Regarding the Zhuochen Pearl, the Mausoleum Genealogy also records that the Zhuochen Pearl is the phoenix transformed by the Earth Mother.

Since the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, it has been believed that this artifact can be used to cultivate into an immortal and have the effect of rebirth.

However, it needs to be in a special place to play its role.

King Wen of Zhou once recorded these contents in detail in the Dragon Bone Heavenly Book.

However, these secrets have always been in the hands of the ruling class. Almost all monarchs dream of becoming immortals, immortality, and eternal rule, so they all try their best to crack the secret of the Zhuochen Pearl.

At the end of the Qin Dynasty, this divine object fell into southern Yunnan.

King Xian left the country because he couldn't bear to part with this Zhuochen Pearl, and prepared to find a place in the mountains to cultivate into an immortal.

The location of King Xian's tomb was chosen in a fairy cave in the eyes of Feng Shui sorcerers.

The construction of King Xian's tomb took a total of 27 years, and the manpower for construction has always been maintained at around 100,000!

It was almost the whole country's strength. In addition to slaves, there were many local Yi people...

Everyone was amazed when they saw this.

The fat man cursed,"It turns out that King Xian did nothing else in his life, and spent all his energy on building his mausoleum, hoping to become an immortal after his death in the"Water Dragon Halo"!" The idea of becoming an immortal was somewhat hard for everyone present to believe.

However, they had already learned a lot about the legend of the Zhuchen Pearl, but Shirley Yang still felt that it was far from enough:

"The problem now is that there is still no definite information about where the Zhuochen Pearl is. As for whether King Xian became an immortal after his death, there is no record in the mausoleum. I'm afraid we can only solve the mystery after we enter King Xian's tomb."

Everyone read it through and found that the mausoleum genealogy only recorded the construction process of King Xian's tomb, and there was not a single word about the underground palace of the ancient tomb.

The second thing recorded was the conditions of the accompanying mausoleum.

In addition to the burial pit, the real accompanying mausoleum had a chief priest.

After King Xian was buried, two banyan trees that could change the feng shui pattern were found in the deep valley. The mausoleum genealogy was first buried underground, and the banyan trees were planted on it. Then a giant python was caught and raised with human figurines.

This kind of python was described as a green dragon in the mausoleum genealogy. It was extremely ferocious and brutal, and was a beast that only existed in the area of Zhalong Mountain.

When the giant python had eaten enough human figurines, it would fall asleep.

At this time, the python skin was peeled alive and put into the coffin together with the high priest. The python flesh and human body, plus the paulownia wood coffin bottom, would gradually grow into one with the old tree, so that the flesh could be kept from decaying for a long time.

Seeing this, Feng Shui master Hu Bayi couldn't help but analyze:

"The high priest's coffin in the tree and the huge burial pit before formed a huge feng shui pattern, suppressing the evil spirit here."

"Therefore, after the nine huge locust wood coffins in the burial pit and the high priest's coffin in the tree were destroyed, the feng shui pattern of the place was broken, and the evil spirit that had been suppressed underground for thousands of years was released."

"The boundless thunderstorm and the dark clouds that made it impossible to see the road were all caused by changes in the earth veins. It was also because of this that the tomb-guarding book buried under the tree was dug out."

After Hu Bayi's analysis, everyone had a general understanding of what they would encounter after arriving in the dense forest.

Finally, there were some descriptions of great virtues and merits on the tomb-guarding book, which were of little use.

However, in the eyes of Hu Bayi, who possessed the sixteen-character Feng Shui secret technique, this information was enough for them to find their target smoothly:

"Now that we know the Feng Shui pattern here, we only need to use a compass to locate it, and we won’t have to worry about not finding the Tomb of King Xian."When everyone saw that there was nothing else worth seeing, they sat down to rest for a while.

After all, so many things had just happened, and everyone was a little tired.

"Come and see, there are also some things on the back of this Tomb-Controlling Book."Shirley Yang shouted to everyone on the other side of the stone tablet.

Everyone turned to the back of the stone tablet curiously and found something carved on it. They quickly scraped off the dirt on it.

When they saw it, they all gasped.

The back of the Tomb-Controlling Book is a whole wall of relief. The things shown in this relief would make Newton crawl out of his coffin and curse.

There was a magnificent palace that was the most solemn in the world, suspended above the neon clouds in the sky, as if it was built in the sky.

In the relief of the Tomb-Controlling Book, there was a magnificent palace at the highest point, with Moon City, Corner Tower, Inner City, Burial Stele, Quetai, God Wall, Stele Pavilion, Sacrifice Hall, Lingtai and other buildings.

The mountains and rivers behind were all In the distance, there are no hills or foundation stones under the palace, but several rays of light and rainbow shadows, floating in the air, surrounded by flying dragons, showing an extraordinary and otherworldly style of a fairy pavilion.

Further down, the sacred road under the Xuan Palace is shown.

There are mountains on both sides of the sacred road, and the towering peaks are dense and dangerous, which makes the sky-high pavilion more majestic. This sacred road should be the valley called Worm Valley.

Everyone looked at this vast palace and was amazed.

After watching it, the fat man cursed:"King Xian is crazy about becoming a fairy. Even his tomb is built like the Jade Emperor's Heavenly Palace. He is also building a building in the sky. Why not bury it directly on the moon and be neighbors with the fairy Chang'e."

Qin Yan was secretly shocked and said:"This Heavenly Palace is similar to Wang Canghai's Cloud Top Heavenly Palace."

Hu Bayi couldn't help asking:"Are the two related?"

