The queen did not die, but inherited the legacy of the snake god and became an ancient god.

It was very mysterious and bizarre.

It refreshed Feng Yuanqing's worldview.

It raised his worldview by who knows how many levels.

In the original worldview, the ancient god seemed to be only mentioned in the background, but now, a living ancient god appeared before his eyes. The coffin may contain the remains of the queen, perhaps like a corpse-reincarnated immortal.

The two did not dare to make any excessive moves.

They retreated gently and met up with the archaeological team.

Except for Hu Bayi and Fatty who were sitting aside doing nothing, everyone else was busy.

Taking pictures and making records.

After a while, Professor Chen and others finally finished recording.

"Good, these precious materials will play a huge role in our future research on Western Region culture, especially Jingjue culture."

"By the way, you have observed the coffin of the Kunlun sacred tree up close. Did you find anything?"

Professor Chen concluded, then turned to Feng Yuanqing and Yang Xueli and asked

"The coffin above was locked with iron chains, so we didn't dare to act rashly for fear of causing damage. However, there were some words engraved on the coffin, which we took photos of."

Feng Yuanqing didn't say that they had opened the queen's coffin. Yang Xueli didn't want the archaeological team to disturb the queen's remains again.

She took out the photos she had taken.

There was a full view of the Kunlun sacred wood coffin, and a full-body photo of the corpse-scented konjac.

There were also nearly clear ghost cave texts.

Professor Chen was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear as if he had found a treasure.

In addition, Feng Yuanqing also warned everyone that the stone beam was no longer safe after thousands of years of baptism. If someone else went up there, it would likely collapse the stone beam, which was too dangerous.

Everyone originally wanted to go up and take a look, especially the fat man, who was particularly curious.

After Feng Yuanqing said that, he was worried that his large tonnage would collapse the stone beam, and he would die in that case.

So he had to give up the idea.

The location of this ghost cave is already the bottom layer of the underground palace of the Jingjue Ancient City. Going further up... The only way down is to go down the ghost cave.

But that is too dangerous.

However, you can explore downwards along the plank road dug out on the cave wall.

I walked all the way to the end, but I didn’t find any valuable clues.

This section is a road dug out of the stone wall, and at the end, there are traces of decayed wooden stakes.

Perhaps the ancients felt that the workload of excavating the stone wall was too large, so they changed to building a wooden plank road.

After thousands of years of erosion, the wooden plank road has long been decayed and fell into the abyss.

Everyone had to return the same way.

Along the way, no stone cave leading to the prophet’s sitting place was found. It seems that the plot has changed a lot, and the prophet has disappeared.

But this is not important. It was originally just a guide to escape.

Shirley got the queen’s inheritance, activated her bloodline, and eliminated the curse. This is the biggest gain of this trip.

We followed the same path back to the main hall of the temple.

Then we returned to the camp outside the ancient city and reunited with An Liman and several car repairmen who stayed behind.

This underground survey of the ancient city of Jingjue ended successfully.

Not only did we discover many precious murals and written materials, but we also found the coffin of the Queen of Jingjue two thousand years ago. We also discovered the legendary ghost cave.

The graphic and text materials are complete, and there are pictures and truth.

It is an extremely important archaeological discovery.

This Western Region cultural research and investigation activity can be said to be a happy ending for everyone.

Everyone got the results they wanted.

Feng Yuanqing got the queen's treasure. As an ancient god, the queen did not care about this matter.

Yang Xueli not only lifted the curse, but also activated her bloodline and obtained the queen's inheritance. She was the one who gained the most among the group.

The archaeological team obtained information about the Jingjue civilization and confirmed it. The existence of the ghost cave.

The remaining An Liman, Hu Bayi, and Wang Pangzi will also receive a large amount of guide fees.

Everyone drove the car and rushed all the way back to the previous town at the fastest speed.

Just before everyone arrived at the town, a black sandstorm was set off in the desert.

Feng Yuanqing guessed that this might be the Queen's handiwork.

The ancient city of Jingjue should have been buried under the yellow sand again.

As for whether it will see the light of day again in the future, I don't know.

After more than ten days, the leaders of the town were very worried, fearing that the archaeological team would never come back.

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, the archaeological team finally returned safely.

Three days later in Beijing.

The archaeological team finally returned to Beijing intact, without missing a single one.

Professor Chen brought Professor Hao and the students back to the institute excitedly, and immediately sorted out the archaeological records and submitted the research report.

Feng Yuanqing was just a name, and the rest of the things were all left to them.

Yingzi is still studying hard, so he doesn't need to worry.

In the evening, he returned to his home in Yaer Hutong, Houhai.

The system upgrade had been completed long ago, and there was no movement again.

Feng Yuanqing sorted out the gains from this trip to the ancient city of Jingjue.

At the Kunlun Glacier Nine-story Demon Tower, he signed in and got the spell: Minor Water Control. At the Xiye Ancient City, he signed in and got the spell: Golden Light Curse.

Killing the Queen Ant earned him 10 years of cultivation.

At the ancient city of Jingjue, he signed in and got 100 foundation-building pills and a copy of the Xuansu Sutra.

I didn't have time to look through it carefully at the time.

"Foundation Building Pill: It comes from a certain big world. It is a basic pill with strong and peaceful medicinal power. It is suitable for low realms."

《Xuansu Zhenjing: Dual Cultivation Technique

"Between heaven and earth, movement requires yin and yang. Yang is transformed by yin, and yin is connected by yang. One yin and one yang, they need each other to move."

"Therefore, men feel strong, women feel relaxed, the two energies exchange essence, and fluids flow into each other.……If you know the way, you will be happy and strong, your life span will be prolonged, and your complexion will be like flowers and flowers."

It can improve the cultivation of both parties, so there is no need to elaborate.

This trip to the ancient city of Jingjue was safe and sound, but the worldview was elevated too much.

Ancient God......As soon as you hear it, you know that it is a taboo word.

Feng Yuanqing suddenly felt anxious, the pressure from the ancient gods.

He urgently needed to improve his cultivation.

This time he met the Queen of Jingjue, could he meet other ancient gods next time?

He could kill himself with just one breath. The foundation

-building pill came just in time. The innate Qi embraces everything, and it doesn't matter what is external or not. The true Qi is refined, and everything is his own. The

Taoist exercises are all moderate and peaceful, and the most important thing is the foundation.

《This is the case with the Xiantian Yiqi Zhenjing. The Xiantian Yiqi swept through, and all the medicinal properties and elixir poison were refined into true qi. With a foundation-building pill, Feng Yuanqing broke through under the effect of the medicine.

He entered the foundation-building period.

There are several branches in this stage of cultivation.

It is the summary of many cultivation methods from ancient times to the present.

What foundation is built?

Here, it is subdivided into Qi Dao, Dan Dao, Zhen Dao, Qi Dao, and Fu Dao.

Each has its own emphasis, and the future advancement method is also different.

After thinking for a long time, Feng Yuanqing finally chose Fu Dao.

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