Magic is as high as Bah, it's the magic maiden Naiye rescue plan. Senxia has started.

However, Qianjia's request for Sen Xia is somewhat baffling.

Why to make magic girl series games, we still need to find a master who specializes in making mecha to draw mecha?

"Well, is this your first draft?"

Qianjia looks at Sen Xia's design and feels it delicately Does mecha seem to be necessary?

Well, that's right. What senxia designed here is the first version of the protective clothing after Naiye's transformation.

Naiye, a magic girl, has always been nicknamed "magic gauda Naiye". This is not without reason. With the development of magic gun series, Naiye's protective clothing and weapons are more and more evolving towards the "rigid big wood" mode.

Although it is not so obvious in the early times, the blue and white color of Naiye's protective clothing, combined with the golden and red magic device of sunrise heart, Naiye really has a kind of "rigid big wood" protagonist machine. You know, from 0079 to the iron orphan, the color of the protagonist machine has always been blue and white.

Senxia's design here is also "respecting the original work".

In the process of design, senxia strengthened the "big wood" feeling of some naiyeh clothing.

Of course, this is not to say that senxia is piling up with elements, but to use these elements to reflect Naiye's loveliness - this is the most important thing.

Senxia naturally added some private goods in her design. Because she liked tight clothes, she made a black all inclusive style tights inside Naiye's clothes.

Laurie in tights Think about it, there are some skills

(cough) seriously.

"Here is my initial concept, but now I can achieve this degree, is the limit."

It is obviously impossible to expect yourself to be as refined as the space of fate.

After all, it's the space of fate. No matter how refined you are, senxia can't say anything about Naiye.

It's not that I don't like this series, and it's not that I don't have enough cooking power. It's just that Mori feels that when she designs, she really has some difficulties in grasping this degree.

What's more, Naiye is a huge series, and before that there was a hole in eternal love.

Rather than let his side kitchen power release, senxia felt that it was better to let people improve on the basis of the original version.

The most important thing is that senxia thinks that some of the authors' personal devices of magic cannon are really excellent. His writing power is limited. If it's the name of the spine, Ji ye would say otherwise. But if it's senxia himself, it's very difficult for him to get closer.

"I don't know why, but I feel that if I really find a painter who designs mecha to design this kind of combat uniform It seems that there is no sense of disobedience? "

After watching it for a long time, Qian Jia found that if all the series were carried out in accordance with this style, there would be a subtle feeling.

"Well, as long as you don't make people think it's connected to something in the first place."

This kind of thing, should ferment in the follow-up gradual fermentation time, this is the best.

Qian Jia shook her head: "if I didn't know in advance, I wouldn't be surprised at the first time. But this kind of design style, after drawing lessons from the rigid big wood this kind of machine armor, really has a kind of unusual feeling

The magic maiden Naiye gives people the feeling that they are different. Although there are countless works of the same kind before and after the magic gun, the style of those magic maidens and magic guns are definitely different.

"The feeling of things is very subtle, it is good to be able to achieve this."

Senxia nodded.

Now that the style here is OK, senxia began to think of ways to embody the connotation and story of the magic girl Naiye's work.

Perhaps the magic maiden Naiye series, as the original Du Zhu Zhenji, didn't think so much about it. But it has to be said that after he formed a whole "space-time Management Bureau", the huge world outlook and story structure came to us. The darkness of the audience's brain filling into the plot also has a special flavor compared with the original.

Senxia didn't want to copy the original.

Although Naiye's story is good, it's not perfect. Du zhuzhenji probably wanted to write an orthodox magic girl's work at the beginning. But in the first season, xinfangzhao was involved in it, so this work went out of its own style. What's special about duzhuzhenji Maybe there is, but after Wei Wei Ou's article, Sen Xia feels that this product has been completely sick.

Well, not to mention the strain that has been invested in the Great Green Hat Club, moriha closed her eyes and began to recall comprehensively.

The main animation of the magic girl Naiye is divided into three seasons. The first two seasons are obviously about the story of Naiye when he was a child. In short, it is about a group of primary school students playing with lilies.——But primary school students, they are wonderful!

After the success of the first two levels, the third "magic girl Naiye SS" made Naiye grow up at once. This SS has become a controversial work at the beginning. And some of the main supporting roles that have been done before have been abandoned, and many people feel uncomfortable.

But it is undeniable that with the "SS", the world view of the whole magic gun series has been expanded, and the setting of "three giants of the space-time administration" has been accepted by everyone.

After that, however, the story of Nye seemed to stop.

The sequel of "orthodox" is about the story of vivio, a girl adopted by Naiye. Later, if you want to jump out of the "girl" magic war force series, you will be cut off your waist.

And then, Nai Ye's image in the plot was broken to an unparalleled point.

Well, as soon as I think about this, senxia can't help but want to bitch and build a real discipline.

Eh? Wait a moment, if you look at it, you can build a real discipline and leave a choice. Is it a good thing?

Senxia's heart was inexplicably comforted.

Well, since that's the case, it looks good, too?

As a savior of dregs, although we are not saving the present of Naiye, we have saved the future of Naiye!

Well, just like the Xianjian series, although the Xianjian series was later played bad, after having Sen Xia, the subsequent works have at least been guaranteed.

