The same morning.


When I woke up, it was already 9:30 in the morning.

Ling Nai doesn't often stay up late because staying up late is bad for her health, especially for girls' skin. Therefore, no matter what kind of work she does, she will arrange and arrange it.

Of course, even so, but as a main process, it is often too busy to work.

Last night, during the summer festival, Ayana and Heidao worked together to repair a bug that appeared in the PC version of Lu Lu Xiu.

This bug is very hidden. It requires the player to strengthen the attack power of a certain mecha or weapon to full value, and then use the increased attack power in some events to break the upper limit, and then continuously brush off the attack. Because the data exceeds the upper limit, it will cause data overflow, and then cause an error.

The upper limit of attack power is 30000, but there is a low-level error in the production, that is, when the attack power reaches 30000, players can use the event bonus to force the attack to break through 30000.

The DC version also has this problem, but after the DC version breaks through, the attributes can't be added. However, it seems that the PC version is caused by a bug somewhere. After the upper limit is broken, players can repeatedly strengthen it. When the attack power exceeds 65535, errors will occur.

This is a very rare thing, because the money needed to strengthen attack power increases exponentially with the numerical value. After more than 20000 attacks, the cost performance ratio is not high. Although it is possible in theory, but in fact, it is not very simple to realize it.

But in this case, the player did submit a problem, and they did find the problem.

After the investigation, we found that the player was a reformer - well, the game modifier.

This guy didn't lock HP or attack power directly, but changed money.

And then it was embarrassing.

This kind of low-level mistake, no one expected to happen, but it happened.

But on the other hand, it is inevitable.

It may take only one day to write a program, but if there is a bug to check the code, sometimes it will take another three or five days. If there is no way, but the bug is not serious, some game companies even tell the players that it is actually a "benign bug", and then "for the sake of the player's experience, we decide not to fix it" What are you looking at? It's about you, group B!

The bug problem encountered by animic club this time is not big, but the problem is actually in the numerical setting, which is embarrassing, because this kind of low-level error is too unskilled - well, everyone originally thought so.

Later, during the process of investigation, they found that the problem was not so simple, because there was no problem with the code about numerical value. The problem was a certain scheduling mechanism. Then we went through the investigation step by step. Last night, we finally solved this embarrassing bug and released a patch.

Although it can be accumulated, it can be repaired at one time.

after the problem is finally solved, we can finally have time to rest. Because of the late time, we all stay in the office.

However, they were not the last to rest. The working group in charge of affairs with a big eastern country was still working when she got up. Things over a big eastern country were more complicated than expected.

Although she wakes up from her own office, she doesn't feel any discomfort.

Although the control of sleep time is very good, it is impossible to ask for more. After a day's overtime work, you still have the strength to move, which is very amazing.

After getting up, Ling Nai first turned off the air conditioning, then put on the clothes, bedding, and then opened the curtain, the window opened.

With hot air into the air conditioning and become cold room, in bringing heat, but also bring fresh air.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Nai picked up her own towel, electric toothbrush and prepared skin care products. After

's rinse, she carefully painted the skin lotion on her face.

Staying up late is the enemy of skin, although there is no way to change it, but try to remedy it.

After doing this, Ling Nai left the office and went to the rooftop.

Although she has been a programmer for such a long time, Ling Nai has not forgotten her dream. The club has asked Ling Nai to enroll in the second youth school to learn the skills of voice actors. She will also train here when she is free.

"Well It's not going to work like this. "

After the vocal training, Ling Nai did not go downstairs, but stayed in place to think.

In fact, the technical level of animic can only be regarded as average. Although Ling Nai is very powerful, she has no way to drive the whole club, so many places can not lack her.But the girl's mind, in fact, is in the voice over there.

Even the teachers of the second youth school think that Ling Nai has excellent qualifications!

"What's more terrible is the study Well... "

Girls want to do a lot of things, girls have to do a lot of things, but girls have very limited time.

"Damn it, why don't you have 48 hours a day? There's not enough time at all!"

It's not just about being a voice actor, it's not just about being the main program here. People also want a boyfriend, and then have a good love!

Girls always have a lot of things to do.

"Good morning, Ayana."

"Ah, sister Nanai!"

Appear in the roof of the corridor mouth, is shuishunai.

Now his career is gradually improving. With the help of Ms. Ishikawa and MS. Mipu, Nanai is also making progress in singing.

Every time I see Mizuno, Ayana is always envious. Although she is not much older than herself, she can do what she likes best and can do so well. This is really enviable.

She even heard that senxia and Qianjia had a tendency to get a firm because of the development of Nanai.

Ling Nai thinks that she can take into account many aspects as well as Nanai. However, after working on animic's side for so long, she finds that she is not so powerful. Time seems to never be enough. No matter how she plans, time seems to catch her elbow.

"Stay up late again?" Nanai goes to Ling Nai's side.

"Well, some small things at work have been solved." Ayana smiles.

