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Tải ảnh: 0.073s Scan: 0.033sAlmost no one could stand firmly on the deck in such a situation, let alone walk back to the cabin?

Even though several of them were from the Nine Gates and were quite skilled, it was not enough to just react quickly.

As soon as Huo Ling loosened her grip on the iron ring, she was hit by a wave and was about to rush into the sea.

Everyone was shocked, but they had no time to care.

At the critical moment, Qin Yan, who was standing by, reached out and pulled her back.

At this moment, Huo Ling was terrified, her face turned pale with fear, and she rushed into Qin Yan's arms, hugging Qin Yan tightly and refusing to let go.

Huo Ling's whole body had been splashed with sea water, revealing her well-proportioned figure.

Qin Yan could clearly feel that Huo Ling's body was shaking uncontrollably, which showed that she had just been frightened.

But this figure is still a little worse than Shirley Yang...

Huo Ling took a while to recover, and realized that she was hugging Qin Yan in an extremely embarrassing way. Her heart beat wildly a few times, and a blush appeared on her pale face.

But it was impossible to leave at this moment.

Feeling Qin Yan's strong arms, Huo Ling felt inexplicably at ease.

Her eyes unconsciously fell on Qin Yan's face, and she found that this man's profile was too charming!

As the saying goes, it is an instinctive reaction for men to like to look at no one, and the same is true for women to like to look at handsome guys.

In this stormy sea, Huo Ling's heart was actually moved.……

"So handsome……"

""Oh my God, what did I say, what did I say?

Although it was what was in her heart, Huo Ling did not expect it to suddenly come out of her mouth. She lowered her head quickly. Could he have heard it?

Sure enough.

When she looked up at Qin Yan again, the latter looked at her with a look of sudden enlightenment.

Huo Ling's pretty face immediately became redder like a monkey's butt...

The wind and waves continued, but the fishing boat was reinforced, and everyone was temporarily stable, and there was no major danger.

It must be said that Wu Sansheng was still relatively reliable.

Although this fishing boat did not look very good, its performance was still quite good, and the captain was also experienced.

The fishing boat turned over more than a dozen waves in a row, and finally the general outline of the thing could be seen clearly.


The captain shouted in horror in Minnan dialect. Everyone could not understand, but saw that several crew members were panicked.

Wu Sansheng went to understand, his face changed drastically, and shouted to everyone:

"Don't look at it, it's a ghost ship!"

Ghost ship?!

Everyone's heart suddenly jumped.

Many people in the archaeological team were just college students who had just graduated. They never thought that they would encounter such a strange thing when they set out!

Wu Sanxing behaved like an elder brother along the way, so even if everyone had doubts about his words, they didn't dare to speak or move, and turned their backs to the so-called ghost ship.

After experiencing the big storm that just made everyone feel scared, the fishing boat seemed to gradually calm down.

But it entered an endless sea fog, and the surroundings were gray, like a veil, so that everyone could not see the surrounding situation clearly.

Even the knowledgeable Wu Sanxing kept breathing heavily, and fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.


The fishing boat fell into a strange quiet atmosphere.......


A boatman's sharp voice rang out:

"Oh my god~~~Blood......Blood......What's in the sea?....."

It was completely in Minnan dialect, but to the ears of the archaeological team, it sounded like a thunderclap, making everyone's head smoke and numb from head to toe......

Huo Ling snuggled tightly in Qin Yan's arms and kept looking into the sea. As soon as she looked at it, she felt a chill rush to her head and subconsciously hugged Qin Yan tightly.

She saw that the originally dark green sea water had turned scarlet at some point, as if it was an endless pool of blood.

Even Qin Yan narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at the surging scarlet sea water:

""Shit, I knew it wouldn't be that simple!"


The dozen young men in the archaeological team couldn't help their curiosity. They looked into the sea and gasped."

Shit, is this a sea of blood?"

