Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 466 Four legs! It's a stool!

Looking at the expressionless Emiya Kiritsugu sitting next to him on the stool, Tohsaka Rin felt a little angry and itched his teeth!

OK OK! That’s how you play it, right?

Who can play like this before you?

Emiya Shirou who was next to him also saw this scene and felt a little embarrassed for a while.

Originally, everyone just wanted a normal game.

As a result, Emiya Kiritsugu's sudden arrival was so unexpected that it really caught people off guard.

Artoria, who was also eliminated, was also furious.

She had initially changed her mind about Emiya Kiritsugu, but at this moment she recalled Emiya Kiritsugu doing whatever it took to win ten years ago, and she suddenly became disgusted again.

However, Kotomine Kirei was not surprised at all by Kiritsugu's actions.

When he saw Kiritsugu's kick, he almost laughed out loud.

Everyone looked at Tom Mu, who was the referee.

I want to see how Tang Mu determines this situation.

It wasn't until they saw Tom Mu giving a thumbs up that everyone immediately realized how unreliable this cat referee was.

In this case, it seems that everyone doesn't need to be so polite.

Seemingly aware of the change in the atmosphere around them, being sandwiched among a group of big guys, Shirou and Yanado Kazunari were so nervous that they broke into a cold sweat.

Now there are only six contestants left.

Although this competition is a single player competition, there are no teams.

But Illya and Link are obviously still on the same team.

As for Emiya Kiritsugu and Kotomine Kirei, these two middle-aged uncles looked very difficult to deal with.

Shirou felt that his participation in the competition this time was probably the most important.

He didn't know what else Emiya Kiritsugu could do in the future.


Tom pressed play.

The music sounded again.

The six contestants suddenly began to slowly spin around the five chairs.

More students gradually gathered around to watch.

Everyone's ears were perked up, listening carefully to the sound of music.

When the music starts again, everyone takes action immediately!

Emiya Shirou repeated his old trick and once again tried to kick over Kotomine Kirei's stool next to him.

But Kotomine Kirei is even more amazing.

Not only did he throw out the spike to fix the stool to the ground, he also threw out another spike on Emiya Kiritsugu's stool.

If Emiya Kiritsugu just sat down like this, he would definitely end up with a broken chrysanthemum.

Emiya Kiritsugu also discovered this.

He decisively gave up his stool, used inherent temporal control to speed up his body, directly snatched the stool from Liudong on the left, and dragged the stool back one step.

Liudong Yichen didn't react at all and sat down directly on the ground.

On the other side, Illya failed to grab Link's seat.

So in this round, two players were eliminated again.

"I knew..."

Liu Dong was almost ready to cry but had no tears.

After Brand was eliminated, he felt that he was not far away from being eliminated.

Illya looked at Link angrily.

She never expected that it would be her own heroic spirit that eliminated her.

Link scratched his head, not knowing what to say.

In the third round, there were only four people left on the field.

Placed between them are three brand new benches.

Emiya Shirou looked around. He really couldn't guess what the other players would do in this round.

This made Emiya Shirou feel a little flustered.

In the end, I can only grit my teeth. Sooner or later, I will die, so I have to continue.

The music sounded again.

The four people started spinning around the bench again.

This time Tom Mu quickly pressed the pause button.

This forces the contestants to take action as quickly as possible.

Unexpectedly, no one did any tricks this round.

It's really a matter of reaction and speed to grab the stool.

Emiya Kiritsugu's magic can give a great advantage in this kind of game.

The person competing with him for the stool was Link.

In terms of speed, Link's speed is actually not slow either.

He had Link time after all.

But the triggering of Link's time is conditional.

Not to mention dodging enemy attacks, but drawing the bow while stuck in the air.

Currently, neither state can be triggered.

In his normal state, Link's speed really couldn't beat Emiya Kiritsugu's speed.

Although he ended up sitting on Emiya Kiritsugu's lap.

But obviously, Link was still eliminated.

As a result, only the last three contestants are left.

Emiya Kiritsugu and Kotomine Kirei looked at each other.

The smell of gunpowder was so strong that it almost choked Shirou in the middle.

Surrounded by bosses and overwhelmed.

Three people, two chairs.

