed to understand the appearance, but he did not seem to understand it.

"To put it simply, one eye buries a thread, a second eye uncovers it, and even one, two, three weeks are embedding thread, and then four, five, and six weeks will solve the mystery."

In the future, there will be a game of this mode, that is, when the cicadas cry, and after the cicadas, when the sea cats cry is the same way.

When the cicadas cry, there was an animation. The first 20 episodes of this animation describe the mystery, and the more than 20 words in the animation "when the cicadas cry" are the part to solve the mystery.

Although there is the basis of the original, in fact, many people understand the story through animation. How to say The original work of this work, painting style and vertical painting, how to say, is just as ghost and animal as Zun's baozi face.

"Every week, we have an ending. We bury the thread in the front and untie it in the back." Senxia said it again.

"In this case, no matter how tragic the protagonist died, it seems that there is no problem!"

Nai was suddenly enlightened.

Senxia nodded happily.

Samsara masochism, although Lao Xu has carried forward this concept in the magic girl's little round face, in fact, naisu himself has done so in fat series. In fat / stay_ In night's derivative work fat / ha, the hero, or anglumaiya, is in a four-day cycle.

The end of each reincarnation in this story is the protagonist's fancy way of death. After the end of four days, the protagonist will undoubtedly die, and will be killed by various methods of death, and then die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die.

In fact, there are more than 40 ways to die in fat

So after hearing this from senxia, naisu immediately had a wonderful Association.

"In the first act, we were able to make the protagonist follow the plot flow all the way, but in the end, they hung up. Then in the second week, players started different plots, and gradually found out the plot, but in the end it was a tragedy. Through the first three bad endings, let the player's heart doubt more and more big, and then slowly untie the whole story later, a little doubt to the end, another big explosion to warm people's hearts! "

The story is told with a smile.

Well, no matter what, it must be cured in the future!

Laoxu said many weeks, Sen Xia felt very interesting, but different from Lao Xu, Sen Xia decided to play a big one.

"It's OK to do this, but in this way, the process seems to be all linear?" Lao Xu raised a question.

"In fact, this does not affect. Every region has its own story. It can activate different stories in different places. However, each story is different in every state. There is no problem at all."

If the linear story is a straight road, then the nonlinear story is the countless forked roads.But in fact, these are all roads. On the road, no matter what, it's just driving. It's impossible to fly.

For example, the main line of the ancient scroll is actually very short, but the whole story and process are very long. This is a high degree of freedom game.

However, if the game makers connect all the other branches to frighten you and make the game linear, the whole story will not have any strange changes. The whole story will still hold, but in the view of players, if there is only one route, the whole environment will become very "free".

On Mori's side, if all the stories are broken up and disassembled, the most difficult thing is the Scripter, not the technical or procedural matters. Even the playability of the whole story will rise, just like the crown of sin.

It's just that different from the crown of sin, the fairy sword of senxia here plays bigger and more exaggerated.

To put it simply, senxia didn't plan to take the usual road.

"In this case, the story itself will be very troublesome. If you want to make the logic clear, this is a super difficult thing." Lao Xu thought for a while, but he found that it was not a problem, but it was too difficult.

It's not that we can't do it, but if we do, the whole story will become very troublesome.

At least Lao Xu thinks it's hard to handle such a story.

"Yes, it's easy to say, but in fact, if you want to do it, you have to consider too much, especially the mutual influence between each branch story, and the different routes and stories caused by each weekly item. At this time, the whole world and logic will become very chaotic." Lao Xu shook his head.

"Yes, if one can't be done well, there will be problems."

Senxia also reflected.

There's no problem in doing this - well, at least it looks ok, but in fact, if one is not done well, the whole game will be dwarfed.

If you are greedy for perfection, the final story may not be well done.

The choice is necessary.

Sen Xia absolutely praised thinking.

"The easiest way is to make the whole story linear, so that both logic and playfulness can be ensured. But if the whole story increases the degree of freedom, it's hard to say what follows. "

Freedom means that the story itself is hard to constrain.

What? Son caught?

I'm going to pick up the garbage!

What? The dragon is going to attack Baiman city?

Let me finish the task of the thieves' Union first

What? The collector took my crew?

Ah, there are still two branch lines that have not been completed. I will do this task first.

Nani? The collector is going to destroy the earth?

Ah, wait a minute. I'll finish the DLC of Shenbao first

Degrees of freedom, even if that's the case.

But as far as Mori knows, games with high degrees of freedom, such as witches, scrolls and radiation, are actually very popular.

Among these stories, Sen Xia thinks that the best story is the wizard series.

