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Tải ảnh: 0.088s Scan: 0.058sAfter the male corpse turned into a pile of black powder, everyone still felt scared when they recalled it.

The same corpse in the ninth coffin also turned into ashes, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, sure that there would be no more variables.

Just when the fat man was ready to clean up all the coffins.

The wind suddenly rose, the mist was lingering, and then a large wave of ghosts suddenly passed by them.

Everyone was shocked and quickly prepared to fight.

But Qin Yan raised his hand to stop him:"They just returned to the underworld. We untied these big locust trees so that their ghosts are no longer bound here and can go to reincarnate."

Everyone realized at this time that while breaking the coffin, they also helped these ghosts change the tragic fate of being locked here and never being able to reincarnate. After watching these ghosts leave, everyone began to clean up the nine coffins.

From the first bite to the eighth bite, no one found anything, which made the fat man so angry that he cursed:

"The person who planned this is too stingy!"

With the last hope, everyone looked for the ninth coffin. Except for the strange golden mask that the fat man took off at the beginning, they couldn't touch anything.

Just when they were ready to move on, the careful Shirley Yang found a round jade pendant in the black powder that the mummies had turned into.

"It looks like it should be the personal belongings of the male corpse!"

Everyone hurriedly took the jade pendant to check, and saw some words engraved on it. The words were not complicated, just the ancient Chinese characters.

Hu Bayi translated it.

Everyone found that it recorded the birth date of the male corpse.

At first, they didn't think it was anything, but Hu Bayi calculated it and said with some surprise:"This is actually a person born in a yang year, yang month, yang day and yang hour."

After hearing what Hu Bayi said, although everyone didn't know what this person's date of birth meant, they felt that it should be something special just by listening, so they all looked at Hu Bayi. Hu Bayi frowned

:"I once heard such a legend that people born at this time point have extremely heavy yang energy, and after death they can even be free from the control of the underworld, wandering in the world, and even being able to borrow a body to revive."

Everyone felt a little strange when they heard it. Shirley Yang asked:"But why is such a special person buried here, and it is a locust wood vertical burial coffin. It can't be such a coincidence, there should be a deep meaning."

Qin Yan guessed,"I guess King Xian wants to take advantage of the fact that this person is not under the control of the underworld after death, and let this person help him do something, such as guarding the tomb, preventing tomb robbers from entering, etc."

Everyone nodded after hearing this, and this explanation was relatively reasonable.

Qin Yan also added at this time:"It is said that this kind of person can borrow a body to revive the soul. He and King Xian should have reached some kind of agreement."

Speaking of this, Zhang Qiling also felt that the pile of black powder just now was a bit strange. He squatted down, took a little powder and put it to his nose and smelled it, and said:

"This person seemed to have an incurable disease when he was alive."

Qin Yan nodded and said,"That's right, this person's soul guards the tomb for King Xian, and King Xian uses the thousand-year-old locust tree to lock his soul here, letting him look for a suitable candidate and wait for an opportunity to take over the body and be reborn!"

"And Peacock could be the right person."

After listening to Qin Yan's analysis, everyone finally figured out the ancient tomb that suddenly appeared.

Hu Bayi couldn't help but sighed:"This person's soul has been waiting here for a thousand years. I didn't expect that we would come. Otherwise, he might have succeeded in taking over the body. Unfortunately, he was stabbed by a sword and his soul was scattered."

Shirley Yang also nodded:

"Even the most heroic figures cannot escape the erosion of time. Countless people in high positions pursue immortality, but is there really immortality in this world? They are not allowed to live a carefree and vigorous life, and then return to dust and earth. They do not enjoy life while they are alive, but spend all their time worrying about what happens after death. How sad and lamentable."

Everyone nodded in agreement when they heard this.

Hu Ba smiled and said,"Appreciate what you have now, immortality is bullshit......"

The fat man, however, was thinking about the tomb of King Xian, and said, stroking his chin:

"From the human servants, the corpse cave, the knife-toothed viperfish to the giant python and then to here, this must be only part of the mechanism of the Tomb of King Xian. This Tomb of King Xian seems to be a big treasure!"

In fact, the Tomb of King Xian is a big treasure in the eyes of Fatty, and it is also a big treasure in the eyes of Qin Yan.

Qin Yan knows that this tomb is actually a variable, which is not in the original book.

