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Xue Nai smiles at Qianjia. \R

a kind smile. \After seeing xuenai's smile, senxia even thought of asatos in the legend of kesulu. \R

an indescribable horror was conveyed to Qianjia with xuenai's smile. \R

"if the pursuit of girls' happiness is also a" Fox ", I will admit that I am a Nine Tailed Fox. Therefore, I will never let go of Sen Xiajun." Qianjia made a great success in the evaluation of the San value of D100. Therefore, she not only did not get hurt by her reason, on the contrary, she also suffered 10000 trauma on her own. \Senxia felt sweating all over her body. \R

speaking of it, aren't these two people very close before? \R

but why? \R

"besides, xuenai sauce, you and Sen Xiajun are brothers and sisters. Since this is the case, your fate has been doomed from the beginning. But I am different. Senxia Jun and I were originally two people who had no relationship with each other, but now we can hold each other closely. This is different from your "destiny". This is the power of "fate"Qianjia ridiculed the snow is a wave - you are not relying on blood relationship, just and Sen Xia Jun so close?! But we are not the same. Our side is the strength school, the acting school, and you are different from the fresh meat! \R

"my brother is my half body, we are two in one, which is not a simple blood relationship that can be summarized!" \At this time, xuenai also looked at Qianjia. \R

"please be quiet for me \Mori decided to be tough. \But he seems to have forgotten something. \R

"brother, please be quiet \"Senxia, don't talk now!" \Two people spoke almost at the same time. \R

although they said so, they both grasped Mori's hand at the same time. \R

they are looking at each other with terrible eyes at the moment. \Sen Xia was stunned. \His left hand was grasped by xuenai, while his right hand was firmly grasped by Qianjia. \r

“……” \R

well, at this time, Sen Xia was desperate to find that her "tough plan" had been completely bankrupt so far. \R

"at the end of the day, aren't you taking advantage of this special inborn relationship? Senxia Jun and I are based on the same interests, hobbies and ideals, and then come together It turns out that Qianjia is still xuenai's killer. \R

"even if there is no blood relationship, my brother and I are the best brothers and sisters! What's more, my elder brother's ideal is my ideal. My brother's interest is my interest. My brother's love is my love. Don't underestimate me who writes novels of Gongkou! " \R

snow seems to have said something terrible?! \R

"wait a minute, xuenai, have you written Gongkou novels before?" \Senxia was not calm. \R

when she was a brother, senxia's aura suddenly rose to a level. When her brother's power broke out, she suppressed xuenai's strength! \R

"HM --!" Xuenai, who had just said the most wonderful words, was suddenly depressed at this time, "before Because my brother wrote a lot of interesting things before And I also saw what my brother was doing when he was practicing weaving rope to make clothes, so I thought, when can I help my brother... " \R

this passage is about Kouzhu - Qianjia has seen through xuenai. \As the saying goes, the person who knows you best is your enemy. \As the enemy of xuenai at this moment, Qianjia keenly catches the abnormality of xuenai. \"But in this case, it's not enough." Qian Jia smiles, "my meeting with Sen Xiajun is predestined, but if you don't have kinship, you will come together, it's impossible. If you can't even meet Sen Xia, how can you show that you like and understand senxia? But as long as Mori Xiajun enters kauno college, the temperament of the same kind between us will make us gradually close to each other, which is what you can't achieve \R

"you're a doggerel!" \Xuenai always thinks that there is something wrong with Qianjia's words, but xuenai's momentum has just atrophied. At this time, xuenai's words become extremely pale and powerless. \R

"it's not a doggerel. I admit that the sky of fate is a good work, but the real world is not so ideal. Besides, xuenai, you are also very clear. In the past, it was me who helped senxia to achieve her career, and now it is me who can help senxia. In the future, it is me who can stand by senxia's side to help senxia. But you are always just Sen Xiajun's sister. " \R

well, if the concept of "Tianhai home" is excluded, it is. \But xuenai can't use the name of "Tianhai family" to suppress Qianjia at this time, because in this case, it really shows that she has lost. \"So my brother and I No, Sonia and I are not that superficial relationship. We are one. If there was no senxia, there would be no xuenai. Now it is in front of you Xuenai raised her head and said, "so even if my brother and I are not brothers and sisters, we will eventually come together. When we see each other, "xuenai" is born because of "senxia" \R

snow is Is this self explosion? \Senxia felt that xuenai's words had begun to deviate from reality. \Is her sister losing her mind? \At this time, Qian Jia sneered and looked at Xue Nai with a sneer: "so, after realizing my own weakness, I started to talk about metaphysics?" \R

"hum!" Snow is proud to look at Qianjia over there. \R

God, please come and help me, no matter who it is! \R

"Ku Ku Ku my family member, I smell the smoke of war ~" the voice of the second disease suddenly rang out \r…… \R

today's two in one. \R

recommend a new fan. What are you doing at the end of the day? \R

the first episode is full of malice. Well, it looks beautiful. \R

well, the super cure theory ~

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