Countless golden butterflies flew into the dancing grass.

Then, everyone smelled a burning smell coming from the dancing grass.

The burning smell was very strong, and everyone was full of doubts. Hu Bayi was even more surprised:"Where the hell did the fireworks come from? I can't see anything?"

Shirley Yang suggested:"This place is very weird. Let's go around it and continue to go in."

Qin Yan knew that it must be something in the dancing grass that caused the trouble. He remembered that there was a fire gourd in the original book. When Hu Bayi and others walked here, the dancing grass took the initiative to separate and reveal the fire gourd inside.

But now there is no fire gourd.

So Qin Yan raised his hand to stop everyone and said,"Wait, let me see what's going on first."

After that, Qin Yan drew out the Jiuyou Ancient Sword and slashed at the dancing grass with one sword.

With the help of the fierce sword wind, the large clump of dancing grass that was taller than a person was suddenly divided into two clumps, and the scene inside was suddenly displayed in front of everyone.

Everyone's eyes widened immediately. They didn't expect that there was something inside, and the scene was quite spectacular.

Half of a fiery red gourd was revealed in the dancing grass.

The fiery red gourd was carved from stone, more than one meter high, smooth and bright red like fire.

If it had been erected here two thousand years ago, then with the passage of time, the vast sea might have turned into mulberry fields, but this stone gourd looked as if it had just been completed.

When everyone saw the gourd for the first time, they were all shocked.

Hu Bayi took a breath and said,"Fuck, the color of this gourd is so bright, it's really weird."

Others were also amazed, because in general, the things they saw in the tomb were all a certain age and looked old and worn, and it was really rare to see such bright colors.

Qin Yan, who was familiar with the plot, naturally knew that this fire gourd was made of red ochre.

Ochre is a naturally fiery red color. The earliest red dye was made by adding ochre powder, so it still showed bright red after thousands of years.

But the current situation was beyond his expectations, and it was also what surprised everyone.

The fire gourd was actually burning!

Countless golden butterflies would burn up as soon as they touched it, and there were so many of them, just like moths to a flame. The scene was very spectacular, just like countless golden colored silks burning together. It also looked like countless ghost money was burning, just like burning paper money during worship.......

The strong smell of burning came from here.

Everyone was stunned. Hu Ba asked in surprise,"Is it a sacrifice?"

Everyone felt a sense of weirdness. Fatty couldn't help but ask,"Why is this fire gourd burning? Has it been burning from a thousand years ago until now?"

The two people's questions were also the doubts in everyone's mind. This forced them to push aside the dancing grass and walk closer to check under the leadership of Qin Yan.

When they got closer, they could see that the surface of the fire gourd was emitting a faint flame. The flame was not intense, and it was only burning on the surface of the fire gourd.

And those countless golden butterflies were possessed by some kind of magic, and they kept flying towards the gourd.

"Puff, puff......"

With a faint sound, the golden butterfly was suddenly surrounded by a faint blue flame, and its body was burning, while the surface of the fire gourd seemed unaffected and was still burning quietly, as if it had been like this for thousands of years.

Everyone was very curious and carefully examined the fire gourd burning with strange flames.

There was a layer of faint flame on the surface of the fire gourd, so that the weeds and vines growing near it also avoided it. For so many years, it has always been placed alone in this inconspicuous corner of the valley.

At this time, Qin Yan seemed to have discovered something and shouted,"Come and see!"

Everyone hurried over when they heard it, and saw that there were five or six mermaid corpses on the top of the fire gourd. There was a thin film on the surface of the mermaid corpses to prevent it from rotting.

Everyone suddenly realized what was going on when they saw this:

Hu Ba said,"It is said that the oil from the corpse of a mermaid can last for a thousand years. It seems that if it is outdoors, it is really possible. This fire gourd should have been burning for more than two thousand years relying on the oil from the corpse of a mermaid."

Everyone understood, but more questions came to their mind, that is, what is the purpose of King Xian's layout?

Qin Yan guessed:

"I feel that this fire gourd is more like a cauldron used for sacrifice. You see so many butterflies burning on it, just like the incense burners placed at the entrance of some temples. These golden butterflies are attracted by something and become the incense of King Xian for thousands of years."

He remembered that there was a temple not far from the red gourd in the original book:"So there should be a temple nearby."

Hu Ba nodded and said,"Mr. Qin is right. If we want to fully release the shape and momentum of this water dragon vein Feng Shui treasure cave, we should build an altar or a ancestral hall here."

Everyone's analysis has specified that there will be an altar or a ancestral hall here. So they started looking nearby.

On the rugged and steep cliffs at the edge of the valley, countless vines hung down, and they were all covered by vines three steps away.

Hu Ba was impatient and walked forward a few steps. He used an engineer shovel to push away the vines blocking the road, and turned back to shout to everyone,"Come over here and take a look. There is really a god's residence."

Everyone came forward when they heard the sound, and saw that under the cover of countless vines, there was indeed a shrine dedicated to the mountain god facing the red stone gourd.

The shrine was built against the mountain, but it should be built on the central axis of the mountain behind it. It adopted a wedge-shaped wooden frame structure and was divided into two parts, front and back. The facade of the front temple was entangled with vines countless times, and some tiles and wood had collapsed.

Everyone cleared away some of the countless vines around the temple and cleaned out the temple.

The temple was quite dilapidated, and the green tiles on the top and the carved beams were quite dilapidated, but you could still see a general outline and it had not completely collapsed.

This quaint building dedicated to the mountain god has quietly spent countless years in this lonely corner of the valley.

Hu Bayi said as he looked at it,"This is the eye of the water dragon vein. It can store wind and gather energy, and the general framework has been retained. The layers of worm-breaking paths on the mountain wall lost their function due to the change of water and soil, so although the wood of the temple was rotten, it still stood, which was a miracle."

Qin Yan added:"And it also depends on the special wood and frame technology, as well as the special environment of the valley with very little rainfall."

After checking the things outside the temple, everyone found that there was nothing special except a fire gourd.

So they wanted to go inside the temple to see what was inside......

Before entering the mountain temple, everyone still made sure of safety.

Hu Ba, who had rich experience in surviving in the wild, looked around and saw that although the temple was covered by layers of vines, there was no risk of collapse for the time being. In addition, there were many birds nearby, all of which had built nests on the temple floors. He said:

"The existence of living things here means that the air quality here is also good and there should be no danger."

So everyone used machetes to push aside the vines in front of the door and pushed open the temple door that had not been touched for who knows how many years.

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