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"Fuck his grandma, what happened?......"

The boss's curse came from the cabin, which chilled everyone's heart. For a while, everyone held their breath and paid close attention to everything around them.

But... nothing happened.

Except for the cold.

The fat man breathed a sigh of relief:

"What's the big deal about being a little cold? It's not like it's freezing to death. At worst, we can just start a fire!"

The others also gradually calmed down.

At this moment, the system's voice sounded in Qin Yan's mind:

【Ding, a terrifying existence is detected on the ghost ship and is about to wake up. Please make a choice:】

【Option 1: Escape from this place quickly and get a set of high-tech diving equipment as a reward!】

【Option two, kill the terrifying existence and be rewarded with a thousand mechanical techniques!】

【Option three, do nothing, wait to die on the spot! The reward is a fine golden nanmu coffin! 】


Waiting to die on the spot is here!

Qin Yan couldn't help but want to curse, this option three still needs to be seen?

Escape from here?

Not to mention that the fishing boat can't catch fire now, even if it catches fire, Qin Yan can see clearly that the hull has been bitten by bone fish just now, it should not be able to go far before it will disintegrate.

Besides, the so-called terrifying existence of the ghost ship is about to revive, even if they run, they can't get far.

In the end, maybe only he and Menyouping can escape.

So although option two looks dangerous, it is the best choice.

And it also rewards a thousand-door mechanism!

You must know that there are many mechanisms in the ancient tomb, which can be regarded as the most critical part.

Possessing a thousand-door mechanism means being able to crack almost all the mechanisms in the ancient tomb, which is simply adding wings to a tiger!

And this time, Wang Canghai's underwater tomb is a model of calculating all the mechanisms.

"Option 2: Kill the terrifying existence!"

Qin Yan made his choice in an instant.......

Without saying a word, Qin Yan rushed into the cabin of the ghost ship with the ancient sword in hand!


Men Youping, Jie Lianhuan and others were all puzzled.

Who said not to be impulsive just now?

The fat man shouted excitedly:"Fuck, Master Qin is still a ruthless man who doesn't talk much!"

After that, he followed happily.......

Menyouping and Jie Lianhuan looked at each other, shook their heads, and hurried to follow.

At this time, everyone on the fishing boat was also confused. Chen Wenjin glanced at Wu Sanxing, and then said to everyone:

"I'll go up too......"

However, before he could finish his words, there was a cracking sound from the bottom of the fishing boat, and it sank a little.

"Oh no, the fishing boat is going to break apart!" Wu Sanxing was horrified.

The others also looked terrified.

Chen Wenjin was relatively calm and said to everyone:

"It seems that we can only take shelter on the ghost ship."

"don't want......"

The captain of the boat hurriedly stopped him:"If you get on the ghost ship, you can't come back!"

The archaeological team ignored him, because if they didn't get on the ghost ship, once the fishing boat disintegrated, everyone would be dead.

There was at least a glimmer of hope on the ghost ship.

And the two strongest performers were on the ghost ship, so they were more willing to trust the strong.

So the archaeological team packed up the necessary things and climbed onto the dark ghost ship one after another.

"The ghost ship is very scary. Once you get on it, you can't come back......."

The captain seemed to be very afraid of the ghost ship and kept muttering to himself


There were constant cracking sounds coming from the bottom of the fishing boat, and the boat was sinking into the sea of blood bit by bit.......

""Boss, please leave!" the boatmen begged.

However, the boat boss was shaking like a sieve, and kept muttering:

"Getting on a ghost ship is like going to die. There are some incredible things on it......"

"If we don’t leave now, the boat will sink!"

They have been drifting on the sea for many years and know that the fishing boat will sink into the sea of blood in less than two minutes.

"If you don't leave, we'll leave!"

Seeing that he couldn't persuade the captain, a brave crew member followed the archaeological team and climbed onto the ghost ship.

One person took the lead, and the other crew members followed.

They didn't want to sink into this sea of blood, which would mean certain death.

In the end, only the captain was left, and his face, which was originally tanned, was now bloodless.


The captain screamed, and just before the fishing boat sank, he climbed up the rope that led him to the ghost ship.

········Request flowers


The fishing boat made a muffled sound, and then sank into the sea of blood like a mud cow entering the sea, leaving only circles of ripples.

The captain of the boat hanging in the air was terrified, and finally the crew pulled him onto the ghost ship.

On the ghost ship.

Qin Yan and others had already entered the dark cabin.

Chen Wenjin counted the number of people to make sure that all the members of the archaeological team had come up, and then said:

"My opinion is that we should go into the cabin with Qin Yan and the others to take a look. What do you think?"

The archaeological team is composed of young people. They are either not afraid of death or have special skills. Otherwise, they would not dare to venture into the muddy waters of the underwater tomb.

So naturally, they all agreed............0

""Captain, what about you?" Chen Wenjin asked the captain.

The captain waved his hands again and again:"Don't......We don't want to go!"

The captain had already broken his limit by being able to board the ghost ship, let alone enter the dark cabin?

Chen Wenjin ignored them and took the members of the archaeological team to chase Qin Yan into the cabin.

Inside the cabin.

It was pitch dark.

But fortunately, everyone had flashlights, and they quickly turned on the flashlights and shot out beams of light. However, as soon as they stepped into the cabin, they stepped on something sticky. When they shone the flashlight, it turned out to be a layer of decayed matter that almost didn't reach the heels of their shoes. It was quite disgusting.

Everyone observed it and couldn't tell what it was.

Wu Sanxing was also bold. He directly took a piece and put it to the tip of his nose and smelled it, and immediately heaved:

""Shit, ugh, ugh, this is fucking shit!!!"

Everyone wanted to laugh, but they couldn't. In such an environment, no one was not nervous.

On the other side,

Qin Yan and Fatty had already reached a deeper place. The surroundings were still pitch black. Except for occasionally finding some navigation items that had rotted away and only their shapes were left, there was not much to discover.

The ancient sword in Qin Yan's hand suddenly became hot. It seemed that there was indeed an evil thing here, and even the ancient sword reacted.

He glanced at Zhang Qiling and found that the latter also frowned and looked solemn.


"Ah~ There is a factory! _

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