While Qianjia is feeling good about raising idols, Qianjia's father is in trouble.

"Sony is really not good this time."

Help Dachuan Gong pour a glass of wine, Chiu Zhengxiong sighed.

Dachuangong, sitting next to him, picked up his glass and put it on his lips. Then he thought about it and put it down again.

Sega's home computer department is now fully supporting the creation of the game "Shamu". Although the production time of Shamu jumped several times, it was finally confirmed that it could be released in September - a lot earlier than scheduled.

However, Sony's product is also in full swing, announcing the launch of the PS2 in November - almost a replica of last year's DC.

Sony's PS2 is not good, and the display effect is perfect, which captured many players at once.

Sony claims to have 10 times the performance of Sega's DC, plus the scene has such a perfect picture. Although the PS2 has not yet been launched, it has already attracted the attention of players, which directly leads to the unsalable of Sega DC.

Before landing in Europe and the United States, DC sales soared, Sega was also relieved, but at this time, the news of PS2 came out, which made Sega headache.

The game is innovative in the screen, but compared with Sony in the past, it is definitely not better than the PS2 demo screen - but as for the actual effect, who can say?

Of course, there are advantages to Sharm - open world, QTE system, and then a very good mod development environment.

Well Yes, in this world, Shamu supports mod system.

There is a hard disk in Sega DC. This hard disk is not added casually. With this hard disk, many of Sega DC's development teams have optimized this hard disk.

The game companies in Nihong will transfer some big data to the hard disk, and then speed up the reading speed of the game. While the manufacturers in Europe and America prefer to launch DLC based on network system. As for mod, some manufacturers think that this system is not in line with their own game concept, so they do not adopt it, while other game manufacturers are very keen Convenient use of mod system, allowing players to participate in the development of the game, such as animic's "crown of sin" and "anti rebellious Lu Lu Xiu".

Suzuki Yu in the production of "Shamu", he was determined to stack advanced ideas in the game, so he also used this game system.

It's a long way off.

"Shamu" this game has not yet appeared, was beaten by Sony, Sega's situation is very bad.

“…… Zhengxiong, get out of here. " For a long time, Mr. dachuangong said so.

"Quit Sega now?" Chiu Masao narrowed his eyes.

As one of the influential directors, Chiba Zhengxiong also has a certain influence. However, there are various situations that are difficult to explain within Sega, which makes him feel difficult.

According to the truth, it would be a good thing for Chiu to leave at this time. He is now negotiating with a big eastern country, preparing to let Qianyu group enter into a big oriental country. If he can get away from SEGA, Chiu Zhengxiong will be able to concentrate on this matter.

But how to say

I don't like it.

He took the glass, took a sip, and then put his eyes in the room.

This is the private house of Qianyu family, which is the hot spring manor where senxia and his family had been.

Today's sun is very big, but in the harmony room, it is very cool. Even the air conditioner doesn't need to be turned on. Moreover, there is a fresh wind blowing the room slightly, bringing a trace of cool.

"And you?" Chiu Masao asked.

Dachuangong shook his head: "I watched Sega step by step to this point, I will accompany Sega to continue to walk."

The biggest supporter of Dreamcast is Okawa.

When he died, he even donated all his 85 billion yen to Sega, and his intention was that Sega should not give up Dreamcast.

However, he probably did not dream that, more than a month after dachuangong died, Sega gave up DC.

To put it bluntly, Mr. Ogawa's body is not cold yet. The former executives of Sega have already kicked him into the garbage heap of history.

Chiu Masao here knows this better.

Of course, I understand what it's like to get along with qianyuxiong for more than a year. Sega's home computer and arcade departments have different interests. They can see their internal interests suffer, but they can't see the overall interests of the company - or, they see, but because of their own interests, they selectively ignore them.Chiu Masao is thinking about whether he should really just go like this.

It's all over.

After all, we still have to go to Sega these days, that is, the Kuomintang party that voted in Chang kaishen in 49 years. We can't die any more.

Moreover, Mr. dachuangong's spirit and spirit have declined obviously recently. He is old and has no strength to manage Sega.

But When do you choose to quit?

As expected, he was still unwilling.

It's so bad to leave like this!

“…… Look at Shamu. " Chiba Masao said, "the game itself is still very good. With such a killer game, Sega DC still has a chance."

It is true that there is a game to save a machine. Pokemon is just like that for GB. The final fantasy and biochemical crisis on PS platform are two good games that complement each other.

And "Shamu" has been given this identity - because the game, really good.

Chiba Masao has not seen the game itself of "Shamu", but he has seen the technical demonstration of Shamu demonstrated by Suzuki Yu.

Sunrise and sunset, QTE system, open world, dynamic NPC, all of which make this game very excellent.

So, Shamu can still gamble.

If the shamwood fire, PS2 will be released later, which will give Sega an opportunity to fight back.

"But Sonia, the child..." And at this time, chiyuzhengxiong suddenly thought of senxia.

Sega's internal side - mainly in the home computer department - has a very good expectation for the game of "Shamu". Here, no one can speak ill of it.

