Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 376 What an abstract island! (Please subscribe!)

There were a lot of seabirds in the sky.

The firepower was too fierce.

In a short while, the originally clean beach turned into white patches here and there.

Tom was also hit by the fierce firepower in the sky and couldn't raise his head. He could only hide under a big tree.

But the leaves of the big tree still couldn't stop the bird shit bombs from all directions.

Tom had to kick the big tree, and then hugged the trunk with both hands and pulled it up.

The whole tree was suddenly opened like an umbrella.

In this way, Tom finally had a place to hide.

There was a "crackling" sound above his head.

Tom was so angry that his eyebrows stood up.

It was just the first day of arriving on the deserted island, and these natives of the deserted island gave it such a show of strength.

Tom felt that he was provoked.

Looking at the black mass of seagulls circling in the sky and listening to their mocking "haha" laughter, Tom took out a helmet from somewhere and put it on his head.

Then he climbed up along the tree.

When he reached the top of the tree canopy, Tom pulled out an anti-aircraft gun directly from the trunk.

Sitting behind the anti-aircraft gun, he bent down and pulled out a series of coconuts from the side and installed them.

After a slight aiming at the sky, Tom pulled the trigger directly!

"Da da da da!"

The muzzle sparked, and coconuts were shot into the sky.

One of the seagulls was still laughing with its mouth open.

As a result, a coconut was stuffed directly into its mouth!


The coconut, which was as big as the seagull, was stuffed directly into the seagull's body.

The originally slender seagull was suddenly swollen into a bird ball!


The seagull obviously hadn't reacted yet.

A pair of ignorant eyes blinked.

But soon, the seagull noticed something was wrong.

Its body was falling rapidly.

The seagull immediately flapped its wings vigorously, trying to make itself fly again.

But it was useless, just in vain.

The seagull, which had been stuffed with a coconut and had become a bird ball, could no longer fly and could only fall freely downwards.

It was not just that seagull.

Other seagulls soon followed its footsteps.

As Tom's coconut anti-aircraft gun continued to fire, the laughter in the sky gradually turned into exclamations.

The bird balls began to fall freely with horror on their faces.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The seagulls fell heavily to the ground, and suddenly became chickens with dusty faces.

They retched desperately, trying to spit out the coconut in their stomachs.

At the same time, the other seabirds in the sky did not dare to laugh loudly anymore, and quickly flew around to avoid Tom's attack.

Some of the seagulls had to be said to be very smart.

After discovering that Tom was not easy to mess with, they quickly turned their targets without hesitation and rushed towards the only human on the beach!

Robinson had already been shocked by the scene in the early morning.

Even though he had been at sea for so many years, he had been to many places and experienced many adventures.

But it was the first time he saw such an outrageous scene.

Seeing the group of seagulls swooping towards him, Robinson was also startled and quickly turned around and ran away.

The seagulls looked!


This two-legged beast is easy to bully!

So, the seagulls who bullied the weak and feared the strong worked harder, rushed towards Robinson, and kept attacking Robinson with their claws and beaks.

"Ah! Ah! Get out! Get out of here! You bunch of stinky birds!"

Robinson kept waving his arms to drive away the seagulls, and his feet were still running away in a panic.

Feathers kept floating around him.

It made Robinson look very embarrassed.

He ran for about dozens of seconds.

Robinson was already a little out of breath.

At this time, Tom pushed out a haystack as high as a person from somewhere.

The haystack was blocking Robinson's path.

This left Robinson no time to get around.

In a hurry, Robinson leaned back and stomped his heels on the ground, trying to stop himself by braking.

But Robinson had been running too fast before.

Even though he plowed two long traces on the beach, he still stumbled and rolled into the haystack!


Robinson rolled in from one side of the haystack and out from the other side.

He crashed into the grove next to the beach, broke a branch, and was entangled with a bundle of vines.

He finally stopped rolling when he hit a tree trunk.

At this time, Robinson was covered with straw, his hands were raised horizontally, and his whole body was in a cross shape.

Vines tied Robinson tightly to two wooden sticks.

It looked like a scarecrow stuck in a farmland.

Tom ran over.

He raised the Robinson scarecrow and waved it towards the sky.

In the sky, the group of seagulls, who had regrouped, wanted to attack them again.

But when they saw the scarecrow Tom held high, they were horrified!

"Oh my God! It's a scarecrow!"

"We have to evacuate quickly!"

The seagulls screamed in fear, and then finally flew away.

Even the bird balls on the ground did the same, jumping and hopping away quickly.

The once noisy beach finally returned to silence.

Only the sea breeze and the sound of the waves were still washing in his ears.


Robinson finally regained some consciousness at this time, and his head was not so dizzy.

He spit out the straw in his mouth, looked down at Tom, who was holding him up with horror.

At this time, Robinson felt like Jesus on the cross, and felt very bad.

Seeing that the group of annoying seagulls had finally left, and seeing Robinson's appearance, Tom immediately let him go, and then kindly untied Robinson.

