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Living people?

Qin Yan frowned. He remembered that in the original book, there were no living people in the plane, only a great horned owl. But now the situation is obviously different. There was a response from people in the plane.

Even the fat man found it a little unbelievable. He just tried his best to save the dead horse, and obviously did not expect to get a response.

Several people are experienced and calculating, so they tacitly did not choose to save people rashly. Although saving people is important, they must first ensure their own safety. Besides, they always have a feeling that this big tree is not as simple as they imagined.

So the safest way is to figure out the situation first.

Everyone's eyes fell on Shirley Yang. After all, they know nothing about bullshit foreign languages, so this important task naturally fell on Shirley Yang.

Shirley Yang cleared her throat and tried to speak:


Unexpectedly, the person inside the cabin actually responded. He seemed quite excited and communicated in English intermittently.

Everyone felt their scalps tingling.

Soon, Shirley Yang had completed the communication with the person inside the cabin, and the others were confused.

Everyone looked at Shirley Yang eagerly and asked,"Staff Officer Yang, what did that guy say?"

Shirley Yang said slowly:

"He said there were two people on their plane, and the situation was similar to what we had guessed before. They were the 06 who came to China to deliver supplies not long ago, but not during World War II as we had guessed, but the day before yesterday."

"When their plane flew over here, it suddenly malfunctioned and crashed. After the crash, the plane was attacked by an unknown creature and was torn in two."

Hearing this, everyone took a breath of cold air. What kind of thing could tear such a plane carrying supplies in two?

"Then what did he say?"Everyone was eager to know more.

Shirley Yang frowned, thought for a moment, and continued:

"Then his other comrade was in another part of the plane. We didn't know where he was, but he should be nearby. He was very worried about his comrade and begged us to rescue him so that he could go and rescue his companion."

Everyone felt a little sympathetic after hearing this. After all, he came to help China, and now the plane crashed in a foreign country. If he was not rescued, he would probably not even be able to return to his hometown, and his body would be exposed in the wilderness. He could n't even contact his family and died in despair. It was really pitiful.

Hu Bayi was a soldier, and he felt the same way about this situation.

Because when he participated in the Vietnam War, he saw his comrades being blown to death by local people with landmines.

He still remembers that uncomfortable feeling.

So Hu Bayi said:

"These Americans were just transporting supplies. No matter how you look at it, something happened in China. It is only natural to rescue them and then notify their government after returning."

"Besides, it is not our nature to watch someone die without rescuing him!"

As he spoke, he tried to get into the cabin through the hole in the cabin to rescue the American soldier in the half-plane.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yan stopped Hu Bayi silently.

He knew that Hu Bayi was more eager to save him because he was a soldier, but he couldn't let Hu Bayi take such a risk.

Because he not only felt something was wrong intuitively, but he also saw some clues......

Hu Ba was stunned for a moment, feeling that he was indeed a bit reckless.

So everyone wanted to hear Qin Yan's opinion.

Qin Yan didn't hesitate and directly expressed his doubts:

"This man's plane crashed on the Banyan Tree. Even if it really crashed the day before yesterday, could he still be alive? Not to mention those beasts with golden blood and the insidious eagle owls, even the miasma in the sky would be enough for him to bear."

After listening to Qin Yan's analysis, everyone nodded involuntarily.

Qin Yan continued to analyze:"Even if he was lucky enough to avoid all this and was not discovered on the half-plane or the tree, he had been sending distress messages using the international distress signal. It is obviously unscientific that he was not discovered."

Everyone agreed with what he heard.

However, Hu Bayi still believed that he should not stand by and watch someone die,"But what if there really is someone trapped asking for help? We can't just stand by and watch someone die."

Qin Yan knew that Hu Bayi was a man of loyalty and righteousness. Although he looked a little frivolous at ordinary times, he was very righteous when faced with major issues. Since he had run into this place, he would definitely turn it upside down and rescue the people inside before he would stop. Otherwise, he would always have this knot in his heart.

Qin Yan was not a cold-blooded person, but he was much calmer than Hu Bayi.

Moreover, he was a time traveler and knew much more than everyone present.

Although there were real cries for help from people inside, he was not affected by emotions and made a calm judgment.

However, Qin Yan once again raised another question in his mind:

"Even if the previous doubts were very coincidental, and everything happened to come together, giving the previous doubts a reasonable explanation, did you notice that the tone and content of the person in the plane were problematic?"

After Qin Yan's reminder, everyone thought about it carefully, and they all felt thoughtful. If Qin Yan hadn't said it, they didn't think anything of it. After Qin Yan said that, they did feel a little strange.

Although they didn't understand the man's language, they felt it was a little dull and stiff, and the excitement was not natural.

At first they thought it was because they couldn't understand foreign languages, but now it seems that there is indeed a problem.

Hu Ba tried to explain:"Could it be because the person inside was injured?"

Qin Yan did not rush to refute, but repeated the words of the person in the plane just now in Chinese, and then asked:

"Do you think there is a problem?"

Everyone started to think about it seriously, but Shirley Yang reacted the fastest:

"I understand. Since this American is worried about his comrades, why don't they go to rescue his comrades first? Instead, why don't they spend a lot of time to rescue him first and let him rescue his comrades? This is unscientific, very unscientific!"

Everyone thought about it carefully, and it was indeed true. Saving his comrades did not conflict with saving him, so why must he be brought along to rescue his comrades?

This is indeed a problem.

So should they rescue him or not?

If they don't, all this is just their speculation. What if the other party is really not dead?

If they want to rescue him, there are many doubts.

However, at this time, the man's voice came from the plane again.

Others couldn't understand it, so they had to look at Shirley Yang.

Shirley Yang said:"He is urging us to rescue him quickly."

But this time, everyone didn't care about what he meant, but paid more attention to the man's voice and tone.

Sure enough!

The voice sounded a bit dull.

Everyone felt goosebumps all over, and the fat man cursed:"Why doesn't this guy sound like a living person?"

The fat man's words made the others feel awed, and they were at a loss for a moment. 38

Shirley Yang thought of a way:

"We throw them in with a rope, and if they are really alive, we pull them out with the rope. If they are not dead, there is no need for everyone to enter the wreckage, and there is no danger."

"As expected of Staff Officer Yang!"

Everyone nodded in admiration.

Then the fat man took out a rope from his backpack and threw it into the hole in the plane...

The next moment, the rope was caught.

The fat man was stunned and shouted,"Fuck, there really is something!"

"Then quickly pull him out!" Hu Ba urged.

At this moment, the fat man's face suddenly turned blue with veins exposed, and he gritted his teeth and shouted:"Old Hu, please help me, I can't pull it out by myself!"

""Fatty, you're so fat for nothing!"

Hu Ba cursed and hurried to help. However, as soon as he got the rope, he felt something was wrong... It seemed like there was something weighing a thousand pounds in it, but they didn't have time to react.


A huge force pulled the rope inwards, about to pull them into the cabin...

The two were so anxious that they forgot to let go for a moment.

Seeing that they were about to be pulled into the plane in a flash, Qin Yan's hand flashed with cold light.

The climbing rope broke into two pieces in an instant. As soon as the rope broke, Fatty and Hu Ba retreated violently and were about to fall off the tree.

Fortunately, Qin Yan and Zhang Qiling were quick-witted and pulled them back one by one, but...

At this moment.

Everyone gasped.

Because a big guy with golden light jumped out of the wreckage of the plane...

At the same time.

The system prompt sound also appeared in Qin Yan's mind:

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