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"Where is the elixir of life?"

Faced with Zhou Yuan's sinister eyes, Yin Mei did not dare to neglect it.

She glanced at the two of them, gritted her teeth, and walked towards the center of the main tomb, where the model of the Heavenly Palace was placed on a huge stone plate.

When she arrived in front of the Heavenly Palace, Yin Mei stopped.

Zhou Yuan and Wu Sanxing, who were following behind, looked at each other and could see the surprise in each other's eyes.

The two of them almost touched the entire underwater tomb, and apart from the priceless funerary objects, they did not find anything special.

The same was true for the archaeological team, except that there was an additional jade plate containing Wang Canghai's secret and a snake-browed bronze fish.

Now it seems that the elixir of life is hidden in the most conspicuous Heavenly Palace.

Zhou Yuan and Wu Sanxing did not doubt this, because it was reasonable.

The elixir of life is hidden in the Heavenly Palace!

However, not only the two of them, but also the archaeological team had touched the model of the Heavenly Palace, but no trace of the elixir of life was found.

"Where is the immortality elixir?"

Zhou Yuan asked in a calm and sinister tone.

Yin Mei gritted her teeth, and it was obvious that she was unwilling to give up. Obviously, she was the first to discover the immortality elixir. If she could get it and then successfully leave the underwater tomb, it would be a great achievement for the Buddha.

The Buddha and herself had planned for so long, but she didn't expect that now she would have to hand it over to two old foxes.

But her life was in their hands now, and she couldn't help but bow her head.……

"Speak quickly."

Zhou Yuan's voice was not loud, but full of pressure, and the gun in his hand had already clicked and was loaded.

Yin Mei's unwilling eyes flashed with a strange look, took a deep breath, and squeezed out a few words:

"The elixir of immortality is in the belly of the golden body!"

In the belly of the golden body?!

Wu Sanxing and Zhou Yuan were stunned, and then they smiled unconsciously.

Qin Yan suddenly realized.

Sure enough.

The elixir of immortality is in the strange golden body.

He saw the three people walking towards the model of the Heavenly Palace, and he had guessed it.

Because Zhang Qiling had just discovered the strangeness of the golden body, but the golden body was too strange. Not only were the nails all over the body growing, but it also smiled, which was really rare.

Moreover, this is the golden body of Buddhism. The Buddhist method originally restrains evil spirits, but at this time it seems quite evil.

The Buddhist law and the evil spirits are cleverly combined.

This had to make the keen Zhang Qiling alert, so he chose to give up temporarily.

So in fact, it was not that Zhang Qiling listened to Chen Wenjin's persuasion at that time and did not take action on the things in the belly of the golden body.

Now, Yin Mei said that the elixir of immortality is in the golden body. It is not aimless.

Therefore, Wang Canghai's elixir of immortality should be in the golden body.

Qin Yan thought a lot at once, and the secrets of the archaeological team gradually surfaced...

At the same time,

Wu Sanxing and Zhou Yuan had already jumped onto the Tiangong model, looking at the strange golden mummy with a sharp gaze.

However, the two were old foxes after all.

""Miss Yin, come here!" Zhou Yuan directed Yin Mei with his gun.

Yin Mei rolled her eyes at the two of them, revealing her feminine charm:"Don't you have any gentlemanly manners? Let a woman touch a mummy. You must know that women have heavy yin energy. What if the mummy rises?!"

Zhou Yuan and Wu Sanxing looked at each other. What Yin Mei said was not unreasonable.

Since ancient times, there has been a rule that women are not allowed to go into tombs when robbing tombs. However, in modern times, some powerful women have broken this rule, such as Huo Xiangu.

So the two of them could only do it themselves and jumped in front of the mummy.

The two of them were not at all shy. They went straight to the point of looking at its mouth and found that there was nothing in its mouth.

Then they pinched the armpits again, with a very skilled technique (bjbd), pressing all the way down, fearing that there would be some mechanism...

Yin Mei also jumped up and watched from the side.


Wu Sanxing and Zhou Yuan's hands fell on the belly of the golden body.

You can see that there is a very long scar on the chest of the mummy, from the last rib on the left to the dantian.

The two pressed their stomachs For a moment, their eyes suddenly lit up.

There really is something in the stomach...

At this time, the fat man who pretended to faint winked at Qin Yan frantically, his eyelids were about to cramp.

Seeing that Wu Sansheng and Zhou Yuan were about to attack the golden body mummy, the fat man had been waiting impatiently. That was the elixir of immortality. Who in the world would not be tempted? No matter how prominent you were during your lifetime, you will be nothing but a cup of yellow earth after death, but it will be different with the elixir of immortality.

If this thing really gets out, even the top leaders of the world will go crazy for it...

However, without Qin Yan's instructions, the fat man still didn't dare to move. After all, countless facts have proved that listening to Master Qin must be right!

In fact.

Qin Yan was also ready to signal the fat man to act, but at this time the voice of the system happened to sound in his mind:

【Ding, trigger the god-level choice!】

【Option 1: Prevent others from getting Wang Canghai’s immortality experimental drug!】

【Option 2, be a Buddhist spectator, as long as it does not threaten yourself, let it go! 】

Qin Yan was slightly stunned, this time the choice seemed unusual.

In the past, there would be reward instructions, but this time there was none, and there were only two options, which was straightforward.

However, Qin Yan still saw a lot of information from it.

Option 1, to prevent others from taking the medicine, means that there is really medicine in the golden body, and it is Wang Canghai's immortality experimental medicine.

He remembered that in the original book, there was explosives in the belly of the golden body, which was triggered by an eight-treasure rotor. If you want to take the treasure directly from the corpse, it may explode directly.

It seems that the treasure is the immortality medicine.

After a simple analysis, Qin Yan did not hesitate at all:

"Option 1!"

Because he has watched this scene for long enough, it is time for him to appear, but...

I don't know what kind of reward he will get for this choice?

Unknown rewards always make people look forward to it.……

"It's time to end it!"

After Qin Yan made his choice, he smiled and was about to take action.

At this moment, suddenly... a woman's weak scream sounded:

"You, what are you doing?!"

Qin Yan was stunned. This was not Yin Mei's voice, but...

Chen Wenjin!

Damn, when did Chen Wenjin wake up? _

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