Let him return to the way he was before he went ashore.

After doing all this, Tom still put his hands behind his back, looked up at Robinson with a smile on his face, as if waiting for Robinson's praise.

After all, Robinson is the protagonist of "Robinson Crusoe".

And "Robinson Crusoe" is also the first novel Tom has read, and it is still somewhat sentimental.

Robinson, because of the limitations of the times, Tom does not agree with some of his thoughts and beliefs.

But it is still undeniable that this guy is still a good person.

In this case, Tom certainly wouldn't mind taking Robinson to survive on this deserted island.

After all, Robinson in the original book survived on the deserted island for 28 years, most of which was alone.

He only saved a savage in the later period and named him Friday.

The hardship and loneliness can be imagined.

But Tom's kindness seems to be of no use to Robinson now.

Robinson looked at the cat in front of him, with only fear and fear in his eyes.

In his opinion, Tom's performance has far exceeded the normal range of a cat.

It is not the same species as the lazy cat on the ship in his memory.

Even Robinson felt that the cat in front of him was probably not a cat.

It was a devil in cat skin!

Thinking of this, Robinson put his hands on his chest, his face full of vigilance, and slowly retreated.

Tom tilted his head, still a little confused.

Seeing Robinson retreat, it took two steps forward.

As a result, Tom moved forward, and Robinson retreated faster.

Seeing this, Tom also reacted.


This kid is avoiding him!

After traveling through so many worlds, this is the first time that Tom has encountered such a situation.

When Jackie Chan first met Tom, he also resisted adopting him.

But the situation with Robinson is completely different.

Robinson's eyes do not have any love for cats, such cute creatures.

There is only a strong fear and fear.

He has completely regarded Tom as the incarnation of the devil.

From a standpoint, he is already an imaginary enemy.

Cats are very sensitive to emotions.

Tom also sensed Robinson's emotions, and immediately shrugged helplessly and stopped where he was.

Seeing that Tom finally stopped approaching him, Robinson immediately turned around and ran away.

Looking at the figure running away crazily, Tom was also a little helpless.

Originally, Tom wanted to take you flying.

But you are useless.

You don't know how to seize such a good opportunity.

But Tom is not the kind of cat who is shameless.

Anyway, its world task has nothing to do with Robinson.

Because he is the protagonist, it is no problem to live a good life with him.

But since the other party doesn't want this opportunity, Tom will not shamelessly approach him.

He is just the protagonist of the novel.

He is not his own parents.

After a period of time, Robinson has run on the beach until only a black dot is left.

Tom shook his head and turned to walk into the woods.

Since Robinson insisted on separating from it, Tom planned to do the task by himself.

The description of this world task is very simple.

Conquer the desert island.

But there are many definitions of conquest.

Tom doesn't know what kind of conquest the so-called conquest of the system task is.

Just considering the book "Robinson Crusoe", in general, the style is still close to wilderness survival.

Tom will temporarily conquer this deserted island by surviving in the wilderness.

The most obvious feature of human conquest of the wilderness is to leave enough human marks on it.

And be able to live on it without the burden of security.

From survival to life.

Even if it is the conquest of the wilderness.

Although Tom is a cat.

But this statement is also applicable to it.

Having determined the goal, what to do next is very clear.


The three most basic rules of wilderness survival.

Water, food and shelter.

After meeting these conditions.

You can further obtain more resources on this basis to make your life better and better.

Over time, it will naturally go from survival to life.

Robinson in the original book spent 28 years doing these things on the deserted island.

Now Tom has nothing.

But after struggling with that group of annoying seabirds for so long, Tom has already felt thirsty.

So now the most urgent task is to find a water source first.

Don’t think that the island is surrounded by the sea.

It seems that water is easy to get.

But drinking salt water directly is the most dangerous behavior.

This will only make Tom more dehydrated.

Therefore, Tom needs to go deep into the island to find fresh water that is clean enough to drink directly.

Remember last night, Robinson seemed to have found fresh water without going far.

Tom still remembered the approximate location, so he shuttled through the woods and headed there.

But strangely.

Tom did not find any water source here.

He even walked around but could not find it.

Helplessly, Tom could only comfort himself that he remembered it wrong.

In this case, he had to find water in his own way.

Fortunately, Tom usually likes to watch Bear Grylls and Derek's wilderness survival series when he is having fun.

He still has some ideas about wilderness survival.

If you are in a valley, the first choice for finding water is naturally the bottom of the valley.

Water flows to the lower place, so Tom just needs to go to the low-lying place.

But this method is obviously not applicable to its current location.

It also does not know how big this deserted island is, and whether there is a valley terrain.

So Tom chose another method, observing the growth of green vegetation.

Under the vegetation, there may be underground water sources hidden.

Just as Tom was about to move, the cat's ears twitched and suddenly stood up.

It keenly heard the "rustling" sound of some leaves rubbing against each other.

Sensing that there seemed to be some creatures moving nearby, Tom climbed up the branch of a big tree lightly and without making any sound.