"But it's not good to stay up late. What's more, if you live here, won't your family worry? " Nana Zhidao Ling Nai is a little younger than herself, but such a girl doesn't go home at night. No matter what happens to her family, they will worry about it.

"My family is more open-minded, and my parents are in foreign countries However, my servant brought me stew last night, so my family knows about this... " Ling Nai doesn't know how to describe her own situation, because it's really not easy to explain.

"I see. Ayana, you are really amazing." Nanai looks at Ling Nai. Her purple eyes are extremely rare all over the world. Her purple pupils match her face, sometimes even producing a magical attraction. Nanai couldn't help exclaiming, "generally speaking, a girl with such good quality as Ayana sauce will go to be a model or an idol, but you still insist on what you want to do."

"Well," Ling Nai didn't know what to think of, and then said, "my father said that the color will eventually age, but his talent will be more and more behind, so he supports me to do those more practical things - but in fact, my father has been very concerned about his appearance. He is obviously a man, but he is also concerned about skin care products and skin care products I know more about health products than my mother does. "

After hearing this, he also chuckled.

"That's really interesting." She responds with a smile.

"Ah, yes, but every time I think of such a father, I still feel a little strange in my heart." Ling Nai shrugged helplessly. It can be seen that she has some helplessness to her father's behavior.

"Oh, that's very funny, Nai!" Nanai was a little annoyed, and then took Ling Nai all the way down the stairs to the white bear cafe.

In the morning, there were not many people in the white bear cafe. Nanai took Ling Nai and came to an independent box.

In the east city, Linai sat here. After seeing the rain in the rain, ryinah stood up and said hello to Ling Nai: "good morning, Ling Nai sauce."

"Hello, lenai sauce." Ling Nai greets Li Nai. They are about the same age, so they both use the nickname "sauce" to address each other.

"Ling Nai hasn't eaten breakfast yet. Although it's already this time, it's better to eat a little bit." Nanai, the oldest, is like a gentle elder sister, thinking about his younger generation here.

Nanai ordered the dim sum before this. After Ling Nai came, the cake and milk tea were served.

"Well I feel like I've come back to life, cream cake The soft cream cake tastes very good. Although the selling point of the white bear coffee shop is "maid", the snacks that can be eaten here are comparable with those of high-grade restaurants.

"Is it so hard every day?" Li Nai asks Ling Nai.

Ling Nai thought for a moment, and then said, "well, in fact, my side is OK, but everyone here in animic works harder. The hardest part is before the deadline, and then at the beginning of the project. In the middle of the project, it is probably the most slack and lazy time for the biggest family. ""Ah? Medium term? " Lynette didn't understand.

"Because at the beginning, we all want to do a good job, but in the medium term, we are easy to be tired. In the end, when the dead line is near, everyone will squeeze out their energy - that's probably the case." Ling Nai said so.


I don't know why. Lynette felt that there was a kind of A feeling of empathy.

"I I thought office workers were all that kind of hard work Just like my dad... " Reina never thought that everyone would fish?

"If you go out early and come back late, of course. But in fact, office workers will nap when they are working. In fact, they are pretending to work hard. When recruiting people here, animic stressed that we should not have the traditional office workers! "

Although Ling Nai wants to be a voice actor, she has been a member of animic for a long time.

"Go to work, take a nap?"

"It should be said that the brain empties completely out of state, that is, there is no efficiency at all." "And a lot of times, office workers come home so late, not because they work overtime, but because they drink outside. But seriously, if it's my boyfriend, I'd rather he had more time with me..."

"Boyfriends..." For the "office workers" Tucao, Li Nai decided to ignore the past, but what Nanai said finally "boyfriend" or something, but let rye make complaints about it.

It can be seen that "boyfriend" is a very tangled topic for Renee.

"Maybe it's not a boyfriend. If it's a girlfriend, it's OK." At this time, a sentence suddenly appeared.

Li Nai and Ling Nai on this side, almost in an instant, look at the other side of Natsuna.

But Nanai didn't seem to realize what she said here. She took a strange look at the two people here and seemed to be puzzled.

"Ah?" Facing the two people who cast strange eyes, Nanai tilted her head - it seems that she didn't feel as if she had said something strange?

Ling Nai shook her head and then looked at Li Nai over there: "what's the matter with Li Nai sauce coming here today? When I first saw you, I always felt as if you had something on your mind? "

Although we usually go shopping together, but yesterday's summer cm and summer festival have just passed. It's strange to come here today.

"Well It's like this. " She said, "well, I'd like to ask sister Nanai about sonography, and then sister Nanai brought me here."

"-- ah, Lynette is going to graduate, too. Do you want to be a voice actor?" Ayana understands. But it's too late for the university to become a voice actor?

"Ah, yes, that's what I want to say. By the way, the production of "Earth Defense youth" is about to start. Ling Nai, if you graduate from the second youth school, you should be able to catch up with the dubbing. "


Today's update, two in one, meow meow.

Yesterday, I had a dream that FGO had two generations. The result was that the black soul version of FGO was produced by Miyazaki YingGAO and Tianhai senxia, and instantly urinated

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