
Even though Shirley Yang was brave, she was frightened by a mummy approaching her and screamed!

Shirley Yang turned around and ran subconsciously, kicking a dead body that had been sucked by the black worm. She lost her balance and fell into the arms of Qin Yan who was following behind her.

Qin Yan just wanted to guide Shirley Yang to find the tomb-grabbing talisman, and didn't expect it to turn out like this, but......

Shirley Yang's figure is really good.

As soon as she entered Qin Yan's arms, she felt soft, which made Qin Yan's breath choke and his heart beat violently.

At the same time, Shirley Yang didn't know whether she was frightened or shy, but her heart was beating like a drum, which Qin Yan could clearly feel.

Shirley Yang reacted quickly, and hurriedly broke free from Qin Yan's arms, lowered her head, and didn't know what she was thinking.......

At this time, the fat man found a shiny object hanging from the neck of the hanging corpse, and he quickly ran over to pull it off.

Taking advantage of the firelight, he lifted it up to look at it.

It looked like an animal's claw, shiny in the firelight, black and transparent, with a circle of gold thread inlaid underneath.

The fat man's eyes lit up, and he turned around and said to everyone:

"Come and see if this is a gold-touching talisman."

Although Da Jin Ya looked weak, he ran over as fast as he could when he heard about treasure.

He took the gold-touching talisman from the fat man, examined it carefully, and muttered to himself:

"It was pitch black and transparent, with a sharp tip. The conical lower end was inlaid with several turns of gold wire, making a pattern of penetrating the ground. It was engraved with two ancient seal characters,"Mojin". When I held it in my hand, I felt a little bit of coolness, and it was very textured."

The fat man looked anxious and urged:"Mr. Jin, don't say anything I can't understand, just tell me if this thing is real?!"

Big Gold Teeth raised his shining eyes and looked at the fat man, showing his big gold teeth:

"Fatty, this is definitely a genuine tomb-touching talisman!"

Fatty was delighted when he heard it, and said with a smile:"It seems that this trip to the tomb is not in vain!"

Hu Ba took out the one that Big Gold Teeth forged for him and Fatty, and compared it with the real one, the real one was immediately distinguished.

Big Gold Teeth smiled embarrassedly:"This tomb-touching talisman is extremely rare, and it is difficult for me to get the real one, so I got two fake ones for you to make up the number, hehe......"

Hu Bayi did not blame Da Jin Ya and returned the tomb-grabbing talisman to the fat man.

Shirley Yang looked at the mummy and said:

"This tomb-robbing talisman was worn by this mummy. Could it be that he was the predecessor who dug the tunnel to repair the Fishbone Temple?"

Qin Yan nodded:"I guess he was also trapped in the ghost tomb, with no way to advance or retreat. He figured out the layout of the ghost tomb and wanted to get out, but was ambushed by the black turtle. He was alone, and once he was hit, there was no room for maneuver. In the end, he died here tragically for no apparent reason."

After hearing what Qin Yan said, several people couldn't help feeling sad.

After all, this predecessor was not only a colleague, but also provided them with a lot of help.

At this time, the fat man took out a bag of things from the mummy and called Hu Bayi:"Old Hu, take a look at what these are, they are all from the mummy."

Hu Ba took the thing handed over by the fat man, which turned out to be a cloth bag.

When he opened it, he found that it was full of odds and ends, including seven or eight candles, two stacked paper lanterns, some pills, black donkey hooves, ink lines, and so on.

There were also some things that no one could name. They were all worthless, and the fat man felt uninterested, but he still took the remaining mummy down from the air.

Everyone built a simple grave for the senior with stones on the ground. The fat man had no cigarettes, so he could only light a candle on the grave as a sacrifice.

After doing all this, everyone continued to return along the originally studied path.

Because of the ghost After seeing the structural diagram of the spirit tomb, everyone moved much faster and did not encounter any trouble along the way.

Everyone soon returned to the robbery hole they had come in through before.

However, at this time, the robbery hole had been blocked by the stone slabs of the ghost tomb.

Everyone had to start with Qin Yan, using the sword that could cut through iron like mud to break the stone slabs, and then get into the robbery hole one by one.

The robbery hole was still narrow, and everyone was so hungry that their stomachs were growling.

Qin Yan broke off a small piece of scented jade. It must be said that the fragrance did have a miraculous effect on people's spirits. Everyone felt energetic and clear-headed after smelling it.

Fatty and Big Gold Teeth were even more delighted when they realized that Qin Yan had brought out a large piece of scented jade.

""When we get out of this hole, we must celebrate!" Big Gold Teeth bared his gold teeth.

The fat man became excited and quickly asked everyone to speed up...

At this time, Qin Yan was leading the way in the front. After splitting a stone slab, air flowed in from outside. Qin Yan knew that he would soon reach the exit. Just as he was about to ask everyone to hurry up, suddenly, a pure Shaanxi accent came faintly.

There are people in the Fishbone Temple!

Qin Yan was sharp-eyed and sharp-eared, and quickly pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

"Catch the turtle in the jar……"

"What is……"

"Ma Dadan... that girl from the United States... can't be touched……"

"Li Chunlai, if you keep on yelling, I……"


The voice was faint, and only a few words could be discerned. It seemed that those people were outside the Fishbone Temple.

But this was enough.

Qin Yan knew that the person who blocked them was the owner of the coffin shop in Gulan County, Ma Dadan.

This guy had been chasing them all the way from Gulan County to here, and it seemed that he was still unwilling to give up. Moreover, they knew about Shirley Yang's existence, and it seemed that they wanted to do something bad.

"Want to catch a turtle in a jar? Who is the turtle is still uncertain!"

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