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Critical moment

The fat man did not forget the rules of the tomb robbers and placed a candle in the southeast corner of the tomb.

Then he ran back to the coffin and looked straight at the body and hands, which were full of jade and ivory objects.

The fat man did not care about the disgust and reached in to touch, while touching and muttering:

"This is too fucking creepy. They also said that the owner of this tomb was a Taoist. How could he be a Taoist with such evil things displayed out there? He deserves to be robbed by us....-..."

The fat man quickly pulled out a jade bracelet from the slippery corpse's hand.

He looked at it in the light.

It was emerald green, and the fat man couldn't help drooling.

"Sent, Sent......"

The fat man's eyes were filled with laughter, and he quickly put the jade bracelet into his backpack.


With a slight sound, the fat man's smile froze. He held the jade bracelet carefully and kept muttering:

"No, no......."

However, the jade bracelet in his hand still broke into pieces, gradually weathering in the fat man's hands and shattered all over the ground.......


The fat man was heartbroken and beat his chest, feeling more painful than if a piece of his flesh had been cut off.

It seemed that the funerary objects had been soaked in corpse oil for a long time and had been corroded over the years. The corpse oil seemed to be more terrifying than everyone imagined.

The fat man looked at the jade and ivory products in the coffin and wanted to die.

Sure enough.

Those jade and ivory products were all weathered without exception......

Fortunately, in addition to jade and ivory products, the fat man also touched a gold item, a hairpin.

Gold is almost the slowest metal to react, so this gold item was not corroded badly, but a layer of dark substance appeared on the surface.

It seems that as long as it is soaked in some special liquid, it can basically restore the whole picture.

The fat man took off the hairpin, wiped it on his body carefully, put it back in his backpack, and smiled from ear to ear, and had long thrown away the grief just now.

However, no one fought with the fat man, after all, this was what he had spent half his life to get.

Just say that when they scooped the corpse water just now, none of them had the fighting spirit, and there were almost no authentic archaeological team members among them, but tomb robbers.

However, this time, the main purpose of this group of tomb robbers entering the underwater tomb was not to go for the funerary objects.

The fat man touched the female corpse, but he was still not giving up. He took an engineer shovel as a hook and wanted to hook the female corpse out.

But the body was too soft, almost completely waxy, and so slippery that there was no place to put your hands.

The fat man risked his life and used his hands directly, but the female corpse was like squeezing soap, and a layer of oil came off when he squeezed it.

The fat man was so disgusted that he retched.......

The others felt their scalps tingling and subconsciously moved away from the fat man. No one tried to snatch the gold from the fat man this time.

The fat man had no choice but to ask others for help, and finally Li Si came out to help him.

Qi Yu came up with an idea and asked them to take off their clothes, one person wrapped their heads, one person wrapped their feet, and used an engineer shovel to make a shoulder pole.

The two people did this and lifted the female corpse out and put it on the ground.

After it was lifted out, everyone could see it clearly.

The other breasts of the female corpse had been cut off, leaving several bowl-sized scars on both sides of the body.

And the whole body was very fat, and it looked like a mountain of meat when it was piled up there.......

After the body was taken out, the coffin was completely opened, revealing the stone tablet underneath.

Zhang Qiling came over to take a look and said:

"This is the coffin stone, which is used to prevent the coffin from floating up if the airtight structure of the tomb under the sea is destroyed.

The fat man didn't care about that and quickly collected the gold objects on the stone slab.

There was also a black bead among them, which looked like an antiseptic bead that fell from the anus of a female corpse. The fat man didn't feel disgusted, so he wiped it on his body and put it in his backpack.......

After finishing all this, the fat man and Li Sidi took the stone slab out of the coffin and put it on the ground.

The stone slab was sticky and covered with brown corpse oil and some rotten meat. It was almost impossible to see the words engraved on it.

The fat man did not help them clean it up, but sat down next to it to rest.......

Often, textual objects are more valuable for archaeology than funerary objects.

The archaeological team members are quite knowledgeable in this area, and maybe they can make some great discoveries, which would be incredible.

However, the only male members of the archaeological team present were Zhang Qiling, Qi Yu, and Li Sidi.

Qi Yu glanced at Zhang Qiling and found that the latter did not express anything.

In desperation, he and Li Sidi covered their noses, slowly approached, and borrowed an engineer shovel from the fat man, intending to use the shovel to clean up the rotten things on it.

Just as they were about to start shoveling, Qin Yan and Zhang Qiling said almost in unison:

""Don't move!"

The anxious voices of the two people immediately made Qi Yu and Li Si stiffen and stand still.

The others looked at each other, quickly took out their weapons, and looked around vigilantly.......


In the dim tomb, the candlelight in the southeast corner flickered.

········Ask for flowers. With a squeak, it actually went out!

The fat man quickly collapsed, as if he was facing a great enemy.

He learned from Hu Ba that it was most important to pay attention to people lighting candles, ghosts blowing out the lights, and not touching gold when the cock crows and the lights go out.

Now that the lights are out, it means retreat.

"Go fast......"

The fat man cried out and wanted to run away, but it was dark outside, so he didn't dare to run around rashly. He always felt that it was safer to stay with Qin Yan.

No one dared to speak, and the whole tomb suddenly fell into an eerie silence.


A slight noise sounded in the tomb, not loud, but clearly heard by everyone.

Everyone was afraid to breathe, and their scalps went numb.

The candles went out, and the entire tomb was pitch black, making it even more eerie.

Everyone quickly turned on their flashlights and tried to find the source of the sound............However

, as soon as the flashlights were turned on, the flashlights of Li Sidi and Qi Yu, who were closest to the corpse, showed a huge figure.

That figure was like a mountain of flesh!


Li Sidi and Qi Yu were so scared that they let out a miserable scream.

Qi Yu's face turned pale and he quickly backed away. Seeing that Li Sidi had not caught up, he turned back to call him.

When he turned back, he saw Li Sidi lying on the ground twitching.......

Everyone quickly shone their flashlights and gasped.

The huge figure was none other than the horrible female corpse.

The black donkey hoof that Zhang Qiling had inserted into her mouth was still stuck in her mouth, but she unexpectedly revived.

The weirdest thing was that the belly of the female corpse was bulging. At first, everyone thought she was too fat, but now they found out that she actually died during childbirth, and there was something else going on in her belly.......

Qin Yan frowned and called out secretly:

"Oops! The corpse coffin is not holding the female corpse, but the contents of the female corpse's stomach!"

The huge female corpse stood up, but not very fast, staggering and dropping corpse oil all over the floor.

Li Sidi, who fainted, was in a miserable state. The corpse oil dripped on his face, but he was unaware of it and even licked his lips.

Everyone was glad that Li Sidi fainted, otherwise they would have been sick to death.

The fat man was reckless enough. He cursed and immediately took out his gun and shot a dart at the belly of the female corpse.

This shot seemed to hit the right spot, but Zhang Qiling quickly grabbed him:

"You can't shoot her to death! Let's go!"

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