Soon Tom saw a large feline predator covered with black spots and two black tear marks on its face in the woods.

It was a cheetah!

The moment he saw the cheetah, Tom felt that his cerebellum had shrunk.

Cheetah? !

How could there be a cheetah on the island? !

Is there something wrong with this world, or is there something wrong with my common sense?

Or was this leopard transported here by someone manually?

Tom had a lot of questions in his mind.

And he felt that these questions might not be answered by anyone for the time being.

Just looking at the cheetah crawling in the bushes, Tom knew that it should be hunting.

In this case, Tom was not going to look for water for the time being.

I want to follow this cheetah to see how it hunts.

What animal is it going to hunt?

That's what Tom thought.

Generally speaking, predators hunt vegetarian or omnivorous creatures.

Cheetahs want to eat their meat.

And Tom plans to follow them.

These animals also need fresh water.

If you really can't find fresh water, you can follow them to find the fresh water they often drink.


Since this island can support large predators like cheetahs.

It is enough to show that its area is not small and the ecology on the island is very rich.

Tom may also be able to pick some fruits or hunt some prey.

After all, the water source is settled, it also needs food.

But Tom has not yet realized how abstract the island it is on is.

Follow the crawling cheetah forward.

Tom stood on the branch and finally saw the traces of the cheetah's prey in the cat's bushes.

At this time, they were already some distance away from the beach.

A few dozen meters in front of Tom, there was a relatively empty lawn.

There were many yellow little animals walking around.

From time to time, they made a "clucking" sound.

It sounded a bit like a chicken.

This made Tom's stomach make a "gurgling" sound.

Well, he hadn't eaten since last night, and he felt hungry.

Although he wouldn't starve to death.

But being hungry was uncomfortable.

After jumping a few trees forward, Tom planned to get closer to see what the pheasants looked like.

At this moment, the cheetah that was slowly crawling under the tree suddenly moved.

With a "swish" sound!

It really turned into a shadow and rushed out of the bushes like the wind!

Tom saw that this guy had already started hunting.

Then he couldn't stay here stupidly any longer.

Otherwise, the prey would have been scared away by this cheetah.

But before Tom could get out of the bushes, he heard a scream of "Ah" from outside!

You know what, this sound is really familiar.

But for a moment, I couldn't figure out where I heard this sound before.

When I ran out of the woods, my vision suddenly became clear.

There were many yellow chickens running away in panic around me.

Tang Mu didn't have time to look, but just glanced at the cheetah.

At this time, it had already pounced on a yellow chicken, and its bloody mouth had already bitten the body of the yellow chicken tightly.

The scream just now came from the mouth of the yellow chicken.

Tang Mu looked closely!


This is not a yellow chicken at all.

It's obviously a plastic screaming chicken!

It's the kind of toy that will scream as long as you press it lightly.

Although Tang Mu has never bought it, he does see it often on the Internet.

It can also be regarded as an Internet celebrity toy.

Looking at the wise look on the face of the yellow chicken, it is definitely an orthodox screaming chicken.

Tang Mu looked at the yellow chickens around him that were frightened by the cheetah and fled in all directions.

As expected, they were all screaming chicken toys!

These screaming chickens moved their little feet very fast.

They made long, wailing screams and quickly fled in all directions.

Until now, Tom was completely sure.

There was something wrong with this island!

And it was a big problem!

Now recall your world mission.

Sure enough, conquering the deserted island is not as simple as I imagined before.

But now Tom has no time to think.

The cheetah on the lawn over there has begun to devour the screaming chicken.

Tom did not care to observe, but just spotted a group of screaming chickens that were running away, and hurriedly followed them.

He chased for a while.

These dull-eyed, silly-looking screaming chickens slowly stopped.

It seems that they have forgotten the danger just now.

After waiting for a while, this group of silly screaming chickens seemed to be thirsty, and they lined up very consciously and walked in one direction.

Seeing this, Tom hurried to catch up.

Not far away, Tom finally heard the sound of gurgling water.

This made Tom happy.

Pushing aside the bushes in front of him, a stream immediately appeared in front of Tom.

But the moment he saw the stream, the smile on Tom's face suddenly became strange.

This stream is black.

Take a closer look, there are still many tiny bubbles rising inside.

At this time, the screaming chickens are already standing by the stream and drinking water.

Tom, who is thirsty, frowned, stretched out his paw, and tentatively dipped it in the stream water.


Tom licked his paw, and his pupils suddenly shook!


It's really Coke!


At this moment, a screaming chicken next to it accidentally slipped and fell into the Coke Stream.

It kept screaming and struggling.

But in the end, it gradually sank to the bottom of the stream.

Under Tom's gaze, the screaming chicken slowly turned into a Coke chicken wing.

In addition to this new Coke chicken wing.

There are actually many Coke chicken wings swimming happily under the stream.

Tom has been able to confirm it.

This is an abstract island!

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My grades have been so bad these two days! I'm starving, woohoo T_T

PS: 100 monthly tickets this month, 2000 more words.

Currently owed 84,000

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