The fat man rolled his eyes and forgot what Staff Officer Yang had told him to do, to keep an eye on Qin Yan. He stared blankly at the fog and the surging scarlet sea water in front of him!

Wu Sansheng's face turned as white as paper. He remembered the description in the diary passed down by his father and blurted out:

"This is......"The Blood Sea Ancient Ship!"


Everyone was so frightened that their faces turned pale. They were all young people, most of whom had never seen the world. They were stunned for a moment and didn't know what to do.

Wu Sansheng held Chen Wenjin's hand and found that the latter's palms were sweaty. He knew that she was also scared.

Qin Yan was also secretly surprised. He remembered that although the description of the third uncle in the original book could not be fully believed, it did not mention the existence of the Blood Sea Ancient Ship at that time. Even if it was a ghost ship, it was only left behind when Wu Tianzhen and his friends met Wu Sansheng and his friends later.

He looked at Menyouping, but found that the latter also had a serious face and looked ready for battle.

Just when everyone was in a state of panic, the captain's curse came:

""Shit, the boat can't move!"

Everyone was so nervous that they cried for their parents. They regretted that they should not be tempted by money and embark on this dangerous journey.......

At the same time, the ancient sword behind Qin Yan also heated up slightly, as if telling him that something unusual had appeared nearby.

Qin Yan's heart was filled with awe, and he stared at the depths of the fog and uttered:

"The boat is coming!"

Before everyone could react, Wu Sanxing made a gesture to silence them.

Listen carefully!

Only a faint sound of a bell could be heard in the mist.

········Request flowers


The strange bell sounds seemed to have magical power, and every sound struck everyone's heart, making their hearts beat violently!.....

Qin Yan's heart was shocked. It seemed that the underwater tomb was far more complicated than he had imagined!

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly discovered......

The fat man inexplicably moved towards the side of the boat, not knowing what he was doing.


Qin Yan shouted softly, and pulled the fat man back:"What the hell are you doing?!"

The fat man's confused eyes seemed to suddenly wake up, and he said blankly:"What am I doing? I just want to see what treasures are in the sea......"

Before he finished speaking, the fat man felt that there was something wrong with his words.

But before he could think about it, the blood-red sea suddenly became windy and violent, and the turbid waves surged.......

The sound of ghosts screaming and whimpering was endless!

Everyone was confused. What the hell was going on?

Even Wu Sanxing and Chen Wenjin were a little slow to react. They had always walked in the dry bucket and had never seen such a scene.

The fat man looked at Qin Yan and couldn't calm down the fear in his heart for a long time. He seemed to be.....It seemed as if he was about to jump into the sea of blood!

All this was beyond his understanding.

All the boatmen were in a mess, and some even cried!

"I don’t want to die!"

"Ghost Ship......This is definitely a ghost ship. None of us can escape......"

"I have said it long ago that this order will be a big deal, but now, everyone is going to die here!"


The ship was in chaos. Even the captain seemed frightened and kept muttering:"Ghost ship!".....Ghost Ship.....I said the prince doesn't drink Erguotou....."

Not to mention the young members of the archaeological team. Although some of them came from the Nine Gates, many of them were only sent by the older generation of the gate to gain experience. What experience could they have?

What's more, in an unfamiliar place like the outer sea, Huo Ling, the heir of the Huo family, was so frightened that she turned pale and held Qin Yan tightly.

Wu Sansheng knew that he must not panic at this time. Although he had dealt with such things before, he was a professional tomb raider after all, and his mental quality was very good. At that time, he reminded himself not to panic. If he panicked, there would be no hope! However, at this time, he did not realize that there were people hiding around him who were more powerful than him.

The young Monk Oil Bottle's face changed drastically, and he opened his throat and shouted loudly:

"Cover your ears quickly!"

Menyouping didn't say much along the way, and the people in the archaeological team didn't know his true identity, but his cold temperament gave everyone a profound meaning, and everyone subconsciously covered their ears.

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