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Qin Yan and others were ready to open the coffin.

The entire jade coffin looked very delicate and flawless, and it was obviously made of a whole piece of jade.

There were several small cracks on the coffin, and the golden liquid was seeping out from these cracks.

Although Qin Yan could not see the exact contents inside, he could still make a rough idea.

In the crystal jade coffin, there was a tall human shadow. The shadow was extremely heavy and dark, with a head and two shoulders. The shadow below the shoulders was very wide, as if there were many other things in the coffin.

However, due to the strong obstruction of the jade coffin, he could only see a shape, and it was difficult to judge what it was from the shape.

Hu Bayi said:"There is a corpse in it. It seems that the deceased has not yet become an immortal. Anyway, it is daytime now, and there is a Yin-Yang mirror, so there is no need to worry about it turning into a zombie."

At this time, the sound of thunder continued to ring, and dazzling lightning broke through the dark sky.

The environment alone was enough to make people feel terrified, but fortunately, everyone was used to big scenes and was relatively calm, except for Peacock.

But just as everyone was about to start, there were suddenly several bangs from inside the completely closed jade coffin.

The bangs were very rhythmic, up and down!

Everyone was shocked and had goose bumps all over their bodies.

The fat man said in surprise:"Old Hu, didn't you say that corpses won't rise during the day? Why do I feel like there's a huge zongzi in it?!"

Hu Bayi didn't know how to answer, because this situation was indeed quite abnormal and beyond their cognition.

Qin Yan hoped that there would be a big zongzi, so that he might be able to gain evolution points again!

The sky was gloomy and thunders exploded one after another.

But since everyone was ready to open the coffin, they didn't hesitate.

Hu Bayi put the gas mask on his face, rolled up his sleeves and tried to pull the lid of the jade coffin.

But the jade coffin was closed very tightly and it was difficult to open for a while.

He had no choice but to take out the paratrooper knife and remove the wax stuck in the irrigation gap, and then made a gesture of invitation to Qin Yan.

Qin Yan took action and pulled out the lid of the jade coffin. The jade coffin was full of red liquid with golden color, which was exactly the same as the dark golden blood plasma except for the different smell.

And the blood plasma was crawling with golden nematodes, which could be seen with the naked eye.

They were drilling around in the red liquid, which was very disgusting.

Although Hubayi wore gloves, he still didn't dare to touch it with his hands. He took out the engineer shovel and wanted to fish it in.

But as soon as the engineer shovel was put down, it was crawling with dense dark golden nematodes.

These nematodes were like corrosive, constantly melting the engineer shovel.

When Hubayi pulled it out, only a section of the shovel handle was left.

I don't know if it was eaten or melted.

Hu Bayi felt a pang of pain. This engineer shovel was a treasure that he had bought in Beijing. It was the equipment of the 1st Division of the US Marine Corps that was captured by the Chinese People's Volunteer Army during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. It has been well preserved until now and is definitely the best of the top tools.

There is also a commemorative Guadalcanal Battle logo on it. It is so valuable that even Hu Bayi was reluctant to use it.

But he didn't expect that this engineer shovel would be broken here.

""Fuck, these disgusting bugs, my dear, I will kill you with fire!"

Hubayi was obviously angry, and was about to find gasoline, wanting to burn these dark golden nematodes.

But he was stopped by Qin Yan:"Wait, when you are robbing tombs, don't use fire as a last resort. Once the fire starts, all the artifacts inside will be destroyed."

Hubayi nodded:"I was indeed reckless just now, but what should we do, these bugs are so scary."

Everyone didn't know how to answer, because they couldn't think of a good solution, so they could only frown and think of a solution quickly.

Everyone looked at the pool of blood full of nematodes, and they were all stumped.

It was only then that Qin Yan thought of the modern people using disinfectants for bedbugs and bacteria. He just didn't know if it would work on these nematodes.

While thinking, he took out the disinfectant he had prepared before from his personal space.

He took the disinfectant and poured it into the jade coffin under the surprised eyes of everyone.

A scene that stunned everyone appeared.

As soon as the disinfectant entered the jade coffin, the nematodes in the golden liquid suddenly went crazy, twisting their chubby bodies and fluttering up and down.

For a moment, the entire dark golden liquid seemed to be boiling, constantly rising. There were bubbles coming out, and countless dark-gold nematodes were tumbling wildly on it.

After a few minutes, the extremely terrifying dark-gold nematodes gradually stopped tossing and turning, becoming more and more calm, and finally completely quiet.

On the red liquid, there were tens of thousands of golden nematodes floating.

Although all the dark-gold nematodes in the jade coffin were destroyed, people did not dare to touch the blood easily, and they all put on gloves.

Hu Ba used the Yin-probing claw and the fat man used the mountaineering pick. The two of them reached into the blood in the jade coffin together, fished twice, and they caught a heavy object.

And it was not just ordinary heavy, it was extremely heavy to the touch. With the strength of the two people using their hands to pull with the mountaineering pick and the Yin-probing claw, it was no problem to pull two hundred pounds, but the two of them were pulling it with some difficulty...

"What the hell is this thing?"

The two of them were startled, and hurriedly used all their strength to drag out the coffin and take a look. They were immediately shocked.

They saw that what they pulled out was actually the body of a fat old man.

The body was not rotten, but wrapped in a layer of film, which was as thin as a cicada's wing.

The whole body was like wrapped in plastic wrap, lifelike, not a dead body, but a sleeping old man.

Everyone's scalp was numb, and an inexplicable taste grew in their hearts.

Hu Ba carefully examined the layer of film on the surface of the body and exclaimed:

"Could this be the legendary gnat crystal?"

Unexpectedly, Zhang Qiling also recognized this thing and nodded, saying,"You are right, this is the gnat crystal."

Hu Bayi sighed,"This thing is very precious. Legend has it that when Emperor Gaozu of Han died, there was a layer of gnat crystal wrapped inside the golden jade suit, which is similar to the function of modern plastic wrap, but the things at that time did not have any chemical additives."

At this time, the fat man had used a sharp dagger to cut through the layer of gnat crystal, completely exposing the corpse wrapped in it.

Everyone was shocked again, because the old man's body was well preserved. The corpse had white eyebrows and beard, a bun on his head, and was naked all over. It seemed that he had been soaked in the blood-like liquid for too long, and his body was slightly red.

Hu Bayi, who was familiar with physiognomy, said,"Look at his face shape. It is larger than that of ordinary people. According to the physiognomy book, he has a horse face."

He then tried poking the corpse's face twice with a mountaineering pick. The corpse was still very flexible, not stiff at all, and didn't even look like a dead person, but rather a sleeping person.

This made everyone marvel and carefully examine the corpse.

"This old man who has been dead for more than 2,000 years is still preserved vividly, and can even be described as vivid and alive. It is really bizarre."

The more people pondered, the more creepy they found it.

However, after studying for a long time, they could not figure out the reason except that he was vivid and alive.

The fat man said worriedly at this time:"This dead old man is so fat, and I don't know how long he has been dead. How come he hasn't rotted yet? I'm afraid he will turn into a corpse sooner or later. It's better to burn him as soon as possible to avoid hidden dangers." As soon as

Hu Ba finished speaking, he heard Peacock screaming:

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