They climbed forward for a while, but the atmosphere was quite depressing, probably due to the influence of the ghost soldiers and other strange things in the cave.

After such a long time, they were tired and hungry.

So they had to stop to rest and eat some dry food, beef jerky, etc. to fill their stomachs, so as to recover their energy and continue to move forward.

Hu Bayi chewed the dry food and said:

"Damn it, we are unlucky today because of this tomb. We thought it was a path dug by tomb-robbers decades ago, so it must be foolproof. But we didn't expect that there would be so many tricks in such a tomb. If we can get out this time, we must learn our lesson and never be so reckless again."

Qin Yan knew that it was not Hu Bayi's fault. It was actually himself who should be blamed. It was because of his arrival that so many changes occurred, catching Hu Bayi and the others off guard.

However, he also had many questions that he didn't understand, such as the laughter of the female ghost who had been following him before, and whether those ghost soldiers were just borrowing the road, or did they have some other purpose?

Da Jin Ya felt a little regretful:"Alas, it's all my fault for being too curious. I had to come in with you. I was almost scared to death, and now I don't know if I can get out. Poor my eighty-year-old mother......."

Shirley Yang comforted,"This ancient tomb with a ghost tomb inside is indeed very weird, but with a few of us here, and Qin Yan's skills are pretty good, he should be able to handle it."

Hu Bayi also cheered up,"Let's take it one step at a time. If God really wants to take us, he would have taken us in the Yellow River. Why would we have to wait until now? I don't think we're destined to die, we can definitely get out!"

The fat man laughed and said,"Why bother about so much? Isn't the tunnel dug to the bottom yet? I think we should go into the Hades Palace to explore first."

Hu Bayi glanced at the fat man,"You have other intentions. I've never seen you so proactive. You must be thinking about touching the treasures in the Hades Palace, but why can't you figure it out? We If we can't get out, what's the use of those treasures?"

The fat man disagreed with this statement:"Old Hu, this is where you're wrong. I'm looking at the problem from a strategic perspective. We don't know whether we can get out or not, but there are funerary objects in the ancient tomb. This is an obvious thing. First touch the funerary objects, and then think of a way to get out. If we can get out, we'll be rich. If we can't, it's better than dying a pauper."

Qin Yan saw that the fat man had gone off topic and waved his hand to interrupt him:"I think we should keep moving forward. After all, we can't go back anymore. If we want to get out, we can only move forward."

The fat man laughed:"I like what Master Qin said. Don't turn back even if you hit a wall. Haha......"

In fact, tomb robbers have a common problem, that is, they cannot turn back when they see a good tomb. They will not leave until they have explored the situation inside the cemetery and touched a few treasures.

Everyone saw that Qin Yan was calm and composed. They had all experienced dangers for a long time. Although the current situation was strange, they quickly cheered up.

Even Da Jin Ya was relatively calm.

It has to be said that humans are strange animals.

Panic is the fastest spreading virus among the crowd, but as long as most people remain calm, it is equivalent to building a firewall to prevent the spread of panic.

After this impromptu meeting, everyone cheered up and continued to move forward along the tomb.......


Qin Yan, who was crawling in the front, seemed to touch something. He used a flashlight to see that it was a corpse that had been dead for an unknown period of time.......

The corpse that appeared inexplicably.

Just like the one that appeared behind the fat man before, there was only a pile of dry bones and clothes that were not completely rotten.

Hu Bayi and his companions were fine, after all, they often went to tombs and were not surprised. Da Jin Ya was trembling with fear.

Shirley Yang went forward and looked through the clothes of the corpse, and concluded:"This is a corpse from the Western Zhou Dynasty, that is, the corpse in the ghost tomb."

This also explains why the ancient corpse suddenly appeared in the robber's hole.

The fat man didn't care about that, and directly groped on the remaining clothes of the corpse, apparently trying to find some treasure.

But to his disappointment, he didn't touch anything.

Hu Bayi said,"Fatty, stop looking through them. Judging from their clothes, these should be the bodies of craftsmen who built the tomb for the tomb owner. What good things could they have on them?"

The fat man cursed,"Fuck! Craftsmen were also buried with the dead. The key is that they were not rewarded with good things. What an evil feudal society!"

Hu Bayi explained,"In ancient times, when tombs were built, after the underground palace was constructed, pigs, cattle and sheep were slaughtered in the tomb and tied to the ground. This was to ask the living creatures near the ancient tomb to leave and ask God to grant peace to this place so that the tomb owner could rest in peace without being disturbed."

"These craftsmen may have been killed to offer sacrifices to the gods."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but scold the tomb owner for being cruel.……

"This tunnel is still a long way from the Underworld Palace, so we should go into the Underworld Palace of the ancient tomb to see what's going on."

Everyone continued to crawl forward along the tunnel...

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