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"Hiss, hiss, hiss……"

The strange signal sound became clearer and clearer. Others could hear it clearly. The sound was long and short, short and urgent, long and heavy.

The sound was not loud, mixed with the ticking sound, it seemed very strange in the dark, making people's scalps numb.

Not to mention Hu Bayi and others, even Qin Yan was a little confused. Could there really be someone on the plane, or... a ghost?!

Everyone looked up, but their sight was blocked by the branches of the trees, and they couldn't see the situation above clearly. The moonlight flickered between the branches, making it seem even more ghostly.

Hu Bayi suddenly widened his eyes:"This... this is a ghost signal!"

"Ghost signal?"Obviously, the others had never heard of this, and they all looked at Hu Bayi.

He continued to explain:

"You may not know this, but when I was in the army, there was always this legend: some troops stationed in remote mountainous areas often received inexplicable signals on the radio. These signals were intermittent, some were for help, some were for warnings, in short, the content was all kinds of strange."

"So everyone must not get separated, lest they be attracted by the ghost signal."

After hearing what Hu Bayi said, everyone would rather believe it than not, and quickly stood together to prevent accidents.

Shirley Yang also said:"Some scientists have done experiments and found that the human soul has weak radio waves. Even such weak energy can be preserved for a long time in a specific environment or magnetic field, but the most important thing now is, what kind of intention is this death code conveying, is it to warn us"740" or to intimidate us?"

Even Qin Yan couldn't tell clearly, because according to Hu Bayi's speculation in the original book, this plane should have been used by the US military to transport supplies to the Celestial Expeditionary Force fighting in Myitkyina, Burma from 1942 to 1945.

So much time has passed, and there should be no living people in it.

But the signal is still ringing. Is it really as Shirley Yang said, that after a person dies, the weak radio waves in the soul are preserved for a long time in this specific environment or magnetic field?

When Qin Yan was thinking about it, he heard Zhang Qiling suddenly say:

""Oh no, the moonlight is getting redder and the evil fog is getting thicker, and it seems to be poisonous. Put on your gas masks!"

Everyone heard this and looked around.

Sure enough, the moonlight was high, the fog was all around, and the dense forest was already hazy with evil spirits.

Qin Yan and Zhang Qiling were not afraid of the fog because of their special physiques, but the others were not, and they felt dizzy.

Everyone quickly took out the gas masks they had prepared before from their backpacks and put them on.

At this time, there were sudden cries all around the dense forest, and the crying was so sad and miserable, like the wailing of a dead person at a funeral. It sounded extremely sad and creepy in the dense forest at night.

Peacock knew that there was absolutely no one else in this mountain, so how could there be so many cries? She thought to herself, could it be that the wronged souls of the ancestors in the ancestral cave came out to complain at night?

Thinking of this, she was so scared that she trembled into a ball, and the hair on her scalp was all The roots stood up straight, and the soles of his feet felt weak as if he was stepping on cotton wool. He subconsciously took a step back, as if he had bumped into something, and fell to the ground with a thump.

Qin Yan hurriedly helped the peacock beside him up, but suddenly found a small box under the peacock's feet, which was wrapped tightly.

He picked it up and took a look, only to see that the box was the size of a notebook, and it was full of traces of time.

Everyone quickly gathered around, and Qin Yan used a little force to open the box.

Inside was an American military radio!

Seeing the radio, Qin Yan thought of something. He remembered that there was a piece of knowledge in tomb robbing that used the radio to listen to ghost signals.

And Hu Bayi just said that when he was in the army, the radio could receive ghost signals, so the radio should be feasible.

"Old Hu, try to see if it still works."

Hu Bayi obviously also realized the problem of receiving ghost signals, and quickly took the radio from Qin Yan.

He took a look and said,"It's really possible that it can still be used!"

After that, he removed the old battery inside, replaced it with two new batteries, and turned it on to listen.

It really can make a hissing sound, receiving radio waves.

