Hu Bayi was trying to dig into the soil for no apparent reason, which made everyone's scalp tingle!

Qin Yan also felt that something was wrong and cursed in his heart.

He seemed to have never seen this place before, but if he didn't do something to figure it out now......

Not only Lao Hu, but also the rest of them will meet with misfortune!

Qin Yan spoke decisively:

"You guys get down, let me crawl over!"

Hearing Qin Yan's cry, Da Jin Ya and Hu Ba Yi in front immediately got down.

Da Jin Ya was thin, so Qin Yan crawled over him in a flash, and then came to Shirley Yang.

Qin Yan was stunned for a moment, and then he didn't hesitate, and crawled directly over Shirley Yang's body!

Moreover, he tried his best not to touch her. However, the tunnel was still too small!

Qin Yan crawled almost close to Shirley Yang's body, so naturally some parts inevitably touched each other...

The soft body made Qin Yan choke slightly!

Shirley Yang's expression could not be seen in the darkness. Qin Yan only heard that the breathing of the person next to him seemed to be heavier.

It seemed that he had taken advantage of her...

But Qin Yan couldn't care less now, and directly pressed her to crawl behind Hu Ba Yi.

Looking at Hu Ba Yi, it seemed that he was possessed by an evil spirit..

There is a saying that when an ostrich in the desert encounters danger, it will stick its head into the sand pile next to it.

This is the situation with Hu Bayi now, but now is not the time to think about these messy things.

Qin Yan stretched out his hand!

At this time, because of the improvement of his physical condition by the power of blood, Qin Yan's strength is three times that of an adult.

Generally, the strength of a otaku who does not exercise is about 60 kilograms, and the standard of the system is that of an adult who occasionally exercises, that is, the strength is 80 kilograms.

Therefore, Qin Yan's strength at this time has reached an astonishing 240 kilograms!

This judgment of strength is not too high, but too low!

And as everyone knows, Hu Bayi is a thin man.


Qin Yan was surprised to find that he just lifted Hu Bayi in his hand lightly, and he lifted him up like a chick!

This seems a bit exaggerated.......

Qin Yan pulled Hu Bayi up, but found that the latter's eyes were blurry and he didn't respond after calling him several times.

He guessed that Hu Bayi must have been under some kind of hallucination and was in a state of illusion, so he showed the weird scene just now.

Since he couldn't wake him up, then there was only one way...


With a light sound!

Qin Yan slapped Hu Bayi's face firmly.

The latter was confused for a while, mumbled a few words, and then gradually woke up.

""What's wrong, comrades? Why are you all looking at me like that? Follow the leader! The pace of revolution cannot stop!"

Everyone rolled their eyes.

Big Gold Teeth rarely teased,"We have been following the pace and moving forward, but someone almost burrowed into the ground just now.….."

Hu Bayi seemed to have forgotten everything, and instead looked at the people staring at him strangely.

The fat man's mouth twitched, the fat on his cheeks trembled, and his two thick eyebrows raised. He asked back,"I say, Commander Hu, you......You really don't remember anything?"

Hu Bayi seemed a little confused:"What do you remember? I only remember that I walked down the tunnel!"

When Shirley Yang heard what Hu Bayi said, she took the light and shone it into Hu Bayi's eyes.

The latter's pupils were a little bigger than those of ordinary people. Shirley Yang saw this and immediately showed a look of understanding:

"According to my judgment, Lao Hu was probably hallucinating just now."


Is it true or not?

Hu Bayi was stunned and asked hurriedly:"I didn't do anything just now, did I?"

The fat man laughed:"Lao Hu, you have been eating dirt just now, you know, and you kept digging into the dirt pile."

Hu Bayi realized that he was covered in dirt and smiled.

He didn't feel embarrassed, but joked to himself:"Comrades, our road to tomb robbing is always very difficult, and it is normal to eat some dirt!"

Everyone smiled, but there was still a question stuck in their throat.

That is:

How did Hu Bayi hallucinate just now?

This is very important!

If everyone is lying down like Hu Bayi just now, then the whole army will be wiped out!

At that time, let alone touching the treasure, there will be no one to collect their bodies!

Everyone scanned the area carefully, but didn't find anything.

After looking back and forth in this section of the tomb, except for the smell of earth, everyone didn't smell any special smell

"This is too weird, is there any ghost?!"

Big Gold Tooth swallowed his saliva.

The others were also secretly scared.

In the mausoleum, the zongzi mechanism is okay, there are ways to deal with it, but once you encounter this kind of unknown thing... that is the most terrifying!

Just like the last time Hu Bayi and his friends were in the Jingjue Ancient City.

The corpse-scented konjac, just by creating illusions, almost wiped out the entire archaeological team.

So this kind of thing can't be taken lightly!

Before figuring it out, everyone dared not act rashly.

Big eyes stared at small eyes.

At this time, Qin Yan's attention was on the two big white geese.

These two big white geese had been in front of Hu Bayi just now.

Hu Bayi was tricked, but these two guys were fine.

Instead, they kept pecking at the soil, and immediately a bug was pecked out by them.

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