Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 239: Commission from Texas believers

A few days after the zombie incident.

The lives of Tang Mu and Li Ang fell into a dull state again.

In the past few days, Tang Mu was not in a hurry to complete the task.

Anyway, the task could be completed sooner or later, so there was no need to push himself so hard.

When they were free, they would go to the streets to post small advertisements.

As for the ghost-catching video made by Tang Mu, it was well-known abroad after being posted on the Internet.

However, most people just regarded it as a special effects spoof video, and few people believed that there were ghosts in this world.

On this day, Li Ang suddenly had an idea and wanted to go to the cinema to watch a zombie movie.

So he went to the housing estate in Shiping Village with Tang Mu to find Qian Xiaohao.

After the last confrontation with Dongshu Zombie.

Li Ang also discovered his own shortcomings.

Therefore, he wanted to find some new knowledge to strengthen himself.

Li Ang's ability is similar to Tang Mu's.

It can be regarded as a weakened version of my thinking power.

However, after Tang Mu safely accepted his ability setting, he really had whatever he wanted.

It was just that some subconscious thoughts would affect its ability.

This is also the reason why Tom occasionally fails.

Li Ang is different.

In his spiritual world.

He has a set of self-consistent logic that belongs to him.

Just like ghosts are afraid of the Ox-Headed Horse-Faced Monster, ghosts are afraid of milk.

There is milk in chocolate, so chocolate can fight ghosts.

This set of logic must be very crazy in the eyes of ordinary people.

But Li Ang thinks this set of logic is true.

Then he is true.

If you convince yourself, you can "convince" the world.

But zombies are not ghosts after all, and Li Ang also knows this.

So milk can't fight zombies.

In order to make up for his shortcomings.

Li Ang is also working hard and preparing to continue to learn more knowledge to make himself stronger.

Have more tricky means.

Watching movies is his way of learning.

Coincidentally, they also know Qian Xiaohao, who is in the film and television industry.

Simply call Qian Xiaohao to go together.

"If you want to watch zombie movies, just come to this theater."

On the streets of Hong Kong at night, vehicles and people shuttled.

Tang Mu proudly raised his head and tail, walked on all fours, took brisk steps, and shook his head as he walked down the street.

He attracted the attention of many passers-by.

Qian Xiaohao looked at Tang Mu from time to time while talking.

Tang Mu was like a reborn parent to Qian Xiaohao.

For such a kind cat, no matter how carefully he was taken care of, it would not be too much.

As long as Tang Mu asked, he would help at any time.

"Oh, I've been to this cinema. I watched your movie "Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng" here."

Li Ang said, carrying his ladder, and said, "Let's go, we don't need to buy tickets if we use the ladder."

He didn't hide anything when he spoke.

He didn't care about the sight of the ticket seller at the entrance of the cinema.

Seeing this, Qian Xiaohao smiled awkwardly, and quickly asked him to put the ladder away, and then said: "No, no, I'll treat you to a movie. It's just an old movie, and it's on a small screen, so it doesn't cost too much."

As he said that, Qian Xiaohao took the lead and went to find the ticket seller.

It was a midnight show now.

There were not many people watching the movie.

The ticket price was not expensive.

When the two people and the cat went in, Tang Mu suddenly got angry.

Li Ang also stopped suddenly.

After noticing the difference between the two, Qian Xiaohao turned his head in confusion: "What's wrong?"

Li Ang turned his head and looked at Lily in his arms, who seemed to be communicating with the potted plants.

After a while, he said again: "The yin energy here is so heavy, Lily told me that there are many ghosts here."

"No way, how did Hong Kong become like this? I used to think that there were no ghosts in the world. But after encountering a ghost once, there are ghosts everywhere."

Qian Xiaohao complained speechlessly.

But since Li Ang and Tang Mu were by his side, he was not afraid and continued to walk into the small cinema.

Their hall was a small hall.

Usually, it was reserved for people to watch old movies.

The environment inside was similar to a box, and only a few people could sit.

On the way to the small hall, you will pass by two halls.

These halls are where the normal movies are shown.

Originally, there should be very few people watching movies in the hall at midnight.

No matter how popular the movie is, the attendance rate is only 30% to 40%.

