The flesh ball that looked like a giant eye suddenly burst, and hundreds of black snakes crawled out.

These snakes were very small, no longer than 10 centimeters, and looked like newly born baby snakes.

However, they were extremely venomous, and the poison was so strong that ordinary people would die if they came into contact with it. The tumor on the top of the head made it look even uglier and more ferocious.

The ball of snakes quickly dispersed, and densely packed small snakes crawled out of it.

Seeing this made everyone's scalp tingle.

Ye Yixin was usually quite timid, and this time she was so scared that she screamed


He shrank behind the crowd, forcing himself to move on his trembling and stiff legs, and kept backing away.

"Stay away, turn around, close your eyes and cover your ears! I'm going to throw a flashbang!"

Hu Bayi and Wang Pangzi were puzzled. Mr. Feng still had a flashbang?

Flashbangs don't do much harm, what's the use? They are worse than grenades.

But they knew Feng Yuanqing was capable, so he must have his reasons for doing so.

So they turned their backs and closed their eyes.

Feng Yuanqing took out a flashbang from the space, removed the safety pin, and threw it in the direction of the snake group.

Then he turned around, closed his eyes and covered his ears.


The flash bomb fell to the ground, exploding with a crisp sound, and landed in front of the snake group.


The flash bomb exploded, and a dazzling white light illuminated the hall as bright as day.

It was accompanied by a piercing roar, which made people feel upset and their ears buzzed.

Even if everyone closed their eyes, they could feel a bright and blinding light flashing across their eyelids, shining through their eyelids onto their retina, causing discomfort. They covered their ears, but it was still barely effective.

After a while, the effect of the flash bomb ended.

All the snakes were killed by the strong light.

However, everyone's ears were still buzzing, and they couldn't hear others talking clearly. It took a long time for them to recover.

The fat man walked up to the snake group and picked up the snakes one by one with his gun to take a closer look.

He found that these snakes were indeed dead

"Master Feng, how do you know that flash bombs kill these strange snakes?"

Hearing the fat man's question, everyone became curious.

"When I first saw this strange snake, I felt it looked familiar, as if I had seen it somewhere before."

"Along the way, I was reminiscing about where I had seen records of this strange snake."

"The strange snake is an ancient snake from the Western Regions. According to the book, this snake is called Jingjian Ahan. It is extremely poisonous but afraid of strong light. It is said to be the claw of an evil god from a foreign land."

"I don't know if the evil god thing is true or not, but it's very possible that I'm afraid of strong light, so I gave it a try."

""I see, Xiao Feng is indeed well-informed and knowledgeable!" Professor Chen praised

"Now that we have discovered the weakness of this strange snake, it will be much easier for us to deal with it later."

After solving the threat of the snake group, everyone began to carefully check the records in the hall.

The patterns and symbols on the stone pillars were recorded one by one.

Then they began to look for clues to the underground secret passage.

"As one of the most important buildings, the temple must be connected to the palace. There is probably a passage leading to the palace. Let's look for any clues!"

Feng Yuanqing suggested.

"There must be such a secret passage, but if it is a secret passage, and the temple is so large, how can we find it in a short time?"

Professor Chen agreed.

"This depends on Old Hu. Old Hu, you are proficient in Feng Shui, come and have a look."Feng Yuanqing looked at Hu Bayi.

Although Feng Yuanqing was cultivating immortals, he was still in the entry stage and had not learned much about Feng Shui. He planned to go back to Hu Bayi to learn the sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui secret technique.

"Okay, no problem, I'll give it a try."Hu Bayi said.

Hu Bayi has been learning the sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui secret technique since he was a child. It can be said that he knows all the mountains, rivers, geography, five elements and Feng Shui in the world. It is easy for him to find a secret passage. He walked around the hall and fixed his eyes on the sixteen stone pillars supporting the hall.

"I see that the arrangement of the sixteen stone pillars in this temple is the same as the arrangement of the sixteen dragons that penetrate the ground. This layout actually coincides with the number of giant gates. This kind of mechanism arrangement was used in ancient tombs of the Han Dynasty."

"When I looked at the ancient city from the black tower, it was indeed a very advantageous place. It was obvious that the Queen of Jingjue was also a master of metaphysics."

"It seems that the clue to the mechanism lies in these sixteen stone pillars."

Hu Bayi walked to the center of the hall, observing the arrangement of the stone pillars around him.

Recalling the contents of the sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui secret technique, Hu Bayi thought quietly and brainstormed.

The arrangement of the sixteen dragon pillars that penetrate the ground is not too difficult. It is nothing more than the changes of the five elements and the twenty-four directions. It is just slightly different in different places and occasions.

Hu Bayi walked around between the stone pillars a few times again, calculating in his mind.

The sixteen dragons that penetrate the ground are actually snakes.

The snakes are erratic and suddenly go north and south.

Among these sixteen, only the one that penetrates the earth veins is a real dragon.

After a lot of thinking, Hu Bayi finally locked his target on the four floor tiles deep in the hall.

It can be basically confirmed that there is a secret passage below.

He knocked with a small hammer and listened to its sound.

One of the floor tiles can obviously be heard to be empty underneath.

"There is a void underneath this floor tile, so it must be a secret passage. It cannot be opened by prying it open. I just don’t know if the mechanism is still working. After all, it has been more than two thousand years!"

""It's on the nearest stone pillar!"

Hu Bayi said thoughtfully.

There is a hexagonal stone trough under the stone pillar, which looks like it can rotate.

"Mr. Feng, you are very strong, come and give me a hand"


Feng Yuanqing came to the stone pillar.

"A thousand miles to find a dragon, look for it on the left and right, follow the yang for five steps, and follow one of the yin"

"Turn it five squares clockwise, one square in the opposite direction, then eleven squares clockwise, and then two squares in the opposite direction. It can't be more or less at one time, otherwise it's hard to say what will happen."

Hu Bayi said

""Okay, don't worry." Feng Yuanqing said it was no problem.

The two of them worked hard to turn the hexagonal stone trough in order.

Sure enough, there was a buzzing sound.

The floor tile sank, revealing a bottomless tunnel.

When the flashlight shone over, a stone staircase made of black stone led diagonally underground.

As for the deeper part, the flashlight could not be seen, it seemed that this tunnel was quite deep.

After finding the tunnel, everyone was one step closer to the palace of the Queen of Jingjue.

"Xiao Hu, you have made a great contribution to our research and investigation of Western Region culture. It is a good decision to choose you as the leader!" Professor Chen said with a smile on his face.

"Yes, Comrade Hu deserves the primary credit for this archaeological research!" Hao Aiguo also praised Hu Bayi. Sadipeng was very curious and asked,"Isn't this amazing? How did you find it?"

Hu Bayi gave a brief explanation of the Ju Men formation.

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