And it is because of this variable that Qin Yan obtained two evolution points, and the coffin in the tree not far away, the evil god in the gourd cave, and even the corpse cave in the Tomb of King Xian...

These are all evolution points in Qin Yan's eyes!

And with the nature of the system, it is possible to trigger the choice to get more rewards.

So the trip to the Tomb of King Xian, in Qin Yan's eyes, and Fatty's eyes, are full of expectations...

Everyone continues here They walked forward in the ancient tomb, but did not find anything else. They walked along the corridor that gradually went up and found another bluestone slab.

After opening the bluestone slab, they found that they were back on the ground again, far away from the original couple tree, but still in the dense forest with heavy fog.

The earth was still dark, and the sky was not bright yet.

They had been tossing and turning for most of the night, and they had hardly rested. Even though the ghost wind was howling in the dense forest, they could not care less and took advantage of the free time to rest.


Soon, the sun rose, and the morning glow was brilliant, shining on the whole earth with vigorous vitality.

It seemed that all the ghosts and monsters of the night were illuminated by the sun.

But the area where they were still covered by dark clouds, gloomy, as if it was dawn.

In the dense forest, if everyone didn't speak, it would be so quiet that even a needle falling on the ground could be heard, and the strange signal was still ringing.

But fortunately, the miasma in the dense forest has completely disappeared, and people have time to breathe.

Everyone was not in a hurry, first washed up and adjusted their mental state.

After a night's rest, everyone was full of energy, but their stomachs were rumbling with hunger.

In desperation, everyone had to take out some dry food. They really didn't want to eat these things, but they had no choice.

After all, the blood of other wild animals in the dense forest was full of dense blood-colored nematodes, and they dared not eat them.

The fat man couldn't help complaining that the food was too bad, and his mouth was almost dry.

Just as they were chewing their dry food with unhappy faces, they suddenly heard a series of sobbing sounds. They had heard this kind of sound last night, as if there was a female ghost crying nearby. The sound was extremely miserable and erratic. The miserable crying sound surrounded everyone.

The fat man cursed:"Why does it sound like a woman is crying, crying so miserably, can it be a female ghost, how dare she come out in the broad daylight?!"

Qin Yan heard it clearly. It was not the sound of a female ghost at all, but the cry of some creature, similar to a night owl.

He looked in the direction where the sound came from, and saw a pair of eyes with a faint glow, flashing around in the jungle at a very fast speed.

However, no matter how fast it was, it was nothing in Qin Yan's ears.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Qin Yan left a residual image on the spot and rushed towards the eyes with a faint glow.

The dense forest was overgrown with trees and weeds, but Qin Yan jumped over it very easily as if he were walking on flat ground. There was a gust of wind on the spot, and he was moving very fast, like a cannonball through the dense forest.

The huge eyes obviously also found Qin Yan rushing towards it, and immediately accelerated their speed.

Qin Yan's feet were full of wind, and his speed increased again. Soon he appeared more than ten meters away, and he could already see the figure of the huge eyes in front of him.

It turned out to be a rare huge bird of prey, with wings spread out, nearly ten meters long, gliding silently in the night, and making a creepy whimpering sound from its mouth.

Qin Yan remembered that in the original book, Hu Bayi and his friends also encountered this bird of prey.

This bird of prey was called the eagle owl, which was quite powerful, with a sharp beak and claws. In Hu Bayi's words, it could tear off a large piece of the black bear's skin with one claw. If he had been pounced on by it at that time, it would have been glorious.

The eagle owl is extremely ferocious and will attack humans. In Ghost Blows Out the Light, Hu Bayi and his friends almost died at the hands of this thing.

Although the eagle owl is large, its movements in the air are as erratic as a ghost, flying low around the couple tree.


There was a bird cry and a strong wind.

The black eagle owl was very ferocious. It made a sudden comeback, like a meteorite falling from the sky, and turned its head to pounce on Qin Yan.

Its sharp claws were open, flashing with cold light, and it wanted to kill with one blow.

Qin Yan did not dodge, because he wanted to test his strength, and the eagle owl with its sharp beak and claws was the best test subject.

The eagle owl's sharp claws grabbed over and met Qin Yan's fierce fist.


A head-on collision.

The eagle owl flew backwards in an instant.

This scene was obviously beyond the eagle owl's expectations, and it instinctively felt a sense of fear.

········Asking for flowers

This human seemed to be much stronger than it had imagined.