But senxia is not optimistic about Shamu.

No, to be exact, he is not optimistic about Shamu on DC platform.

"The game of Shamu is very good technically, but it is at best a game led by the host computer, but it is not a game that can lead the host computer." Senxia once said this to Qianjia, and Qianjia also told his father about it.

“…… Is that your son-in-law? " Dachuan Gong still remembers that boy with some special features.

"Poof -- cough..." Chiba Masao almost swallowed a mouthful of wine into his windpipe. After he took a breath, he said, "it's hard to say, and I'm not going to interfere with the children's own choices."

Dachuan Gong nodded and asked, "what did he say?"

"The son of senxia feels that DC's future is dim now Well, as long as DC is in Sega, there is no way to save it. "

Whether the game creation is popular or not is accidental, but in Mori's view, in addition to the game itself, the person who makes the game is actually the more important element.

"That's the right opinion." Dachuan Gong sighed.

"Well," Mr. Chiba nodded, "it's a very troublesome thing to reconcile the contradictions among various departments within Sega. After the sale of Shamu, I am going to take advantage of the hot sale of saga, and then take the opportunity to rectify the internal of Sega

Mr. Ogawa also agreed: "I will support you then."

"By the way, I have an idea on my side. I want to consider it with you." After paving so much, Chiu Masao also began to tell his ideas.

"Well." Dachuan Gong nodded to show that he was listening carefully.

"I'm going to put DC No, I'm going to pull the entire home computer and gaming department out and do it alone. I have also disclosed a little about this matter to Suzuki Yu, and then the new club will be managed by him. What do you think? "

"Can you convince other directors?" Before this matter, Chiu Masao said to Dachuan Gong, but at that time it was just an idea. But now, things are different.

"Hey, it's hard to say anything else, but I'm also the best at persuading people." Chiu Masao's face showed a smile.

"That's good." Dachuan Gong nodded.

“…… Speaking of it, "as soon as the serious things are finished, Chiu Masao relaxed, and his tone of voice became much more relaxed." before, I also asked about senxia's idea. Although the boy's animic is still developing games for DC, it's all because we Sega has resources available in the back. Now he is looking at PS2 over there. I don't know how greedy he is !”

Well, animic had no choice before, but after knowing the news about PS2, senxia sent people to watch Sony almost every day, and then tried to get into the PS2 camp.

Animic developed one game after another after a big fire in Europe and the United States. Later, it made a big news with a number of game manufacturers and developed a network platform - and the sales volume was still very good.

As everyone knows, animic's future is really limitless."But let me see, although senxia values PS2, his eyes have always been on the PC - no, it should be on the Internet."

Yes, targeting PS2 is animic's current strategy, and animic's real goal in the future is the network platform.

In other words, they have recently developed an online game called "Stone Age" in operation, but unfortunately, in mud boom, this game is not popular - but if you look at a big eastern country, Chiu Zhengxiong is astonished to find that the game seems to be developing with the Internet of a big eastern country, which is really very popular.

Now, they are said to have acquired the Lianzhong platform and are testing another very interesting leisure online game

So after observing the actions of senxia, Chiu Masao immediately knew that Mori had put his eyes on the Internet.

"The Internet really represents the future," Mr. Ogawa nodded. "It's not a bad thing to grasp this trend."

The network system above the DC is what Mr. Ogawa insisted on.

At first, the network system didn't play a very important role in mud boom, because there were a very limited number of mud boom players who would communicate with each other and use the network system.

However, after DC was listed in Europe and the United States, Sega found that the energy of the network system was too big to be able to do. Many European and American players simply bought games for the network system - in mud boom, this situation is unimaginable!

"This is your vision." On this point, Chiyu Zhengxiong also admires Dachuan Gong. If not for his insistence, Sega DC's success in Europe and America would be greatly reduced.

But speaking of this matter, Chiu Masao here has some regrets.

At present, the most popular online game is called "hero track", but the most suitable platform for this game is PC, which is controlled by mouse and keyboard. This "hero track" can show a very delicate method of playing.

Speaking of it, the game is also interesting. At first, they wanted to buy the copyright of the characters. Except for Jiaochuan, who was strongly supported at that time, other publishers ignored this side. But now, after the popularity and response of the game are fierce, these publishers rush to send money, hoping to add some roles of their own works.

According to the grapevine, the hero track seems to be preparing for a top 100 ACG popular character, but choosing a new role in it Well, Chiu does not pay attention to this kind of gossip. He doesn't have much time to gossip.

“…… Now, let Suzuki Yu be ready. Taking over DC is a heavy burden. " Mr. Ogawa has returned to the topic.

"Hi." Chiu Masao answered.

In this way, the world made a small step in the direction that Sen Xia didn't know

What? What are you doing now?

Er - special training in Tianhai village, of course!


After roughly cleaning up the room, I feel that people are going to die in these two days, and all kinds of bad luck. Even Xiao an spent 110W + friendship points to draw them out

This is a sad story

Two in one chapter, take anti-inflammatory drugs to sleep

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