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"Since you are here, why leave in a hurry?"

A voice sounded in the Hades Palace, making everyone's hair stand on end...

This voice did not belong to any of them!

Because they have been together for such a long time, they are familiar with each other's voices.

However, apart from them, there is no one else in the Hades Palace.

There is only a golden mummy!

Could it be...

Everyone felt creepy when they thought of this, and they looked at each other and could see the surprise in each other's eyes.

The fat man swallowed his saliva:"Could it be that this golden zongzi is alive? But I have never heard of a talking zongzi!"

Li Sidi was also scared, and said in a trembling voice:"Is it really a ghost?!"

They are not that scared of zongzi, because they can be seen and touched, and they have no intelligence, at most they just look disgusting.

But ghosts are different, there are all kinds of them, they appear and disappear, they have intelligence, and they can even possess people and do all kinds of scary things.

Therefore, tomb robbers would rather meet zongzi than ghosts, which is also the origin of the saying"don't touch gold after ghosts blow out the lights".

Zhang Qiling is so skilled and courageous that he took the lead to walk to the golden mummy behind the screen, and others quickly followed - behind the screen.

The golden mummy sat cross-legged, with a peaceful face, and there was no change.

Everyone looked at each other. A golden body has been dead for so many years, but it still gives people the feeling that his voice and smile are still there.

An indescribable weirdness made everyone feel creepy.——

"The golden body laughed!"

Chen Wenjin suddenly exclaimed.

Laughing again?!

Everyone's heart tightened, and they hurriedly took a step back, alert, ready to deal with its next move.

After waiting for a while, there was no movement.

Everyone just breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly……

"Dear friends——"


Everyone was shocked and jumped back hastily, staring at the golden corpse as if they had seen a ghost.

"The golden body really spoke!"

The fat man opened his mouth so wide that he could fit his fist in it.

The others were equally shocked. A mummy that had been dead for who knows how many years actually spoke?!

This... this is incredible!

In the shocked eyes of the crowd, the golden mummy opened its eyes leisurely and looked at the people in front of it.


Everyone gasped.

They never thought that there would be a mummy that had lived for countless years in the underwater tomb!

Everyone was on high alert for the next move of the golden mummy...

But what they didn't expect was that the golden mummy did not attack them, but stretched out its dry hands and made a gesture of invitation:

"Don't panic, my friends. I'm ashamed to say that I don't have anything to treat you. Please take a seat."

Everyone was dumbfounded. If they hadn't seen the golden body completely shrunken, black and wrinkled, they would have really thought it was a high monk, not a dried corpse.


The fat man suddenly shouted,"This... looks so much like Huang's trick in the rural rumors, an illusion! We must have been under an illusion!"

After that, he looked at Zhang Qiling:

"Brother Zhang, come on, give me a slap!"

Zhang Qiling nodded seriously, and the next second, he struck out like lightning.


The fat man was beaten to the ground, screaming, his face swollen, and he couldn't help cursing:

"Mr. Zhang, do I have a grudge against you? Why are you hitting me so hard?" Zhang Qiling said calmly,"I’m afraid that this mummy’s magic is too powerful, and I won’t be able to wake you up if I hold back." Fatty


Although the fat man wanted to cry but had no tears, he also proved a fact.

That is, what was in front of him was not an illusion!

All this was beyond the cognition of the archaeological team, including Zhang Qiling.

Wu Sansheng looked incredulous and tried to ask the golden mummy:

"You... you are Wang Canghai?!"

The golden mummy nodded slightly.


Everyone's mind suddenly exploded. This is actually the ghost hand god general from hundreds of years ago, Wang Canghai!

Could it be that... he really achieved immortality in this way?!

Looking at the shocked expressions of the crowd, Wang Canghai did reveal a peaceful but inexplicably creepy smile:

"My friend and I are destined to be together. If there is anything I can answer, please just ask."

""Shit, it's really Wang Canghai!"

Everyone in the archaeological team was ecstatic and trembling all over. This discovery can be called a miracle in human history.

Especially Chen Wenjin, Qi Yu and others. Although they did not participate in the plan of Wu Sanxing's rebels, they also had their own plans.

That is to report major archaeological discoveries to the country and whitewash the tomb-robbing old nine gates behind them.

You must know that in this era, tomb robbers have long been shameful. Only through archaeological whitewashing can the declining tomb-robbing families regain their glory. The very famous"Warring States Silk Book Case" of that year had already caused the group of old local scholars of the old nine gates to be shot, imprisoned, and mourned. So the only way out for the Old Nine Gates is to rely on the country.

If this discovery can be reported to the country, it will be a big earthquake in the archaeological community. Their new generation of descendants of the Nine Gates will also stand at the pinnacle of archaeology and revive the Old Nine Gates in another way!

So this is the significance of Chen Wenjin organizing this archaeological team. Now that they can see the living Wang Canghai, it may overturn the textbook-like concept of the Celestial Empire's tombs that has not changed for thousands of years.

This has immeasurable archaeological value!

And being able to talk to the Feng Shui genius from hundreds of years ago, everyone present was excited.

Chen Wenjin was so excited that he could hardly speak, and murmured:

"My God, this is too incredible. This will definitely become another milestone in the Chinese archaeological community!"

Lively Huo Ling asked first:"Senior Wang, have you... really achieved immortality?"

The golden mummy nodded slightly, but sighed:

"If this old man's appearance can be considered immortality, then so be it. Alas... after all, it is not perfect immortality!"

As he spoke, his eyes swept across Zhang Qiling and Qin Yan without leaving any trace...

Everyone was shocked when they heard this!

Wang Canghai really did it. Although he looked like a mummy, it was shocking enough.

Qi Yu, who had calmed down, couldn't help but ask the question in his heart:

"Senior Wang, my name is Qi Yu. I have spent a lot of energy researching you, but there is a blank period in your history. I have searched all the materials and found no record. Can you tell me where you went during that period of time after the Ming Palace was completed?"

The golden mummy who called himself Wang Canghai smiled slightly:

"During that time, I was captured by the Emperor of Dongxia to build a mausoleum, and I was not in the Central Plains."

Qi Yu suddenly realized:"Mausoleum... refers to the Yunding Palace?"

Wang Canghai nodded.

This made Qi Yu, Chen Wenjin and others ecstatic, as if they had discovered a new world. If this conversation was published, it would be a huge discovery.

"Wow, he actually replied!"

The fat man widened his eyes and asked hurriedly:

"Senior Wang, what is the secret hidden in your snake-browed bronze fish? Is there really a treasure?!"

The fat man's eyes were shining, and he was only concerned about the question of the treasure...

Wang Canghai nodded slightly:"I am not talented, but I do have a treasure!"


The fat man exclaimed, patted his chest quickly, suppressed his inner excitement, and asked:

"Where is the treasure? What is the secret?!"

Wang Canghai smiled slightly:"The treasure is only given to those who are destined. If you are destined, you will get it. As for the secret, I can reveal a little bit. It is related to an ultimate."

The fat man saw Wang Canghai laughing, and couldn't help cursing this old fox in his heart...

Everyone else was fine, but when Zhang Qiling heard the word ultimate, his heart was already in turmoil.

Although he concealed it very well, it seemed that it still did not escape Wang Canghai's eyes.

After glancing at Zhang Qiling, his eyes fell on Qin Yan, who had been silent.

Chen Wenjin and the others wanted to seize this rare opportunity to ask questions, but Wang Canghai spoke first:

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