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Tải ảnh: 0.066s Scan: 0.126sLotus formation, hanging soul ladder, corpse coffin, golden body appears.

When the Qimen is in operation, variables arise!

All the previous sentences are complete, and the golden body should refer to the dried corpse in the Yunding Tiangong model room.

But the next sentence, Qimen is in operation, what does the variable mean?

Qin Yan thought about it and couldn't figure it out, but he was not in a hurry, what was coming would always come.

The golden body is immortal for a thousand years.

Chen Wenjin, Zhang Qiling and others are all very smart people, and naturally they reacted instantly. This is the golden body mentioned in the proverb.

As a high monk, it is not easy for everyone to offend.

Zhang Qiling jumped off the Tiangong model.

He took a step back and kowtowed to the corpse, which should be to apologize for his offense just now.

However, when he raised his head, he suddenly took a breath of cold air.

Seeing this, the others hurriedly asked,"What's wrong?"

Zhang Qiling frowned and said,"The golden body is smiling!"

Everyone hurriedly looked over and saw that the golden body, which was originally expressionless, had revealed a strange smile.


Everyone was immediately horrified.

The fat man swallowed his saliva and said,"I have seen corpses that can jump and dance, but I have never seen one that can laugh!"

""Not good, step back."

Zhang Qiling cried out, and everyone's heart tightened.

They hurriedly took a step back, alert, ready to deal with its next move.

The mummy's hand, which was originally pointing to the sky, suddenly moved, and everyone's heart was in their throat. Could it be that the mummy was going to rise from the dead?

You know, a mummy actually looks like a Buddhist monk. If it rises from the dead, God knows how terrifying it will be. However, to everyone's surprise, the mummy just moved his finger, and it dropped from pointing to the sky to pointing horizontally to the east.

The finger fell.

Suddenly, the whole room suddenly darkened, and the night-shining pearl on the top of the treasure suddenly went out for some unknown reason.

"Oh shit!"

"What the hell is going on?!"

"Ah - there is a ghost……!"

Everyone was shocked and screamed.

Qin Yan knew that this place was basically the same as Zhang Qiling's memories recorded in Wu Tianzhen's Tomb Robbers' Notes, but now he thought calmly that this should be a mechanism designed by Wang Canghai.

So he told everyone his idea.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and sighed that Wang Canghai was a genius in mechanisms.

The fat man said in amazement:"Do you think that just now Brother Zhang kowtowed to the golden body and triggered the mechanism, just like Duan Yu kowtowed to the fairy sister in the cave of Wuliang Mountain, and was recognized by the mummy and obtained the inheritance?!"

At that time, Jin Yong's novels were popular, and everyone present had read them.

So although the fat man's words were a bit mysterious, if you think about it carefully, it seems to be a bit like that.

Li Sidi stared at Zhang Qiling blankly and said,"Um... Xiao Zhang, did you feel any martial arts or internal energy entering your body just now?!"

Everyone gave Li Sidi a speechless look. This guy really thought it was a martial arts novel. The fat man just meant that the mechanism was the same as in the novel, and he didn't get the point.

So, everyone ignored him and observed the surroundings carefully.

When they came in, they had turned off the flashlight to save energy. They found that although the room was darker, it was not completely black.

Looking up, they saw that the four night pearls closest to the four walls were extinguished, just like the dim street lights on the dark street, illuminating only a small area.


Li Sidi suddenly said in a trembling voice:"There is... on the wall..."

Everyone was startled and looked in the direction of what Li Sidi said.

They saw that a giant picture appeared on the brick wall on the east side.

The picture was very large, like a super giant screen!

The figures in the picture were dim and moving, as if they were really in front of them.

Everyone was stunned.

From Qin Yan's point of view, it was more like a giant screen movie, or even worse, because they actually felt like they were in it.

Everyone could see that the background of the picture was an extremely vast heavenly palace, which was consistent with the model they had just seen.

The Heavenly Palace is located on a very steep mountain range. The mountain range is extremely high, and the top of the mountain is covered with snow... and the top of the mountain is shrouded in clouds and mist, covering the entire palace, giving people a feeling of floating on the clouds, like a fairyland.

The sky On the cliff below the Heavenly Palace, there are many huge caves connected by plank roads.

