The fat man moved his fat body to the front of Blind Chen, looked at him with a squinting eye, and teased in a rather yin-yang tone:

"I say, old man, these four lines of your opening poem are really eye-catching. When you swept away all the monsters and demons, why didn't you deal with this old man? He is here to tell fortunes and cheat people!"

Blind Chen was the leader of Xiangling in the past. He had never been squeezed like this before. Besides, the older people are, the more they care about their face.

When the blind man heard what the fat man said, he was very unhappy.

He curled his lips and snorted coldly:

"You are a young man with no moral integrity! I cannot bear to see you ruined here, so I am telling you clearly!"


Fatty and Hu Bayi looked at each other, stepped forward and waved in front of the old man's sunglasses.

It seemed that they wanted to verify whether the old man was really blind or just pretending to be blind........

But then he found that the latter had no reaction at all, and thought to himself that this was really an old blind man.

Although Blind Chen was blind, he still had the ability to identify tombs by listening to thunder, and his hearing was even better than before because of his concentration.

He seemed to be able to sense it at this moment, as if he had noticed the actions of Hu Bayi and the fat man, and said arrogantly:

"Although I am blind, I understand the laws of nature. You have escaped death today, don’t you want to tell me your fortune?"

Big Gold Tooth was stunned and couldn’t help but blurt out:"How did he know?"


The fat man also opened his eyes in confusion.

Qin Yan found it a little funny.

Are these two really stupid or just pretending to be stupid? Blind Chen has been here for so long that he has heard everything everyone said clearly.

Fortune tellers have the ability to observe words and expressions and take advantage of loopholes. They will definitely know it after a casual thought.

Qin Yan couldn't help but said,"I said you are stupid. Didn't the fat man just brag to Li Chunlai? The old man must have heard it."

Hu Bayi is also a good old man. He waved his hand at the blind man and smiled,"Old man, stop embarrassing yourself here and go back to sleep."

Big Gold Teeth and the fat man also laughed.......

Unexpectedly, the blind man looked proud and said:

"Look, you are getting carried away, aren't you? Even if the things in the soil are good, you still need to be careful when handling them. Those who have passed away hope to ascend to heaven early, and no one wants to be disturbed by outsiders when they are sleeping."

The smiles on the faces of the fat man and the big gold tooth froze. This old man actually knew that they were tomb raiders?

They didn't say this just now!

Moreover, even ordinary fortune tellers who have never been involved in the business of tomb robbing don't know these tricks.

The fat man talked nonsense and the others were immediately a little suspicious.

The blind man didn't care and continued to point at them and said:

"Among the five of you, I have noticed that three of you have extremely strong yin energy. I am afraid......A disaster is about to happen!"

Hu Bayi and others looked at each other, not knowing which three people the blind man was referring to, but they were sure that Hu Bayi and the fat man were among them.

But Shirley Yang knew that the other person was referring to herself, and she also had that strange eyeball on her back.

Shirley Yang had been listening for a long time, and at first she was a little disdainful of the old man.

But now she had to pay attention to what she heard.

This old man should have some background, and he might be a senior in this industry!

She stepped forward and got straight to the point:

"Senior, do you know something? If you do, just say it. You won't lose any money. We don't have time to beat around the bush with you. If you say anything false, we won't have anything to talk about."

The blind man was startled when he heard what Shirley Yang said, and lowered his voice:

"Shh......Speak softly, so the girl is also from the same trade? From what you said, is this a lieutenant of tomb raiders? It seems that you tomb raiders have produced many talented people recently!"

Shirley Yang's heart skipped a beat, and she couldn't help but sit down and asked respectfully:

"Old man, may I ask what your name is?"

Seeing Shirley Yang's respect, the blind man lowered his status and replied:

"I am just a blind old man, so you can just call me Blind Chen!"

The fat man was a little unconvinced at this time, and patted the blind man's stall:

"I say that you, a blind man, have quite a complete business. Why don't you tell me how we are in such a disaster? If you can't explain it clearly, believe it or not, I will smash your fortune-telling stall!"

Hu Bayi and Da Jin Ya pulled the fat man and signaled him to be quiet.

The blind man sneered:"You are a young man who doesn't know how to speak well. You are really stupid and not worth my talking to you!" The fat man looked embarrassed after hearing this.

Others couldn't help but smile.

The fat man was good at speaking at ordinary times, but he was belittled by the blind man's words and there was nothing he could refute.

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