Everyone then realized that the big gold tooth was left behind.

"We can't leave the big gold tooth behind!"

Shirley Yang said decisively. At the same time, she quietly pulled back the hand that Qin Yan had held tightly.

Qin Yan then realized that he had been holding Shirley Yang's hand...

Although these hands often groped in the ancient tomb, they were not rough at all, and looked soft and smooth.

Shirley Yang seemed calm and composed, but Qin Yan saw a hint of shyness flashing in her eyes.

Qin Yan's mouth drew an imperceptible arc:

This girl, is she still shy?……

"That's right! Mr. Jin must be saved!"

Hu Bayi and Fatty agreed with Shirley Yang.

The three of them were loyal and righteous people, and it was impossible for them to watch someone die without helping.

Qin Yan was not a heartless person, so he nodded.

At this time, the screams of Big Gold Tooth were heard from outside the Hanging Soul Ladder.

"Don't... don't eat me, please let me go, I have elderly parents and children to take care of, dozens of people in my family are counting on me.……"

"Ah~~ Lao Hu, Master Qin, come and save me!"

We can't wait any longer!

Da Jin Ya's screams sounded not far from the Soul Ladder. It seemed that he almost caught up with us.

Since he had decided to save Da Jin Ya, Qin Yan no longer hesitated and said to Hu Bayi and the others:

"I will go out alone to rescue Da Jin Ya later. It will be useless if more people go. You stay here to provide cover and support."


Shirley Yang showed a worried look, obviously wanting to go along.

However, Qin Yan interrupted her:"Don't worry, it's okay."

The fat man also laughed:"Master Qin is very capable, you don't have to worry about Staff Officer Yang, how do you say it... Well, worrying too much will lead to confusion, hehe……"

Shirley Yang glared at the fat man fiercely:"Fatty, if you keep talking nonsense, I will shoot you!"


Outside the Hades Palace.

One of Da Jin Ya's feet was being grabbed by the terrifying female corpse.

The female corpse's sharp fingertips had dug into Da Jin Ya's flesh, and he made waves of screams that made people's scalps numb.

I don't know if he was crying or laughing.

Da Jin Ya's crotch was soaked by this time, and his whole body was shaking like a sieve. He didn't dare to look back at the female corpse, but crawled forward desperately.

Da Jin Ya screamed miserably while crawling

"Mr. Qin, Mr. Hu, help!"

"Where on earth have you been? Someone please save my poor old bones!"

"My big gold tooth……"

Da Jin Ya shouted for a long time, but still no one came to save him.

He was extremely miserable at this moment, just like he had just been pulled out of the water.

This made him complain, and he growled:

"You... are so immoral that you didn't even help me when I was dying. You even cruelly abandoned me.……"

As the saying goes, a cornered dog will jump over the wall, and a cornered rabbit will bite, let alone a living person.

Facing death, Da Jin Ya actually thought of his wife, children and mother at home, and his heart was filled with grief and indignation.

"I don't want to die!"

Da Jin Ya suddenly had great courage and strength.

He turned around and faced the horrible female corpse.

Although he was still scared to death, in a hurry, Da Jin Ya suddenly remembered what Qin Yan had said to him when they chatted before.

Qin Yan once told him that the treasures in his hands, such as the Golden Buddha and Jade Guanyin, actually had no effect on the weird.

What really worked were those inconspicuous talisman papers.

When he thought of this, Da Jin Ya's eyes, which had been panicked, flashed with a gleam of light.

His trembling hands suddenly rummaged in his arms and touched out a lot of things, and finally he touched the talisman paper.

"Ah~ I will fight you!"

Da Jin Ya yelled, grabbed the talisman paper, and pasted it on the female corpse's face regardless of everything.……


With a sound, the pus-covered face of the female corpse suddenly began to burn, just like a chemical corroding something.

The yellow talisman paper continued to corrode the female corpse's face, making the already hideous face even more unrecognizable. The facial features were all blurred together, which was very scary.


The female corpse screamed shrilly, making people's scalps numb.

While the female corpse was grabbing his head with both hands, Da Jin Ya broke free from the female corpse's control.

He rolled and crawled towards the entrance of the Hanging Soul Ladder.

However, at this moment, the huge coffin next to it suddenly made a sharp"crackling" sound.

The sound was not loud, but it was so deep that it made people shudder.


"With a"bang", the coffin lid flipped upwards, and the entire coffin began to shake violently.

Puffs of black smoke came out , as if a monster was struggling to get out of it.

Da Jin Ya, who had just climbed up, was so scared that he sat down on the ground, his legs weak, and he couldn't help shaking.

Da Jin Ya quickly reacted and realized that if he didn't run, he would be waiting to die!

He hurriedly used his hands and feet to try to climb into the entrance of the stone stairs.

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