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Tải ảnh: 0.041s Scan: 0.030sAt this critical moment of life and death, Qin Yan shouted to everyone:

"Don't panic, listen to me. Old Hu, you shoot a few shots at the saber-toothed viperfish, and wife, you use the Flying Tiger Claw to hang on to the rock, and we'll pull the raft over!"

Qin Yan arranged in an orderly manner, which convinced everyone and they quickly acted according to Qin Yan's arrangement.

Hu Ba raised his pistol, aimed at the dense area of saber-toothed viperfish in the water, and fired several shots.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!......"

The river water was instantly dyed red by the fish blood. The surrounding knife-toothed vipers saw the blood and rushed to bite the injured knife-toothed vipers, regardless of whether they were of the same species or not. The crisis of the bamboo raft being bitten to pieces was slightly relieved.

Shirley Yang did not neglect it either. She took out a flying tiger claw from her backpack and threw it at the white cloud mushroom rock at the exit of the cave. The steel cable of the flying tiger claw was wrapped around the mushroom rock three times, and the claw head tightly grasped the rock.

Qin Yan grabbed the steel cable of the flying tiger claw and pulled it hard. The speed of the bamboo raft was almost flying.

But he did not dare to use too much force, because if he used too much force, the bamboo raft might disintegrate directly, so he had to control it at a perfect point.

The speed of the bamboo raft was very fast, and it left behind many water pig bees along the way. Gradually, it also got rid of most of the knife-toothed vipers.

Everyone looked at the school of fish rolling in the water behind them, and they couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief...

After getting rid of the school of fish, everyone was so tired that they collapsed on the bamboo raft.

At this time, Hu Bayi took out a compass to determine the direction, and said:"The direction is correct, we should be able to get out along the river!"

Everyone was refreshed, and sat leisurely on the bamboo raft, letting the raft drift along the underground canal.

Walking along the river all the way, the wonders in the cave made everyone marvel. It can be seen that the scale of this waterway dug for the construction of the king's tomb is extraordinary.

The entire waterway was dug on the basis of the karst cave at the bottom of Zhalong Mountain. It is like a canal and is very wide.

In Hu Bayi's words, there are enough large tanks running in parallel, and the surroundings are built quite neatly, and there are some murals carved on the stone walls from time to time.

Everyone took a look and found that the murals mainly recorded the construction process of King Xian's Tomb: some were repairing stones, some were transporting logs, and some were building wooden beams, etc.......

Although the painting is very simple, it can be seen that what they built is very grand.

Hu Bayi couldn't help but sigh:

"I originally thought that King Xian was a self-made emperor who separated from the ancient Dian Kingdom, and his mausoleum would not be too large. However, judging from the canal that runs through the mountain and these murals, King Xian's tomb is not simple.."

Hu Bayi's words made everyone excited, and they were looking forward to this trip to the Tomb of King Xian.

Especially the fat man, his eyes lit up...

Going deeper and deeper in the dark cave, the bamboo raft paddled for nearly half an hour, and Qin Yan finally saw the light ahead.

He told everyone about his discovery, and everyone cheered excitedly.

Not long after walking, everyone could hear the sound of water outside.

The light ahead was getting brighter and brighter, and everyone was getting more and more impatient...


It was like suddenly stepping out of darkness into light, and everyone couldn't help but squint their eyes.

"Damn, I finally got out!"

""Haha, I, Hu Hansan, am back again!"

After adapting to the bright light outside, Hu Bayi and Fatty couldn’t help but yelled excitedly, and Peacock also shouted excitedly.

Shirley Yang couldn’t help but kiss Qin Yan on the face…

After leaving Zhalong Mountain, everyone found that when they followed the water flow to the end, the river was still flowing forward, but it was flowing into the ground.

This cave is lower than the ground outside the mountain, so the big river in the mountain cannot be seen from the outside.

Everyone got off the bamboo raft and climbed up a slope piled with rocks. Suddenly, there was an open space in front of them. They finally successfully passed through Zhalong Mountain!

When they came outside, they looked back.

This It was already sunset, the sun was deep red, emitting a dim light, wrapping everything in a soft ball, forming a very magnificent and peaceful scene.

Everyone had been depressed in the cave for a long time, and after coming out, they felt indescribably relaxed, and even had a feeling of rebirth.

After enjoying the comfort for a while, everyone began to observe the surrounding environment.

There were mountains all around, and the mountains were full of large tracts of primeval forests, vast and boundless.

There were many exotic flowers and trees that could not be named, and there were countless gullies, deep valleys, streams and dangerous pools scattered among them.

Qin Yan took out the human skin map, took a look at it, and said to everyone:"This is the path to enter the Worm Valley."

The fat man raised the telescope to look at the jungle below and shouted:

"Look, there are many big golden butterflies over there. That valley must be there."

Hu Bayi hurriedly snatched the telescope away, and Qin Yan also saw it without the telescope.......

I saw a large patch of yellow and white wild flowers and trees at the foot of the hill in the distance, with groups of golden swallowtail butterflies flying among the flowers.

These butterflies were large in size, flying around in groups, never leaving the flowers and trees.

However, the vegetation layer there was so thick that all the terrain was covered tightly.

Even Qin Yan couldn't tell where the valley was and where the stream was.

Looking from above, the ups and downs were all dense vegetation.

In the deep and secluded places, many places were shrouded in clouds and mist, and it was difficult to see what was going on from a distance.

The fat man was a little impatient, but was stopped by Hu Bayi:

".We can't just rush into the forest with a few groups of golden butterflies. The environment here is too complicated to be understood with common sense."

Qin Yan also nodded:

"The human skin map was drawn during the Qin and Han dynasties. Two thousand years have passed since its introduction. The topographic features marked on the map have long since changed beyond all recognition. Except for some specific landmarks and locations, the human skin map can no longer be used for more accurate reference."

According to Blind Chen's description, the last time they were in the Worm Valley, which is the section in front of the valley formed by the Snake River, they also saw a large group of butterflies.

However, the most important thing is to find the features mentioned by the blind man.———A section of the wall in the Worm Valley

(Zhao Ma entered the valley early.

However, as a time traveler, Qin Yan knew that finding the entrance to the Worm Valley was not that simple.

So he said to everyone:"We can't rush this. We have encountered so many troubles before entering the Worm Valley. We must proceed step by step and be careful."

Everyone looked solemn. This time, the tomb robbing was related to the curse on Hu Bayi, Fatty and Shirley Yang, so only success and no failure was allowed.

Hu Bayi took out a map with the altitude contours of Zhalong Mountain, but this map was extremely simple and the error was very large.

He reset the compass, re-determined the altitude and direction, and was busy correcting the map...

Qin Yan couldn't bear it, so he threw him a detailed map. Hu Bayi happily marked several possible entrances to the Worm Valley on the map.

After a rest, everyone started to set off to find the Snake River..._

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