Therefore, the eagle owl did not dare to stay for a moment, spread its huge wings, fluttered fiercely, raised a gust of cold wind, and tried to fly high into the sky.

This eagle owl was not only insidious, but also very vengeful, so Qin Yan did not intend to let it go.

At the same time, a red light flashed


A sound of breaking through the air was heard, and a red light rushed straight towards the eagle owl...

The eagle owl flapped its wings violently, trying to get rid of the red light.

But how could that be possible!

Jiuyou descended from the sky and pierced through the eagle owl directly.

The eagle owl fell to the ground with a bang.

The huge eyes stared at Qin Yan blankly, and were filled with deep shock and unwillingness until they died.

Qin Yan's eyes swept over the dead eagle owl, but he suddenly discovered something strange.

The blood of the eagle owl was not golden.

In other words, this eagle owl was a normal living creature.

This was a bit beyond Qin Yan's expectations. , because the woods were full of miasma, but no one expected the eagle owl to be so powerful and not afraid of this highly poisonous miasma.

Hu Ba and others behind him were dumbfounded, but they seemed to have almost adapted to Qin Yan's strength and were not as shocked as before.

After all, Qin Yan's fighting power along the way was too brave, and he even killed the snake repairer, let alone the eagle owl?

Qin Yan handed the huge eagle owl to the fat man, asked him to deal with it, and then everyone roasted it.

The fat man was a little scared when he saw the wild animals now, and asked quickly:"Master Qin, are you really sure that there is nothing wrong with this big bird?!"...........Qin

Yan smiled slightly:"Why don't you check it yourself?"

The fat man took out a magnifying glass with doubt and shone it on the blood flowing from the eagle owl's body. Suddenly his eyes lit up:

""Fuck, Master Qin is awesome, there really is no problem!"

The others were excited when they heard this. After so many days, they could finally eat something fresh.

Fatty hurried to deal with it, and then the others started a fire, and they gathered together to roast the eagle owl.

Soon, the eagle owl meat was already emitting bursts of fragrance. Before coming, Fatty and Hu Bayi had prepared a lot of seasonings, which were used when eating game, and now they came in handy.

So the eagle owl meat was roasted golden, sprinkled with some cumin and some salt flowers, and people couldn't help swallowing their saliva just by looking at it.

Fatty was not afraid of the heat, and bit it directly. The surface was roasted crispy, but the inside was fat and juicy. After taking a bite, his mouth was immediately full of crispy fragrance, which made him widen his eyes and show an expression of enjoyment.

After swallowing a full mouthful of meat, Fatty said with satisfaction:"What is delicious? This is delicious. I didn't expect the eagle owl meat to be so delicious!"

Seeing this, the others picked up the roasted eagle owl meat and ate it with relish.

They all praised the delicious eagle owl meat.......

After everyone had a feast, they were in very good spirits. After a short rest, they headed towards the couple tree that was still sending out distress signals.

The dense forest was quite strange, so everyone walked carefully.


Qin Yan raised his hand to ask everyone to stop, because there were bursts of strange cries coming from the depths of the dense forest.

Everyone hurriedly pricked up their ears to listen to the movements around them.

Hu Bayi said:"There is no wind behind Zhalong Mountain, so it can't be the sound of the wind. The sound is extremely miserable, and it is erratic from east to west. Everyone be careful."

Qin Yan smiled slightly at this time:"It's the cry of the eagle owl again."

Hu Bayi heard this and suddenly shouted:

"I remembered that I had felt something was wrong before. This eagle owl is very stingy and is a very vengeful animal. Now that Master Qin has killed one of their kind, it is a fight to the death, and this thing is extremely good at sneak attacks."

Everyone quickly gathered together and took out their weapons.

In this way, everyone's defense angle was reduced a lot, and they formed a defensive support with each other to prevent the sudden attack of the eagle owl.

The sad crying sound circled around everyone twice, and suddenly divided into several channels, quickly covering everyone from mid-air.

There were more than one or two, and just by listening to the cry, it was known that the individuals were not small. It seemed that they were indeed here to seek revenge on everyone......

But at this moment, the calls of the several eagle owls that had suddenly attacked suddenly stopped, as if they had disappeared without a trace.

Apart from that group of"ghost signals" that made one's scalp numb, there was no sound in the entire dense forest, not even the various bird calls that should have been heard in the morning, as if all animals had died.

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew by......Factory.

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