Slag as Savior Tianhai senxia, the perfect travel of their mission, yeah!

So, what should the plot be written after this?

Qianjia has returned to her room and helped senxia contact the master. It is not a simple thing. Because the masters are very willful. If they don't have to hand in the manuscript firmly without the death line, they are as shameless as the author is not going to write at 12 p.m. and it is not a simple thing to find a qualified and responsible painter.

Senxia stood up and took out a bottle of orange juice, adding sugar and thinking.

"Although SS series is mixed, betrayers' original" of Bicun Qishi has caused a strong reaction

Let Naiye grow up in a breath, and then almost be kicked down from the first woman's position at the beginning. How can this matter feel like an egg ache.

But after that, Bicun Qishi drew a series of SS peers called betrayers, which caused a violent response.

After SS, although the magic girl also launched force, which wants to expand and explore the world outlook, it is still much worse than Betrayers of picturesque stone. The plot of force is unknown and the atmosphere is very strange. The true "original powder silk" can be seen is not much.

Well, what can be seen is true love powder.

It is not that force has a big defect, but it just says that the work and the magic gun itself can not fit well, and some of the characters created in it are also very good. Moreover, the human form of high Danai leaf is also a favorite setting. In fact, it makes the true love fans feel very deplorable, and then they will be cut off by the waist if they can not bring popularity. This is a very common phenomenon in the mud boom cartoon world Of.

It is not clear that the work of betrayers, which is a village stone, is different from the slow and hot half day before force. Although it is only over sixty pages, it outlines a bold dark world view.

And the picturesque style of picturesque stone is full of courage. That special style is unique in the works of the same people.

Unfortunately, the excavation of the stone in Bicun is not filled, which makes betrayers a top singer.

After that, "Bi Village stone" became "Bi Village Dairy", began the magic tide and Monday's Feng man series.

God knows what he has been through these years

But anyway, betrayers' style and charm, which is displayed in a short picture of over sixty pages, is what Sen Xia wants.

Of course, betrayers' setting and background are very dark. Naiye spits blood every day and plays with the settings like life attack Well, if the story goes on, it will be sent to the cure of the kitchen knife.

It's not time to go "cure the direction.".

Moreover, betrayers is not perfect. There are many defects in this work. There are problems in the grasp of characters and stories. Especially the stories built in front of them are too big to control without certain strength. This is probably the reason why betrayers has no follow-up.

Sen Xia had written "healing" and "depressing" on his notebook, but soon he deleted the two words by the backspace.

It can't come like this.

"After the magic girl is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, it will be better to reverse again. Now, it is not suitable."Well, you have to "wash white and go ashore" first.

We have to let all the fans realize that "Mr. shawson is a gentle and kind person", and then make a cold shoulder, so that it will be more interesting.

It's not a good choice to start treating fans casually now.

Used to electricity, after everyone's tolerance is high, how do you still play cure?

"Otherwise With a new vest? "

For example, they call them sun riders. They say praises to the sun every day, and then act as a warm person

Well, it's interesting.

Note that when I write the story of Zhiyu, I will be able to move out the new vest.

With the new vest, if you want to launch any healing works, you can use this heart vest to release them. And then the works of normal Xiang will continue to use the pseudonym "Xiasen".

It seems more interesting.

"After Musashino's schedule should also have Well, but do you want to make original animation? "

Naiye originated from "lily Kalou's toy box", but it seems that there is no problem when he says it is an original work.

At this time, Sen Xia was thinking whether the work should be directly made into animation, or whether it would be better to have novels or comics, or original games?

This is a problem.

"Sure enough, it starts with eternal love?"

It means that not only one Naiye will disappear, but also eternal love will disappear.

"I'm not sure about this. I need to go to ivory to confirm..."

Naiye's original work is Lily Kalou's toy box, and Lily Kalou's toy box is derived from eternal love.

It's no problem to simply put aside the previous works, but at this time, Sen Xia Cough, he has some obsessive-compulsive disorder.

It's not difficult to get information from ivory. You just need to be ready to inquire in advance. There is a secret silver platform as a game publishing platform for everyone. The follow-up contact work is actually very convenient.

"And then there is the follow-up..."

Follow up is also important.

Whether it is Naiye in Lori's version or Naiye in the "three giants of the authority", in various senses, these parts are actually related to the role design of the role of "takamachi Naiya".

However, at this time, senxia thought of a guy who liked to draw the dark side. Like betrayers, this work is not 18x, but it has also caused a certain storm

Oh, no, no, no, why do I think of blackening all over my head!

You can't blacken it!

Even if it is to expand the audience, it does not mean that it is blackened!!!

Senxia yelled at herself in her head and then took a gulp of orange juice.

"Hoo..." He took a deep breath and then ruled out the inharmonious evil fall / blackening in his mind.

Don't blacken, don't blacken, don't blacken. Say important things three times.

After feeling that she finally calmed down, senxia began to work.

Let's start with improving the script


This is the position of shayesen

But the strain is sinful, and this is the same.

In addition, a book friend summed up the story about a certain Ke Jie who ran over the Korean champion after being taught by the alpha dog. I think it's very good:

the player's mentality collapsed, and then he abused the king of Korea

Two in one, today's Aerobics

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