Although senxia prefers the world of the ancient scrolls, it has to be admitted that the stories made by witches are more profound and more healing.

Senxia does not admit that the latter point is the key.

Senxia believes that with a high degree of freedom, the story can reach the level of wizard 3, which is already excellent.

Weighing the pros and cons is really a super troublesome thing.

"But as expected, it should be more impact and better." Sen Xia really felt that it would be better to give you some impact impression.

But what exactly should we do?

There are a lot of ideas in Mori's brain, and it's no problem to take out a single idea, but it's a more troublesome thing to show the brain hole completely.

“……” Senxia was thinking.

"How about making a samsara pattern like the crown of sin and distinguishing it from the story mode?" Lao Xu suggested.

Senxia thought for a moment.

Then he shook his head.

Although this method is decisive and can take into account both sides, in Mori's view, this mode is still somewhat subtle.

In particular, the previous story is 2D, but this time it is 3D. It feels different.

Senxia took a deep breath, and he reviewed his thoughts again. What he wanted to mark was the ancient scroll 3 morning wind.

Therefore, the choice is necessary.

"Well That's it. This article focuses on the plot, and then the spread pays attention to freedom. "

Senxia made a decision.

"Oh? That's good. " Lao Xu nodded.

Indeed, if senxia can break out suddenly, really do all the creative ideas, and also do super well, then What should I do about this article?What about the dignity of this article? What about the position of this article?

Therefore, at this time, we must pay attention to some situations.

"But if the degree of freedom is too high, how can the story be cured?" It was naisu who asked the question.

"It is because of the high degree of freedom that we can cure. Think about it. You do a task and choose an option that you think is better. When you come back, you find that things are going to be worse. What do you think? " Senxia presents a case.

"Ah? That's good. " Nai thought it was interesting.

"I see. I think it's just, but the result is worse? Mm-hmm, it's so interesting! "

It is Laoxu who thinks that the plot is super interesting and super cured.

After hearing senxia's words, Lao Xu even began to have brain holes: "well, I think the theme of magic girls is especially suitable for this kind of people. Magic girls think that they are saving the world, but in fact, they are the culprits who put the world into the abyss. When they know the truth, they collapse in despair. This scene How interesting

Lao Xu felt that such a scene was super touching!


Sen Xia took a deep look at Lao Xu beside her.

This routine is not the discussion of magic girl Xiaoyuan, but how to say As expected, it is worthy of Lao Xu. This story is still healing people's heart as always.

However, senxia felt that the theme of Laoxu and magic girl seemed to be in tune with each other unexpectedly?

At this time, senxia thought of the masked Knight made by Lao Xu.

How to say, the story of the masquerade knight is OK in front of Laoxu, but senxia thinks that Laoxu may not be suitable for a long story, so there are some subtleties behind it.

In this way, in order to make the content of healing people more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, can I ask Laoxu to do some long training in the future?

Well, when Lao Xu was still a magic girl in YY, senxia had already thought of a future trial for Lao Xu

"Does the story still need to be in the form of a multiweekly list?" Naisu asked again.

"So..." Senxia thought for a moment, and then said, "this can be done. One week's task can not be perfect, but after one week's experience, two weeks can have more solutions. At the end of the story, all tasks can be perfect, which can be retained."

As for the scripts that cover the lines in one week and answer them in five weeks, Sen Xia thinks there can be one.

It's just that the original "fairy sword 2" is regarded as black history, so it's good to make a story of this kind.

Well, by the way, where is Dragon Knight 07 now?

Now it's handed to Lao Xu and Nai Shu who are doing it. Can the second generation give it to Dragon Knight 07?

As one of the great powers of the healing system, as the Dragon Knight 07 who can produce "when the cicadas cry", senxia thinks that the other party may have this talent.

"Yo Xi, go back and see if you can dig people..."

Senxia murmured in her heart.

It seems that there are many talented producers in a big eastern country. Do you want to recruit these people and make a mud boom game?

What Yin and Yang division, benevolent king, unparalleled in the Warring States period

Well, Mori is so wayward. She uses Japanese personnel to make something of a big eastern country's culture, and then uses Chinese characters to make Nihong culture

"For the time being, let's do it for the time being. After you go back, you can give me an outline. I'll review it first. Now it's like this."

Well, next, it's time to go back to the imperial capital and talk about the game with people from a big eastern country. There is still a round of discussion about whether it's about introducing or buying shares

…… The stories of

make complaints about radiation 4, ancient scroll 5, mass effect 2, 3.

But think about it, it's really interesting to think about it, when the spouse is killed, the son is robbed, and the old popsicle is addicted to picking up garbage

Today's two in one, meow meow ~

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