Hu Bayi was interrupted just as he heard a little bit of the clues, as if he had suddenly run out of wine when he was about to reach a climax, so he asked unwillingly:

"Master Jin, take a closer look, what else can you see?"

Big Gold Teeth sighed and said,"My master, I've said that I only understand, but I can't say I understand at all."

Everyone was helpless.

Big Gold Teeth was only half-baked, and he was not an expert or professor of ancient characters.

It was just that the answer was gone just after it was revealed, which made them very uncomfortable. They couldn't help but feel regretful, and could only wait until they got out to find an expert to solve it.

Qin Yan already knew that it was Wang Canghai who put it there, so basically he didn't gain anything.

At this time, the fat man asked,"Who is this Wang Canghai?"

Hu Bayi had some understanding, so he explained:

"Wang Canghai can be said to be a strange man in the early Ming Dynasty. His attainments in Feng Shui can be said to have reached the pinnacle. He was deeply trusted by Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di, and was appointed to directly participate in the design of the entire Ming Palace. He also designed several large cities in the Celestial Empire. At that time, his words even caused several cities to disappear completely in the Celestial Empire. He also designed and built the Ming Zuling Mausoleum."

"So awesome?!" The fat man opened his mouth wide.

Shirley Yang also asked the doubts in her heart:"Why did Wang Canghai put the snake-browed bronze fish in every Feng Shui tomb in China?"

Shirley Yang's sudden question stunned everyone else.

Even Qin Yan didn't know. To be honest, it's hard to determine the real purpose of doing this if it's not Wang Canghai himself!

The fat man boldly guessed:"I guess he must have a big treasure by doing this, and then leave some clues for the future tomb-raiders to find his treasure!"

Hu Bayi rolled his eyes at the fat man:"You only know about treasures all day long. Would your treasure leave clues for others to find?"

The fat man thought about it carefully and it was right. Who would spread the clues of his treasure everywhere?

Hu Bayi thought deeply and said:"It may not be a treasure, but a mysterious thing that requires the tomb-raiders of future generations to help him complete it!"

His statement was more reliable, but it had no practical significance.

Everyone stopped guessing and could only wait until they got out and cracked the Jurchen characters, so that they could get more clues.

At this time, Qin Yan moved the flashlight to the head of the snake-browed bronze fish.

A map suddenly appeared on the ground!

"" Wow, Master Qin is awesome!"

Everyone was pleasantly surprised and hurried to study the map. Maps were of extraordinary significance to them, the tomb raiders.

However, after studying for a long time, they still couldn't figure out where this map was.

Big Gold Teeth said,"This map is at least several hundred years old. After such a long time, the topography of the mountains and rivers must have changed dramatically. If we don't go back and find some ancient materials for comparison, it would be difficult to recognize where it is."

Everyone nodded, but Qin Yan's next words surprised them.

"Maybe the next snake-browed bronze fish is here……"

Everyone was stunned.

Could it be that Wang Canghai used the snake-browed bronze fish to lure the descendants to continue exploring?

While everyone was puzzled, they also discovered another situation.

That is, the smell of sandalwood before was actually coming from this place on the fish head.

At first, the fat man thought it was the perfume sprayed by Shirley Yang, but now it was obvious that he was wrong, so he licked his face and said:

"Staff Officer Yang, Fatty, I misunderstood you just now. I was wondering, how could you smell so good?......No, you are more fragrant than this fish head......Bah, bah, bah, fat man, what the hell am I talking about?......"

Shirley Yang rolled her eyes at the fat man in annoyance and didn't want to pay attention to him.

At this time, Dajinshan seemed to have noticed something and said,"This map looks incomplete, as if it is only a part."

Qin Yan nodded, he also saw it.

At this time, Hu Bayi also took out the snake-browed bronze fish he got in the ancient city of Jingjue.

Using the same method, the text hidden on the fish scales and the map are projected out.

Everyone took a closer look, and gradually a look of surprise appeared on their faces: the two maps actually fit together, as if the torn maps were put together again.

"That is to say, the map in the snake-browed bronze fish is the same map. If we find all the snake-browed bronze fish, it is equivalent to putting all the maps together, so it is possible to unlock the secret of Wang Canghai!"Hu Bayi said excitedly.

The fat man also became interested in Wang Canghai's secret. In fact, he always believed in his heart that Wang Canghai's ultimate secret was definitely a big treasure.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go! You might find this snake-browed bronze fish up there!"

The fat man took the lead and walked up the stairs while scanning the wall with a flashlight.......

Everyone else shook their heads. How could this be possible?!

However, after walking about a dozen steps, the fat man at the front suddenly shouted excitedly:

""Fuck, Fatty, I found another one!""

What? Found another one!"

Hearing this, everyone quickly surrounded it. Sure enough, there was another snake-browed bronze fish hanging on the wall of the Hanging Soul Ladder.

Hu Bayi had obtained a snake-browed bronze fish before.

In addition, he knew something about the legend of Wang Canghai and knew how mysterious and rare this snake-browed bronze fish was.

Now he got two of them in this strange staircase at once. How could he not be excited?

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