The stone staircase was wide enough for several people to walk together.

After walking for a while, the fat man suddenly stopped, looked back at Hu Bayi, and asked:

"Old Hu, did you put on perfume? It smells so good!"

Hu Bayi glared at Fatty in the dark:"Will you die if you don't talk nonsense?!"

In fact, Hu Bayi also knew that Fatty was not talking about him, but was insinuating about Shirley Yang.

It's just that Fatty didn't dare to say it directly, because he was afraid of being scolded by Shirley Yang.

Instead, he said it in a teasing way.

Da Jin Ya, who had been cautious all the way, quickly agreed:"Yeah, I smell a fragrance too. It wasn't there down there just now, but it's a bit obvious here!"

Qin Yan and Hu Bayi obviously also noticed something strange.

At first they also thought it was the fragrance of Shirley Yang, but after asking carefully they felt something was wrong.

The faint girlish fragrance on Shirley Yang is different from the gentle, timeless, deep and long fragrance that he smells now.

The fragrance at this time is more like a kind of sandalwood, which is liked by women of a certain age, but Shirley Yang is obviously not.

Thinking of this, Qin Yan and Hu Bayi looked at each other in the faint light of the flashlight, and their hearts skipped a beat.

At this time, Shirley Yang on the side suddenly shouted:"Don't talk!"

The fat man was startled and begged for mercy:"Staff Officer Yang, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about Hu Bayi, why is he spraying perfume for no reason, but it smells so good……"

Shirley Yang interrupted the fat man directly:

"Don't talk, I feel... like there are eyes watching us!"


Everyone was shocked and subconsciously took a breath of cold air.

Big Gold Tooth's legs went soft and he almost rolled down the stairs:"Oh my god, Miss Yang, scaring people to death is not a crime, please don't scare me."

Shirley Yang stood at the edge of the wall and silently pointed at the wall beside her.

"Could it be... there is someone in the wall?" Hu Bayi said in disbelief.

When everyone heard this, they immediately felt as if they were facing a great enemy.

This is too weird!

I wonder if there are eyes on the wall. If there are, is it a person or a ghost?

Unknown things always make people feel inexplicably scared, not to mention in such a weird ancient tomb.

No one dared to be careless.

Hu Bayi and the fat man secretly took out their pistols, ready to deal with the things in the wall at any time.

After Qin Yan heard Hu Bayi say that there was someone, he immediately pulled Shirley Yang over and protected her behind him.

After Shirley Yang was slightly stunned, her heart warmed, and a faint blush appeared on her pretty face.

However, in the very poorly lit Hanging Soul Ladder , no one could see it.

Qin Yan and Hu Ba took the lead, holding the wolf-eye flashlight in one hand and holding the weapon in the other, slowly approaching Shirley Yang to point out the location of the eye.

Approaching step by step, no one dared to breathe...

However, Qin Yan's eyesight was much better than others due to his improved physique.

When the light of the flashlight could vaguely hit the wall, Qin Yan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time showed a look of surprise.

Because the eye on the wall was not a person or a monster's eye, but a very delicate little fish, the size of a thumb, with excellent workmanship, and each scale is very delicate.

At first glance, it does look like an eye.

""Snake-browed bronze fish!"

Hu Bayi suddenly screamed.

Qin Yan looked at the surprised Hu Bayi in a daze. He actually knew the snake-browed bronze fish?

You know, this snake-browed bronze fish is Wang Canghai's keepsake!

Anyone who has read tomb-robbing novels knows that this is what Wu Tianzhen and his gang have been looking for, and it almost connects Wu Tianzhen and his gang's journey of tomb-robbing.

The snake-browed bronze fish records the secrets of a generation of Feng Shui genius Wang Canghai. The most important content is the truth about King Wannu and the secret behind the bronze door.

But why did this thing appear here, and how did Hu Bayi recognize it?

Qin Yan, with full of doubts, reached out and took down the snake-browed bronze fish hanging on the wall of the Hanging Soul Ladder.

Take a closer look.

The place above the fish's eyes and eyebrows is a snake, lifelike.

It is a snake-browed bronze fish for sure!

"When I was in the ancient city of Jingjue, I also got a snake-browed bronze fish like this one. I didn't expect to find one here too!"

Hu Ba said in surprise as he looked at the snake-browed bronze fish in Qin Yan's hand.

"You have one too?!"

Qin Yan subconsciously looked at Hu Bayi, who was stunned for a moment and then nodded.

So that's it!

This is a fusion of tomb-robbing world!

He remembered that Wang Canghai had searched all the Feng Shui treasures in China, as well as the major ancient tombs, and deliberately left behind the snake-browed bronze fish.

I don't know if it was to allow later tomb-robbing masters to find it, pass on information, or for some other purpose.

Among them, Wu Tianzhen found three of them.

Now it seems that there are far more than three snake-browed bronze fish.

With Wang Canghai's character, he must have left snake-browed bronze fish in each of the major tombs.

Thinking of this, Qin Yan understood.

In this way, it is not surprising that the snake-browed bronze fish appeared here. After all, this is a Feng Shui treasure that both dynasties have taken a fancy to, and it is hidden.

And it is not surprising that Hu Bayi was able to get one of them in the ancient city of Jingjue.

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