After a period of time, the witch's house began to be gradually spread among the royal family. The exquisite and delicate painting style, detailed and rich details and the final reversal ending all make people unable to stop. Along with the feedback from email, more and more information is received.

However, these have nothing to do with the current Mori for the time being. The game did not create a sensation at the beginning. The development of the later stage must wait for the story to gradually brew.

"There are so many people."

On August 15, the shrine entered its busiest time.

This day is the biggest festival in Japan.

The time and nature of this activity is somewhat similar to the temple fair of the Chinese dynasty. In Japanese anime, no matter whether you are daily or not, basically such a scene will appear once, and the end of this chapter is basically the ending of a fireworks conference.

The fireworks festival is also a reserved program for summer festival. The main characters and the heroines are determined to watch the fireworks assembly together for a lifetime, go to the fireworks Convention and meet the Shura, or go to the fireworks assembly together and have a wonderful feeling with the good friends / friends. However, it is a pity that there is no famous river in Musashino City, otherwise it will live together.

However, all of this had nothing to do with senxia, because on this day, both senxia and xuenai helped in the bird feather shrine.

At the summer festival, bird feather shrine naturally has its own reserved programs, that is, dance, that is, divine music.

Although Shenle is regarded as a person's name in animation, it is actually a traditional Japanese song and dance.

Today's highlight should be in the evening, but in the afternoon, the small bird feather shrine has gathered a lot of people. Of course, more and more people hang out under a long string of snack stalls under the bird feather shrine, or in a more Japanese way, they should be called "Wutai".

"In fact, it's like this every year." Xuenai is trying on her dancing costume at this time. This year, xuenai is the one who performs the divine music dance, and senxia is here to help.

"But it's hard to wear so much in summer." Senxia shook the bell in her hand, which was the props used by snow when she danced in Shenle.

Shenle is a kind of ancient traditional sacrificial dance in Japan, which can be divided into two categories: yushenle and lishenle. The former is palace music, and the latter is folk music. From the perspective of style, this dance of bird feather shrine is the witches' music among the sacred music in Li.

The so-called Wunv divine music is a dance performed by witches in the ceremony of inviting gods. They hold fans, bells, sacred tree branches and other props, and then wear sky crowns and white clothes to hold a ceremony. This ceremony is divided into two types: the morning God Music and the evening God music. The dance performed by bird feather shrine in the evening is the evening music.

"To tell you the truth, I always thought it was a strange thing to sacrifice jade algae." Senxia shook her head.

"With regard to this matter, I remember that a scholar once said it last year. It seems to say that yuzao was actually Daji from the time of the Chinese dynasty. Then Japanese mythology was influenced by the culture of the Chinese dynasty, and then yuzao was born before yuzao, and then it became the predecessor of Daohe God and so on." I don't know much about snow.

"Rice lotus..." Mori is not very interested in Japanese mythology. When it comes to rice lotus, what appears in Mori's mind are anime works such as the love song of rice lotus and Jing Sao opera and painting. Senxia is at a loss about snow Nai's explanation.

"Brother, help me take off my clothes." Xuenai called back the Mori Xia who was wandering in the sky.


Next to the summer, the summer's clothes were changed to the next one, which was really sad. She had to take off her clothes and dance

"It's OK. According to God's grandfather, when performing in the past, I had to wear a fox mask with golden fur and white face." Snow Nai said, "if you dance with a mask, it will be more difficult."

"In fact, according to the records, we used oil paint on our faces at the earliest time, and then evolved to use masks. Now, there is no tradition of wearing masks. However, there are some masks left by the previous generations in the warehouse." Talking is from the outside is the God of the original grandfather, he is leaning on crutches, toward the Sen Xia and the snow is smiling.

"Grandfather God!" Snow is at this time has gone to hold the God of the original grandfather, and Sen Xia side put things, but also sigh: "there is such a history ah."

"I don't know about other places, but I have studied the history of our bird feather shrine for thousands of years in detail, ah I remember when I first saw the history of the shrine, I was only 12 years old, a little younger than you are now... " The old man sighed, "in fact, the history of Niaoyu shrine is very bumpy. Our shrine was actually in Kyoto at the earliest time, but later it moved here..."

"Cough, grandfather, what's the matter with you?" Snow is to see God original grandfather began to chatter, quickly interrupted his words, or wait for him to continue to say, that will have enough."Oh, it's like this," grandfather Shenyuan finally remembered what he had to do. "Now it's all right here. Let's leave it to us adults. Xuenai, you and senxia go to enjoy the ceremony first, as long as you come back before the dance."

Hearing this, Xue is very excited: "I can now and brother Do you want to go to the festival together

God original grandfather smiles to nod: "well, you have a good time to enjoy it."

"Thank you, grandpa!" Snow is gently embrace God original grandfather, and then she happily walked to the side of Sen Xia, "sister, let's go to the ceremony together now!"

"Ah?" Senxia had just sorted out the things. He wanted to have a rest, but after seeing xuenai's excited and expectant eyes, he nodded subconsciously, "well, if the time is not tight, go and have a look."

Hearing senxia's words, xuenai immediately took his hand: "God, grandfather, let's go to the ceremony first ~"

"well, remember to come back then!" Seeing that xuenai was so excited, Shenyuan's grandfather also gave a smile, "it's really a young man. In those years, I always wanted to go to the festival to play..."

"It's great. I can finally go to the ceremony with my brother!" On the other side, xuenai is excited to block Mori's arm, with a happy smile on her face


Futa refers to bisexuality, and fake mother refers to the group whose gender is male. Don't abuse futa!

Well, the new week has been pushed forward, and tickets and collections in various postures are required

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