A sound like cracking ice came from under his feet.

Qin Yan immediately felt something was wrong!

With his agile body, he jumped lightly and quickly retreated from the corridor!

A big hole appeared at the bottom of the corridor.

The hole was pitch black, and no one knew how deep it was!

This was indeed a trap!

If it were anyone else, they would definitely fall down and die.

Fortunately, Qin Yan had the blood of the divine beast Di Ting, which allowed him to react quickly. However,

Qin Yan also secretly warned himself not to be careless, as this ancient tomb was even more evil than he had imagined.

The others looked at the big hole that Qin Yan had just stepped on, and they were immediately terrified.……

""Shit, if I had walked in front, I would have been dead!" Fatty was still in shock.

After the others calmed down, they began to study the corridor.

At first glance, the corridor was not much different from ordinary corridors, all paved with stone slabs.

However, the stone slabs underground looked fragile, and there were fine cracks on them, as if���It was like a cracked stone.

When Qin Yan stepped on it just now, he stepped on a big hole.

There was a related record in the basic knowledge of tomb robbing given by the system. Qin Yan quickly recognized what it was and said to everyone:

"This corridor is equipped with a gravel roof and a weight conservation device underneath, which can only allow objects that do not exceed a certain weight to pass through."

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other.

The knowledgeable Hu Bayi said with some surprise:"I have also heard of this device, but I didn't expect to see it here!"

Everyone was suddenly in trouble and looked at Qin Yan in unison.

Qin Yan said:"If the weight going up is not up to the standard, the corridor will collapse, so someone must walk through the corridor and press the switch at the pull ring next to the stone door, otherwise everyone will be trapped here."

After speaking, Qin Yan glanced at everyone, and finally his eyes fell on Shirley Yang.

Everyone also looked at Shirley Yang.

Shirley Yang nodded:"Then let me try it"


Hu Bayi was a little worried, but before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Shirley Yang:

"There is no but. I should be the lightest here. If I don't go, who else can go?"

After saying that, Shirley Yang put down her backpack, took off her equipment and coat neatly, and only had a set of black tights on her body.

The black cloth tightly wrapped her graceful curves.

Under the illumination of the flashlight, it exuded a more charming smell.

The eyes of several men present were straight, and even Qin Yan secretly admired that Shirley Yang was indeed a beauty. Shirley

Yang was determined, and she didn't care about the eyes of the other people, and took off her thick leather boots directly.

Before taking action, Shirley Yang glanced at Qin Yan intentionally or unintentionally.

But she found that there was no ripple in Qin Yan's eyes. While she was relieved, she also had a little disappointment...

Shirley Yang took a deep breath, and then stepped carefully onto the gravel-top corridor...

With one step, the corridor made a creaking sound, as if it could collapse at any time.

However, Shirley Yang is not an ordinary woman. She is brave and calm, has a vigorous skill, and has inherited the Taoist monk's skill of moving mountains. Unique secret skills.

And for some reason, just after such a short period of time together, she subconsciously chose to believe Qin Yan.

So no matter what, she had to take this step.

Everyone dared not breathe, for fear of affecting Shirley Yang.

Under the nervous gaze of everyone, Shirley Yang raised her other foot...

At the same time, everyone's heart was in their throat.

At this time, the weight of Shirley Yang's whole body was on the rubble top of the corridor, but the rubble top was only shaking slightly and did not collapse.

Everyone finally couldn't help but let out a long sigh...

Shirley Yang also secretly rubbed her chest.

She was really scared.

If her weight was overweight, she would most likely fall into the abyss below and her body would be gone.

After confirming that it was safe, Shirley Yang began to crouch down and slowly walked towards the stone door in front...

The people behind her had already put down their worries at this time, and they were quite leisurely admiring the graceful figure in front of them.

"Alas, I wonder which man will be so lucky in the future to marry a woman like Shirley Yang, who is rich, beautiful, and as capable as any man. She is simply perfect!"

The fat man couldn't help but sigh.

He didn't lower his voice, so Shirley Yang in front of him could hear it clearly. She paused for a moment and then continued to move forward.

Seeing this, Hu Bayi cursed:"Fatty, don't talk nonsense, you are disturbing our Staff Officer Yang!"

The fat man curled his lips:"I say, Old Hu, are you interested in Staff Officer Yang? If you don't chase her quickly, someone else will chase her!"

Hu Bayi glared at the fat man in annoyance:"Staff Officer Yang and I have a revolutionary friendship. Don't talk nonsense, or I'll cut you!"

The fat man chuckled:"Yeah, I think Mr. Qin is more suitable for our Staff Officer Yang!"

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