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Tải ảnh: 0.092s Scan: 0.089sNo one expected that a pale human hand would suddenly extend from behind the brick wall.

Even the experienced Hubayi felt his scalp tingling and his hair stood on end. He quickly pulled his hand back. Hubayi was so scared that he almost lost his mind. In the confusion, he pulled out a pistol and shot at the hand.

Along with the gunshot, a scream was heard:


Everyone was stunned to find that it was actually a human cry.

The fat man quickly used his wolf eyes to look over and found that the owner of the hand was actually a person.

The man looked like a skinny farmer, but his face was as white as a dead person.

The hand covered with dry wrinkles was hit by Hubayi's bullet and blood flowed out.

Qin Yan took a look at the man's hand. The nails were yellow, long and sharp.......

Fortunately, Hubayi's bullet did not hit the person directly in the chaos, but only scraped off a layer of skin, which was still bloody.

The man covered his injured hand, his eyes full of panic, and he was muttering something.

However, he did not speak the common Mandarin, or a similar dialect, so no one could understand what he was saying.

The fat man was annoyed, and he stepped forward and shouted:"Not only did you scare Master Hu and me, but what are you mumbling about?"

It may be that the fat man's momentum was too strong, or it may be that the man was too weak. When he retreated, he lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Peacock walked over and helped the man up, talked to him for a few words, and then turned to look at everyone:

"He speaks the language of our Miao area, and is the language of the residents here."

"Your fellow villager?!"

Everyone was quite surprised. How could a person from Miaojiang appear here without any reason? It was unbelievable.

But seeing Peacock's determined look, everyone didn't know what to say.

Huba asked,"What did he just say?"

Peacock translated with some fear on his face,"He said, bones, all bones!"

Everyone was surprised. They took the Wolf Eye flashlight and shone it into the dark place in front of them. They couldn't help but gasp.

They saw a huge pit in front of them. The Wolf Eye flashlight shone into it and only formed a weak beam of light. They couldn't see the edge or the top.

As the man said, wherever the flashlight went, there were bones.

There was a tunnel in the middle, with two large pits on both sides. The large pits were densely packed with white!

It stretched all the way out, everywhere, and it turned into ashes with a slight touch.

Hu Bayi fired a flare with a signal gun at the depths, breaking the darkness underground.

The pale light instantly illuminated the depths of the cave.

You can see that there are countless huge white bones and ivory, like huge sacrificial trenches.

In the pit On both sides of the road, whole elephant bones were neatly stacked, that is, the skeletons of whole elephants, which were obviously transported here after being slaughtered outside.

The burial pits on both sides were each as big as half a football field, and were filled with bones.

Even the knowledgeable people felt a chill down their spines.

At this moment, everyone finally understood why the man just stuck to the wall so tightly!

Because the place to stand here is full of bones.

It is estimated that when everyone came in just now, the man was also scared silly, so he grabbed Hubayi.

However, no one expected that this accidentally discovered ancient tomb would have such a spectacular scene.

Hubayi looked at it and said: This is the burial pit of King Xian. Placing whole elephant bones or ivory in the burial pit is to take the homonym of elephant as".Xiang".""

Shirley Yang nodded and said,"As early as the Shang Tang period, elephant bones and ivory were used as burial objects. A large number of ivory were unearthed in Yinxu."

Qin Yan said with some surprise:

"You see, these sacrificial bones are half-buried, instead of being completely buried like in the sacrificial trenches. This shows that the tomb owner wanted to become an immortal and no longer cared about worldly things. The half-buried sacrificial objects indicated that he wanted to ascend with the emperor."


Speaking of immortality, everyone was a little frightened. Could it be that King Xian could really become an immortal?

This sounds even more incredible than immortality.

But no one knows the answer. Maybe there will be an answer in King Xian's tomb.

This makes everyone look forward to King Xian's tomb again...

At this time, Shirley Yang counted and said:

"In this burial pit alone, there are a total of 64 complete elephant bones, and countless ivory. You see there are also some scattered small animal bones over there. They are too old and decayed to be distinguished. My God, there are too many."

Qin Yan deduced:"It is possible that they are hunting dog and horse bones, and also slave human bones."

Before they entered the tomb of King Xian, they began to appreciate the huge scale of the tomb of King Xian and the luxury of the burial objects.

Hu Bayi couldn't help but sigh:

"The royal tombs of small southern Xinjiang countries like Gudian are so grand. For one person, hundreds of thousands of people suffered. In the end, ascending to heaven and becoming an immortal after death, protecting the country for thousands of years, is just a dream. These things are left in the mountains and decay with the sun and the moon. How ridiculous it seems now. Ancient tombs like this, which were built with the people's blood and sweat, should be emptied as much as possible."

Others did not expect that the burial pits outside the tomb of King Xian alone were so large.

After watching the scene of the whole big pit, everyone turned their attention back to the person who suddenly appeared.

Because this person suddenly appeared here, it was really abnormal.

Not to mention how he entered the Worm Valley, it is questionable how he entered the burial pit.

The interrogation was handed over to the fat man who talked the most. The fat man asked,"What's your name?"

The man could actually speak Chinese, but he didn't speak it very standardly, with a strong Miao accent:"Kagon."

Everyone couldn't hear it clearly, but they roughly knew that his name was called like this, and they didn't get entangled

"Why did you come here?"

The Miao man named Kagong replied,"I came to the Worm Valley to collect the sacred fern for medicine and go back to save people."

Speaking of medicine, Qin Yan knew about it because he had a biological encyclopedia, so he nodded:

"The sacred fern can indeed be used as medicine, and it seems that it is only found in this place, and is almost extinct in other places."

After the first question was answered, the fat man continued to ask:"Then how did you get in here?"

Kagong was obviously very frightened, and his whole body was still shaking uncontrollably. He replied tremblingly:

"I fell from a hole, and after falling down, I found that there were bones all around. I was scared to death. I could only cling to the wall tightly, trying to find an exit."

Everyone looked in the direction he pointed, and there was a faint light flickering in the distance of the pit. It really looked like a cave entrance.

The fat man asked some simple questions, such as where he came from, what he was going to do with the holy fern, which road he came from, etc., and the man could give perfect answers to all of them.

But the more perfect it was, the more people felt something was wrong, and they always felt that these answers were carefully prepared in advance.

But they couldn't tell what was wrong for a while.

After all, their doubts were answered by the other person, and they didn't find the motive of this person to deceive them. In short, everyone temporarily believed the words of this Miao man named Kagong, but they were still very vigilant against him.

Of course, except for Peacock, the little girl Peacock was not very worldly, and.....

Meeting fellow villagers here is even more in line with the saying, when fellow villagers meet, their eyes are filled with tears.

So Kong Que carefully bandaged Kagong's pale and yellow hands (Zhao Ma).

In her opinion, the hands of people who often work in the countryside are not good-looking, so she did not have any suspicion.

Qin Yan was also a little curious. Coming here, there is a drop of at least ten meters from the ground, but this person fell from such a high place and did not die, but only suffered minor injuries.

However, he did not ask questions, but used his extraordinary eyesight to look at the place where the man said he fell. Among the pile of bones, there were indeed traces of heavy objects falling, and the surrounding bones had turned into bone powder.

Everything seemed to have an explanation.

However, the more this happened, the more the shrewd people became wary of the Miao man named Kagong.

So everyone took Kagong and walked through the vast sea of bones along the tunnel of the burial pit......

Qin Yan had super eyesight, so he could see much farther than everyone else. He could see the end of the entire burial pit clearly.

At the end, the tunnel gradually widened from a few meters at the beginning to more than ten meters in the end, like a small square.

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