If nothing else happens, there should be one more round after this round.

But as expected, there was an accident.

When the music started playing again, Emiya Kiritsugu had already put his hand into his pocket, as if he was making some preparations.

Kotomine Kirei noticed it and continued the game in silence.

"Two tigers, two tigers, running fast! Running..."

The music stops!

The three of them reacted violently!

Without any hesitation, Kotomine Kirei directly threw a large number of spikes at Emiya Kiritsugu and Emiya Shirou!

This time he chose to attack directly.

But the next second, Kotomine Kirei couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Emiya Kiritsugu actually took out a stick of dynamite directly from his pocket!


There were exclamations from all around!

Emiya Kiritsugu was very calm.

He threw the explosives down without hesitation and detonated them quickly!


An explosion sounded!

The smoke and dust immediately enveloped the last three participants.

"I knew that the battle for the Peace Star was not that simple. No one played the game properly."

Looking at the smoke and dust rising over there, Toosaka Rin complained crazily.

It was obviously a simple game.

But in the end, no one really followed the original rules of the game.


Matou Sakura looked at the center of the explosion nervously.

Illya was the same.

It was not easy to have family affection again, she didn't want Kiritsugu and Shirou to have any problems.

As the smoke slowly dissipated.

The situation at the center of the explosion finally slowly revealed some shadows.

There was a figure standing there.

Another person sat on a stool.


Although I don't know what happened, this game should have come to an end.

"Bang! Bang!"

Just when everyone was thinking so,

In the sky, many pieces of benches fell one after another.

Those were the two benches used in the game.

This made everyone a little confused.

The last two benches were broken into such a state.

What on earth was he sitting on? !


The wind blew.

The smoke and dust on the playground were blown away immediately.

Everyone finally saw the situation in the field clearly.

The man standing was Kotomine Kirei.

Kotomine Kirei's expression was also quite complicated at this time.

The explosion did not seem to cause any harm to him, but Kiritsugu's behavior obviously had an impact on his spirit.

Just opposite Kotomine Kirei.

Emiya Shirou covered his face with his hands, looking as if he was too ashamed to see anyone.

At this time, he was sitting on Emiya Kiritsugu's back.

Emiya Kiritsugu supported himself with his hands and knelt on his knees. He looked at Tang Mu with a very determined expression and shouted: "Four legs! You can sit! I am a bench!"

The two benches used in the game were blown up by Emiya Kiritsugu.

He pretended to be a stool and let Shirou Emiya sit on it.

In this game, Shirou Emiya won the final victory!

"The champion of this Peace Star Competition is! Shirou Emiya!"

Kiritsugu's brain circuit was a little crazy, but Tom liked it very much and immediately announced the final winner of this game!

"Yeah! Shirou! Shirou!"

Fujimura Taiga next to him heard the final result of the game and immediately jumped and cheered excitedly!

Shirou Emiya still covered his face and quickly waved his hand, signaling Sister Fuji to keep a low profile.

He always felt a little embarrassed to win this game.

Kiritsugu Emiya looked calm.

As long as he can win, it is more important than anything else.

What's more, such behavior will not cause any harm to other people. Compared with the various choices Kiritsugu Emiya made before, it is much better.

And it's no big deal for the father to let his son sit for a while.

When Shirou Emiya was a child, Kiritsugu often carried him on his back to play.

"You really haven't changed much."

Kotomine Kirei looked at the winning father and son and suddenly spoke.

Kiritsugu glanced at him.

He didn't seem to have anything to say to this old rival.

"Let's go. I look forward to the next match with you."

Since the match was over, Kotomine Kirei did not stay any longer and turned to leave.

The Holy Grail War was over.

But the church did not seem to be idle.

They were professional mess-cleaners and began to take over the mess left by the battle for the Peace Star.

After watching Kotomine Kirei leave, Tom came to Emiya Shirou with the Peace Star bench and signaled the champion to receive the reward.

Emiya Shirou turned his head to look at Kiritsugu, and at his signal, he took the Peace Star off the bench.

But holding the Peace Star medal in his hand, Emiya Shirou did not know what wish to make, and finally gave it to Kiritsugu, hoping that his father would make the wish.