Qin Yan guessed:"Perhaps Wang Canghai may have learned from King Xian. He has been to King Xian's Tiangong Tomb, and then built a more perfect Yunding Tiangong after his own improvements."

Everyone couldn't figure it out for a while, but they had to sigh that these two people were rare geniuses.

At this time, Shirley Yang frowned and said:"Whether it is the human skin map or the Zhenling Book, all the clues say that King Xian's tomb was built in the water dragon halo"

"Even if the water dragon halo is magical, I don't believe that there is such a counterintuitive building in the world. The carving on the back of the town book must have been exaggerated or pointed out something else."

Hu Bayi explained:"The so-called water dragon is just a waterfall with a very large flow of water, and the water dragon halo is the neon produced by the rising water vapor. It has a shape but no substance, so it was regarded as a fairy bridge by the ancients, and it is impossible to build a building on it."

"This palace should not be the tomb of King Xian, but the ground sacrifice place of the tomb of King Xian, called Minglou. According to the Qin and Han system, the underground palace of the tomb of King Xian should be ten feet below the ground of this Minglou. This tradition has been preserved until the end of the Qing Dynasty."

The fat man interjected:"In other words, we only need to bury explosives on this Minglou and blow it down little by little, then sooner or later we can blow out the tomb of King Xian, right?"

Hu Bayi couldn't help but roll his eyes at the fat man:"Little Fatty, the method you said is not impossible, otherwise we should go back and report to the country and let the country send an army over?"

The fat man chuckled:"Forget it."

At this time, Qin Yan took out the human skin map and pointed to a white area on the map and said:

"You see, the map records that the outer area of the tomb of King Xian is full of white miasma. The blank white circle on the map represents the miasma, just like what we encountered last night."

Hu Ba nodded and said,"These miasma will not dissipate all year round. Anyone who is infected will die. No one can enter. It is the miasma cloud set up by King Xian to guard the tomb. It surrounds the tomb of King Xian. Unless there is a heavy rain and mountain mist to disperse the evil cloud, no one and no animal can enter, except of course Master Qin and his brother."

"However, since there is a Ming Tower for worshipping the king on his tomb, that is to say, after the king's death, people would enter the Ming Tower to hold worship ceremonies at regular intervals."

"Then where did those who worshipped King Xian enter from? Is there a secret passage that can pass through the poisonous fog?"

Everyone couldn't figure it out for a while, so they had to compare the human skin map with the Tomb Suppression Book.

They hoped to find something useful on it, which would help them in their next trip to King Xian's tomb.

Qin Yan, who was familiar with the plot, naturally knew that the human skin map lacked something compared to the Tomb Suppression Book, but he didn't say it explicitly, but just guided them:

"Look at this toad, it seems a little strange."

Several people looked at it and immediately found the difference.

On the stone carving on the back of the Zhenling Book, in a place in the valley, there was a strange-looking toad.

The toad's mouth was wide open. Near the tomb of King Xian, there was also a symmetrical toad with its mouth wide open.

On the human skin map, there was only this toad in the valley, and the toad's mouth was closed.

This was just a small difference. If Qin Yan didn't remind him, it would be difficult to notice.

Because there are many rare animals on both the Zhenling Book and the human skin map, these animals may not really exist in King Xian's tomb. Near the tomb, some are just symbolic.

Everyone looked at the toads carefully. In fact, it seems not quite accurate to call them toads. Although the shape is similar, the posture is definitely not the same.

The so-called toads were carved very delicately, with hideous faces, bulging abdomens, lower limbs on the ground, front limbs raised in front of the chest as if pushing a door, head held high, eyes wide open, as if dying with eyes open, nostrils turned up, a strange mouth that is disproportionate to the body.

Just looking at it makes people feel weird.

Qin Yan pointed to the toad on the tomb-guarding genealogy and analyzed:

"You see, the two toads, one inside and one outside, are completely symmetrical. This is the only place in the whole picture where the inside and outside of the valley are symmetrical. It is very likely that this is the passage through the poisonous miasma from underground during sacrifices. The strange mouth of the toad should be the gate."

"There is only one marked on the human skin map. The person who drew the human skin map for King Dian knew nothing about the situation after the miasma and only roughly standardized some features of the periphery. It is obvious that the situation inside the tomb of King Xian is absolutely confidential and not everyone can know it. So as long as we find this place in the Insect Valley, we can enter the depths of the tomb of King Xian."

Everyone agreed with this judgment.

In short, the final conclusion is: as long as they can find that valley, they will be able to find the toad that may hide the secret passage.

However, the truth of all this can only be known by everyone through personal experience. After all, the entire tomb-robbing world has changed with the arrival of Qin Yan.

It seems that Wang Canghai's Yunding Palace and the palace on King Xian's Shuilongyun seem to have some kind of connection.

After determining the next plan, everyone got off the back of Jiaotu and looked around. The surroundings were already in a mess. Two fallen trees, a broken jade coffin, the wreckage of a transport plane, countless wild animal corpses, and countless bones hidden in the tree trunks, dark golden nematodes turned into golden mucus...

It was like a scene after doomsday.

At this time, everyone couldn't find a clean place to stay, so they had to return to the back of Jiaotu.

Qin Yan brought a huge eagle owl:"Pluck it and grill it. It's for today's lunch."

After a while

, everyone started a fire on the back of Jiaotu, and each of them roasted a large piece of eagle owl...

At this time, everyone was already hungry, and knowing that eagle owl meat was delicious, they all swallowed their saliva while roasting.

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