Everyone looked at each other, and they were all looking forward to it. If they can really receive ghost signals, what would it be?

Hu Bayi is very familiar with the radios that were popular in the 1980s and 1990s.

So he fiddled with it for a while, and he actually gradually received the information of a signal...

With Hu Bayi's efforts, the signal became clearer and clearer.

However, the signal coming from it was quite weird, chattering.

The fat man listened with a solemn expression on his face, and exhaled:"This is undoubtedly ghost language, I can't understand what it is saying at all."

Hu Bayi also nodded solemnly: This is the language, this is the first time I hear it, it seems that there must be evil spirits around!"

After hearing this, almost everyone present showed a look of fear, clenched their weapons, and the fat man even grabbed a handful of glutinous rice flour in his hand.

However, what everyone was surprised about was that Qin Yan and Shirley Yang were quite calm, and even wanted to laugh.

Looking at the horrified people, Qin Yan and Shirley Yang looked at each other and laughed dumbly.

Hu Bayi, the fat man and others saw that the two had strange expressions, and they were a little confused, and asked quickly:"What's wrong with Mr. Qin, is there anything wrong?"

Shirley Yang finally couldn't help it, and laughed:"Of course it's not right, and it's totally wrong, this is not ghost language, this is English!"

"What? English!"

Hu Bayi and Fatty were dumbfounded, knowing that they had made a fool of themselves.

To hide his embarrassment, Fatty cursed:"It's so damn ugly. I don't understand how this kind of bird language can become an international common language. How can it be as nice as the language of our great China?"

Hu Bayi also nodded and said:"That's right, isn't English just a fucking ghost language?!"

But it's not Fatty and Hu Bayi's fault, because this piece of English is not only concise, but also vague.

Even Qin Yan felt that it was more difficult than the level 6 listening test he had done before. Now that he came to this world, he just learned one more word with Shirley Yang in bed...

Shirley Yang signaled everyone to be quiet and listen carefully to the English content.

English is a piece of cake for Shirley Yang, who grew up in the United States, so she quickly sorted out the general content.

"The gist of this English paragraph is that the other party is a U.S. military pilot, who is mainly transporting supplies. When flying over here, he encountered heavy fog and accidentally crashed. He hopes to be rescued."

Everyone suddenly realized what was going on, and Hu Bayi couldn't help but complain:

"I also flew a plane when I was in the army, but how can you drive it so hard? If you encounter heavy fog, you should find a place to make an emergency landing. Forcing it to fly will only hurt others and yourself!"

After figuring out the situation, everyone felt a little relieved.

Everyone looked up at the treetops above their heads, and in the shadows, they could vaguely see half of the wreckage of the plane.

The fat man couldn't help asking,"How could a plane crash here?"

Shirley Yang thought for a while and said,"This should be a transport plane of the US Air Force. It may have taken off from the Kolkata base in India during World War II to deliver supplies to the Celestial Expeditionary Force fighting in Myitkyina, Burma."

Hu Bayi also nodded and said:

"You see, this place is not far from Myanmar. As far as I know, from 1942 to 1945, no less than 600 to 700 US military planes crashed in the southwest of China on the Sino-Myanmar border and on the later Hump Route. I didn't expect that one of them crashed here."

Everyone finally figured out the content of the signal, but the plane had been gone for so many years, and the people on it must have been dead.

How could there still be a signal for help? The only explanation here is what Shirley Yang said, that the soul's radio waves will be permanently preserved under a specific magnetic field.

However, everyone was faced with another problem: since the person was already dead, should they still go up to the plane to take a look?

Shirley Yang meant that they should go up and take a look. If there were still bodies of American pilots inside, they would try to bury them temporarily, then take the ID cards back, notify the American consulate, and ask them to come and retrieve the remains, and cover them with the national flag and take them back to their hometown.