In the end, this game was still won by Emiya Kiritsugu.

He was completely the one who was carried away.

Emiya Kiritsugu did not delay.

The moment he took the Peace Star medal, he immediately noticed the eager eyes of Illya next to him.

Emiya Kiritsugu paused, slightly turned his body away, and didn't look at Illya.

He knew that Illya must want to revive her mother, and the family continued to live happily together.

Emiya Kiritsugu naturally wanted to do so too.

But he couldn't do that.

Because he was not sure whether he could continue to win the Peace Star in the future.

The wish for the Peace Star at hand was crucial.

Before, because he realized the truth of the Holy Grail, Kiritsugu gave up the grand ideal of world peace.

But the Peace Star is obviously much more reliable than the Holy Grail.

The ideal that made him pursue his life was naturally rekindled.

If you want world peace, you must first eliminate the concept of magic and magic in the world.

Under this premise, the safest wish is naturally to eliminate magic.

As for his wife, Irisviel, she can only strive to revive after the next fight for the Peace Star.

In other words, between justice and selfishness, Emiya Kiritsugu once again chose justice.

"I want to eliminate the magic and magic in this world."

Emiya Kiritsugu made this wish without hesitation.

The moment Emiya Kiritsugu made his wish, he clearly felt Illya's disappointed gaze.

Unlike Irisviel, Illya does not quite understand Emiya Kiritsugu's ideals.

At this moment, Illya became quite disappointed and uncomfortable.

The Peace Star lit up and finally turned into green glass-like shards.

The wish has come true.

From now on, there will be no magic or magic in this world.

Emiya Kiritsugu had no time to sigh. When he saw his daughter leaving in anger, he quickly collected the pieces of the Peace Star and chased after her.

Rin Tosaka, who was present, was still in shock.

She never expected that Emiya Kiritsugu would make such a wish.

She could clearly feel that she could no longer use any magic.

This made Tohsaka Rin's head feel as if he had been hit hard.

She has always been on the path of an excellent magician.

As the daughter of the Tohsaka family, she is also very proud of herself.

After taking charge of the Tosaka family, Rin Tosaka has been working hard to make the Tosaka family glorious again.

But now the magic is gone.

What’s the point of the Tosaka family as a magic family?

Tohsaka Rin was thinking about it, and another idea suddenly popped into his mind.

Magic family?

What is the Magic Family?

Is it magic?

What is magic?

Oh, it's just a fantasy setting.

How can there be magic in the world?

Tohsaka Rin's concept of magic and magic gradually changed.

The original concepts of magic and magic have been completely erased.

This made Tohsaka Rin unable to even recall the memories.

As a result, she naturally lost the idea of ​​revitalizing the Tohsaka magic family.

It is worth mentioning that the heroic spirits are not affected by the Peace Star this time.

However, without a magician, the heroic spirits will no longer be summoned.

They will live a life in the Hall of Valor without being disturbed or disturbing others.

"Emiya, are you free next? Let's go shopping."

Tohsaka Rin invited Emiya Shirou as usual.

Seeing Emiya Shirou looking at him, Tohsaka Rin immediately said: "Don't think too much, I have no intention of inviting you to dinner. I just want to celebrate that you won the championship. It doesn't matter if I don't come."


Emiya Shirou was just stunned for a moment, and then agreed with a smile.

Shirou just wanted to leave the school quickly.

He was competing in front of so many students today, and he didn't know how to explain it after two days of school.

The group quickly dispersed.

Only the two sisters Tohsaka Rin, Emiya Shirou and Artoria went to the shopping street again.

Today they plan to go to the store to eat.

Just when they arrived at the shopping street, several people noticed the commotion on the other side of the street.

This kind of movement is almost too familiar.

Tohsaka Rin immediately guessed: "It won't be Peace Star again, right?"

"Go over and have a look."

Emiya Shirou and others pushed forward.

The source of the commotion was immediately clear.

I saw a king of king ham sausages with arms and legs running wildly on the street.

Behind him was a small car.

The trolley was piled high with a variety of hams and sausages.

Gilgamesh the Ham Sausage Man shouted loudly: "Sausages all over the world stand up! We can no longer be enslaved by abominable humans!"

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