But there were quite a few people in the two halls they passed by today.

It can be said that the seats were full and very lively.

"What kind of movie is it? There are so many people in the midnight show. Isn't it the box office champion this year?"

Qian Xiaohao was envious when he saw this.

Li Ang said, "They are not human, they are all ghosts."

Tang Mu also leaned on Li Ang's shoulder, squinted his eyes and looked into the two halls, and found that they were really full of ghosts.

The yin energy they felt just now came from here.

"So many people, are they all ghosts?"

Qian Xiaohao was shocked: "Ghosts also come to watch movies?"

Li Ang was also very confused, and leaned in to listen to Lily Lily's words.

After a while, he finally figured out what was going on.

"They really came to watch a movie. The director and producer of this movie wanted to increase the box office, but ordinary people couldn't afford it, so they asked someone to perform a ritual to summon ghosts."

"But this method can't be used during the day because the yang energy is too strong, so it can only be used for midnight shows."

Li Ang told Qian Xiaohao the information he had just learned.

Qian Xiaohao was stunned after hearing this.

Good guy!

This is how you can increase the movie box office.

No wonder he became more and more depressed as he became more involved in the film and television industry.

This gameplay is not from the same dimension.

Qian Xiaohao even put his head in to take a look.

It's a historical movie.

It seems like the cost is pretty low, just running around in a yard.

To be honest, he didn't quite understand it.

"Forget it, don't worry about these ghosts. You will go back when the time is up."

Li Ang said, ignoring the ghosts in the two halls, and went to their small hall with Qian Xiaohao to watch zombie movies.

This is the first time for Li Ang to watch a zombie movie.

I felt like I learned a lot in one night.

He discovered that besides milk, there were many things that could attack evil beings.

To fight zombies, you can use peach wood sword, glutinous rice, black dog blood and ink pipe thread.

In addition, using lightning and fire can also have many effects.

Qian Xiaohao learned a lot from Uncle Jiu when he and Lin Zhengying made zombie movies together.

Taking advantage of this moment, just like chatting, he told Li Ang everything he knew.

This made Li Ang's mentally ill mind start to spin crazily.

One night, he thought of many ways to catch tricks.

Among them, his favorite is the use of thunder and lightning.

Thunder and lightning can not only attack physical evil creatures.

It also has good damage to disembodied ghosts.

This made Li Ang quite happy.

Learned a lot more.

In the morning.

Everyone who stayed up late watching several zombie movies also felt a little sleepy.

I decided to leave it like that for today and go home to rest.

As a result, they all got up and left the small hall.

When passing by the hall, I took a special look.

I found that the ghost of the bakery inside had indeed disappeared.

"I'll drive you back."

Qian Xiaohao said.

"That's so embarrassing."

Li Ang smiled and said, "Please invite us to have breakfast first."

Qian Xiaohao was stunned when he heard this, and then laughed: "Okay."

After breakfast, Qian Xiaohao sent Li Ang and the others back to the office of Chongguang Mental Hospital.

As soon as I got home, one person and one cat fell asleep immediately.

But in his sleep, Tang Mu felt that there seemed to be some followers of his who were asking for help from him.

I looked at it with concentration.

I found out that he was a believer in Texas, USA.

But it wasn't that he was in trouble.

But their town was in trouble.

Someone came to him for help.

When believers are unable to solve the problem, they come to seek help on their own.

Of course, Tom would not refuse.

The reason why it spreads its beliefs all over the world is just for today.

If you want Li Ang to become a world-recognized master of trickery, you need to rely on this method to gain popularity faster.

Just relying on word of mouth is too slow.

Tang Mu thought for a while and sent the official website of the firm to his followers.

He got up from the bed helplessly.

I wanted to sleep.

How miserable it is to have to work as soon as you lie down.

other side.

In a remote small county in Texas.

There is a church that is different from ordinary churches.

There are even two cat ears as decoration on the roof of the church.

As everyone knows.

This thing about religion.

No matter what it originally looked like.

After leaving the homeland and entering other cultural circles, you will more or less experience some changes.

So is Tom's faith.

In China and some Chinese cultural circles, it is the ancestor of the supreme cat.

In Western cultural circles, Tom is the cat god.

Because of the real existence of the god Tom.