The fat man unexpectedly agreed with Shirley Yang's opinion, but Qin Yan knew what the fat man was thinking. When he heard that it was a transport plane, he must be wondering if there were any good things in it.

But Zhang Qiling frowned:"I don't know why, I always feel something is wrong.........."

Hu Bayi also objected to going up rashly, saying:

"In the past, when the troops received such radio waves, they would think that there were victims calling for help, and most of them would send people to search for the source of the radio wave signal. However, those who went there would never come back, as if they had evaporated from the face of the earth, and those ghostly signals would disappear immediately, so this is the legendary soul-catching signal."

Two to two, so the final decision fell into Qin Yan's hands again.

Qin Yan felt the same as Zhang Qiling, and always felt that something was wrong.

But thinking back to the original plot, all aspects could be explained, and there was nothing strange. However, the current situation was special, and it was late at night, so Qin Yan had to be more careful:

"Don't worry, let's observe carefully first. There is no need to act rashly. We can't take risks just for a corpse. It won't be too late to wait until the fog dissipates during the day."

""Mr. Qin is indeed Mr. Qin, he always looks like he has everything under control!"

Hu Bayi praised, and the others agreed with Qin Yan after thinking about it carefully.

Shirley Yang felt that she was indeed careless just now. She had not yet thoroughly understood the situation, and she rashly decided to rescue. Maybe it would be like the ghost signal that Hu Bayi had mentioned before, and it would never come back.

So several people turned on their wolf eyes and shone them on the dense treetops, wanting to see what was going on.

However, they found that the thick fog had completely covered the entire forest at this time. The light from the wolf eye flashlight directly became a straight beam of light, which could not be spread out at all, and the visibility was no more than one meter.

Qin Yan has super eyesight, so everyone's hope fell on him.

Under the gaze of everyone, Qin Yan activated his listening blood vessels and looked at the dense treetops with all his eyes. The sight can see through the fog, but cannot penetrate the dense branches and leaves of the trees, so only a rough idea can be seen.

In the quiet and frosty moonlight, one can vaguely see a huge aircraft cabin inserted upside down between two trees. The wings and tail are nowhere to be found. There are several large holes in the fuselage, and the holes are filled with things, so it is impossible to see the situation inside.

However, since it has been decided, everyone can only wait for dawn and the thick fog to dissipate before taking action.

They hardly got any rest in the first half of the night because of these two sounds, so everyone returned to the very flat large bluestone and prepared to rest.

Hu Bayi was still fiddling with the radio there.

I asked him what was going on.

Hu Bayi smiled and said,"I want to see if I can get any other useful signals."

Qin Yan ignored him.

1.3 After a while, Hu Yi cursed and threw the radio out. It seemed that he didn't fix it properly, but broke it instead.

Hu Bayi thought about it and went over to pick up the radio.


Hu Bayi, who was about to pick up the radio, suddenly shouted,"Come and see what's here!"

Everyone quickly gathered around and shone their torches at the place.

They saw a stone tablet in the shape of the Eight Diagrams standing next to the bluestone slab. There was also a pattern of the Eight Diagrams engraved on it, standing there, hidden under the thick vines and dead branches.

If everyone hadn't just cleaned the ground, they would not have found it at all.

"This is the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams!"

Hu Bayi and Zhang Qiling were obviously very familiar with this thing, and they made the judgment almost in unison:

"There is obviously something hidden in it!"

Both of them seemed a little excited. They didn't expect to find something unexpected here.

Qin Yan didn't intervene and let the two of them study. Because he was secretly surprised that there didn't seem to be this stone tablet in the original book.....

Soon, Hu Bayi said excitedly:"This is a mechanism!"

Zhang Qiling also hurried to crack it. The two of them were experts in the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams, and soon found the location of the mechanism.

They turned the Eight Diagrams on the stone surface and placed each Diagram position to a position they deduced.

At this time, they heard a"boom"......."

After a heavy and melodious sound, a two-meter-wide alley suddenly opened up on the ground next to it........

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