Many workers in ragged clothes are scattered among them. They are using a crane-like device made of a huge wood to pull a huge coffin up from cave to cave along the cliff... The plank road leading to the Heavenly Palace is almost full of people, all in mourning.

It looks like a funeral procession. The team is lined up in rows, like a long white dragon, climbing up the plank road with difficulty...

Around the mountain range, there are teams of soldiers wearing armor and holding spears!

Everyone was so shocked that they couldn't speak for a long time...

Even the talkative fat man was quiet at this moment, with his mouth wide open, drooling without knowing it... for a long time.

The movie-like scene gradually disappeared.

Everyone was still immersed in the shock just now.

Until Zhang Qiling said:

"I didn’t expect that this heavenly palace was actually a mausoleum, but… who is in this coffin?"

No one could tell, could it be Wang Canghai?

Only Qin Yan knew that it was the tomb built by the master craftsman Wang Canghai for the King Wannu of the Dongxia Empire.

Legend has it that every generation of the King Wannu came out from behind the bronze door, and they were not human, but monsters.

In fact, it was the first generation of the King Wannu who discovered the secret guarded by the Zhang family for generations, the bronze door.

So he captured some of the Zhang family as messengers to help him be reborn, so that he could be reborn again and again and come out from behind the bronze door.

However, when the twelfth generation of the King Wannu was reborn, the power of the Dongxia Empire gradually weakened, and the people of the Zhang family either fled or died, and there was no messenger who could help them complete their rebirth. So in the Ming Dynasty, the dying King Wannu began to frantically collect clues to find the Zhang family. At this time, Wang Canghai appeared.

········Asking for flowers

Wang Canghai was captured by King Wannu to build a mausoleum, so that he could find the Zhang family and be reborn again.

Wang Canghai was such a genius that he learned some of King Wannu's secrets, but no one knew how much he knew.

According to Wu Tianzhen's description, King Wannu had twelve hands. Qin Yan thought about it and found that it was somewhat similar to the deformed female corpse he had seen before.

It can be imagined that the female corpse was captured by Wang Canghai for the longevity experiment because she had twelve hands, but obviously the result of the experiment failed, and the perfect longevity body was not achieved.

Qin Yan thought a lot...

At the same time, Zhang Qiling also carefully checked the mummy and found that it did not rise. Everyone was relieved and studied the shocking video just now.

Qi Yu asked:"What was that image just now? Was it a ghost?!"

At this time, Huo Ling told the rumors she heard in the capital:

"I heard that whenever it thunders and rains in the Forbidden City, the staff on duty can hear the cries of palace maids and see eunuchs walking by with lanterns. It is so realistic that the staff on duty are scared to death. Will it be the same here?!"...........0When everyone heard this, it was really possible.

Qin Yan shook his head:"You are talking about ghosts, but Yunding Palace was not built here, how could ghosts be here? This is just another trick of Wang Canghai."

Everyone looked at Qin Yan in unison, full of curiosity.

Qin Yan continued:"The images just now were the light coming from a fixed angle, and then hitting a certain carved painting, and then projected on the wall, but the painting was slowly rotating, one after another, giving us the feeling that the pictures were moving."

Huo Ling hurriedly said:"Doesn't that mean it's like playing a film?!"

Qin Yan nodded:"Huo Ling is right, the principle is basically the same."

Huo Ling was very happy to get Qin Yan's affirmation...

But others were shocked. Could it be that Wang Canghai invented movies back then? It was incredible...

Qin Yan continued:"Wang Canghai's design was extremely clever. Yunding Palace was finally buried under the snow and became a real tomb."

"Wang Canghai was very unwilling to let his masterpiece be buried under the snow, so he wanted to record this super project in this secret way so that future generations would know that there is such a magnificent cloud-top palace in his works!"

Everyone was extremely shocked after hearing this, and then ecstasy.

Because this is a very remarkable discovery, if it is released, it will definitely shock the world, and they will become household names in archaeology and be recorded in history...

When everyone was ecstatic.

Huo Ling suddenly hugged Qin Yan's arm and pointed at the stone mirror at the entrance of the tomb in fear:

"There... there is half a human face... it seems to be Zhou Yuan... Factory!"_

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