It can indeed distribute some divine power to believers.

In this way, compared to other illusory gods.

Tom Mu's development abroad is also pretty good.

One thing is the same as the Chinese cultural circle.

In foreign countries, believers also know that their cat gods specialize in slaying demons.

But at the same time, because there is a reason in historical data that Tom drove the time train.

Many believers also call Tom the god of technology.

And because Tom is a cat.

There are many cat lovers and animal protection organizations, and many of them are followers of Tom.

Having said that, the development of Tom Mu's Cat God Cult in the United States and the West can only be said to be pretty good.

There is still no comparison with Christianity and Catholicism.

But compared to other religious influences, because there are indeed miracles, they are much stronger.

It is also because of this that Christianity and Catholicism have been vaguely targeting the Cat God Cult in recent years.

Good thing they claim religious freedom themselves.

It has not yet risen to the political level.

Same as China.

If ordinary people encounter some bad and dirty things.

It must be to pray to God and worship Buddha.

The people there are professionals at exorcising evil spirits and catching ghosts.

It's the same thing in this town.

Not long ago, a very horrific murder occurred here.

It was during this incident that they realized that the person who was against them was not some perverted murderer.

That was a truly immortal demon.

To this end, the town residents first sought help from the church priest in the town.

The priest swore at first that there would be no problem.

With God's blessing, there would be no problem.

He sold them the holy water produced by the church at a high price.

He also sold indulgences.

He said that the devil likes to find those who are guilty.

If you buy indulgences, you will not be targeted by the devil.

The residents of the town believed it.

They paid money to buy them, making the priest rich.

As a result, the holy water and indulgences were useless.

Another family died that night.

Many townspeople had already driven away overnight.

As a result, many people died on the way.

This made the panic in the town even worse.

They couldn't beat them.

Running away would speed up the pace of death.

In desperation, the residents of the town could only find another way.

Fortunately, the head of the Cat God Cult stood up at this time and wanted to ask the Cat God to show up and deal with the demons in the town.

The desperate townspeople had no other choice but to choose to believe in the head of the Cat God Cult.

As a result, the church of the Cat God Cult was rarely filled with people.

Under the guidance of the pastor, the residents of the town sat down on the benches in the church.

The pastor, wearing cat ears, had a solemn expression and knelt down in front of the statue of Tom Cat to start the ceremony of communication with God.

In front of the pastor, there was a copper basin with the image of Tom Cat carved on it.

The pastor put yellow paper in it and lit the flame. He clenched his fists and put them on his forehead to pray softly.

There were few other residents in the town in the church who really believed in Tom Cat.

In this era, most Americans believe in Christianity.

But compared to faith, life is more important at this time.

Therefore, seeing the pastor start to pray, they also closed their eyes and started to pray.

At this moment, the flame in the copper basin suddenly became bigger.

In the midst of the blazing flames, the yellow paper was quickly burned to ashes.

Wrapped in a sudden breeze, the yellow paper ash spun in the copper basin!

Finally, the yellow paper ash flew out of the copper basin and slowly fell to the ground, forming a letter.

Everyone in the church saw this scene and exclaimed!

This was the first time they saw a miracle with their own eyes.

Many people who have believed in God all their lives could not help but be shaken at this moment.

"Mr. Priest, what does this mean?"

Someone had come to the side of the Priest of the Cat God Church, looking at the letters made of yellow paper ash on the ground, and asked in confusion.

Listening to the man's words.

Many people in the church gathered around.


The Priest touched his chin and hesitated for a moment, then said: "It seems to be a website..."


The residents of the town were a little dumbfounded.

"This is the revelation given by the Cat God, we will know when we go and see it."

The Priest is also a man of action. He wrote down the website on the ground and got up and walked directly to his room.

Seeing this, the residents followed.

It's just that the Priest's room is not that big, and most of the names can only wait outside the door.

The person closest to the door looked inside.

He saw the Priest shaking the mouse.

The computer screen lit up, and the speakers suddenly sounded words he couldn't understand.

"Good news! Good news! Macau online casino is online!"


The voice just came out, the priest coughed twice and turned off the player at a very fast speed.

Then he pretended nothing happened and opened the browser.

He entered the URL.

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