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"No one can escape, no one can escape......"

The fat man who was cleaning up the wreckage couldn't stand this guy's bad mouth and almost knocked him out. He was about to tell him to shut up.

But at this moment, Huo Ling suddenly said in surprise:

"Hey, what are these black marks on the deck? It looks like it was just stained and can't be cleaned off!"

While saying this, he rubbed it with his feet.

Everyone gathered around curiously to check it out, wondering, this mark looks quite fresh, it doesn't look like it was originally on the ghost ship.


A female classmate pointed at the fat man's torn clothes and screamed:

"Fatty, why do you have it too?!"


The fat man was shocked and looked at his body. He saw a lot of black marks on his body, some big and some small, as if they were dotted with ink.

He rubbed them hard, but they couldn't be rubbed off.

The fat man was a muggle and cursed:

"Oh my god, the eyes on my back were not removed, and now there are these ghost marks. Even if I scrub my body in Yangzhou, they can’t be removed!"

"Oh my god, how come you have it too?"

Wu Sansheng pointed at Chen Wenjin's snow-white neck.

Chen Wenjin's heart skipped a beat and she quickly said,"Check quickly to see if you have it!"

A minute later, everyone was dumbfounded. Almost everyone had this black mark on their bodies.

What on earth is going on?

Everyone looked at each other with question marks on their faces.

Zhang Qiling narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he had thought of something, and said to everyone:

"Can you guys see if the mark is only on the part that was stained by the sea spider's body fluids?"

After hearing this, everyone took a closer look and found that it was indeed the case!

"Are these sea spiders poisonous?! Are we all poisoned?"Wu Sansheng said in surprise.

Li Sidi was also confused:"I have never heard of sea spiders being poisonous before?!"

The captain muttered to himself:

"I've said it before, no one can escape once they get on the ghost ship....."

The fat man was annoyed and finally couldn't stand it anymore and roared:

"Shut up!"

As soon as the words fell, a burst of laughter came:


Everyone was suddenly struck by a heavy blow, and their already depressed mood became even worse.

Following the laughter, everyone looked up.......


Everyone gasped.

They saw that the tall mast of the ghost ship and the surrounding ropes were covered with flesh-red things.

After a closer look, everyone couldn't help cursing.

They turned out to be small hands, like the hands of a newborn baby, but red and squirming like an octopus, which was very strange.


There was a sudden sound behind them, which startled everyone. They quickly looked over.

The captain had collapsed on the ground, pointing at the strange things on the mast and said tremblingly:

"Human-faced sickle......This is the human-faced sickle.......It's the wronged soul on this ghost ship....."

Everyone didn't know whether what the captain said was true or not, they just felt it was mysterious.


The strange laughter was heard again.

Everyone was finally sure that the woman's laughter was made by this group of disgusting things.

One girl couldn't help but complain:"This sound is so ugly!"

As soon as the words fell, the human-faced sickle seemed to have consciousness. Suddenly, both hands were raised at the same time. The horrible lower body was exposed.

It was red and looked like a fist-sized tumor.

The most disgusting thing was that there was a small human face faintly growing on the tumor.


Everyone couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

At this time, Qin Yan remembered that Wu Tianzhen's notes also recorded this human-faced sickle, which can be attached to the back of the human brain and control the person.

But Wu Tianzhen only encountered one at that time, but now there are all over the place.

However, Qin Yan's mind was not on this human-faced sickle. He was thinking about the so-called terrifying existence that was about to wake up.

These human-faced sickles were obviously not it.

So what exactly is this terrifying existence and where is it hiding?


There was a strange laugh, and the little face of the sickle suddenly opened its mouth.

The mouth was not big, but it looked abnormally distorted, like a human face, but it was not a distorted expression that a human face could make.

And you can see that the mouth was covered with dense saw teeth.

The fat man said in surprise:"Is this little thing demonstrating to us?"

Zhang Qiling reminded him with a serious face:

"Be careful, this thing is in an attacking posture!"

Wu Sansheng rolled his eyes and said,"How about we strike first?"


The fat man nodded in agreement:"The first to strike is the strongest, the last to strike will suffer!"

The two men have been walking underground for many years, and they are reckless and do what they say.

Wu Sansheng and the fat man each pulled out their pistols and aimed at the human-faced sickle on the mast.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!......"

The two fired several shots, but unexpectedly all missed.

""Fuck, so flexible?"

Both of them were first-rate shooters, so they naturally didn't accept it and fired a few more shots.

However, to their surprise, those sickles not only dodged the bullets flexibly, but also rushed towards them in the direction of the bullets.

Like a cannonball, they made a series of piercing and strange noises and rushed to the front of everyone in an instant. 740 opened its little mouth and rushed directly to the back of everyone's head.

""Be careful!"

Chen Wenjin shouted hurriedly.

Everyone showed their skills and took out their weapons to deal with the human-faced sickle rushing over.

The sword in Qin Yan's hand flashed coldly in the air. Not only did he split the human-faced sickle that rushed in front of him into two halves, but he also helped the female classmate next to him to block it.

However, the fat man was in a more miserable situation, because he only had a gun in his hand, which was useless for close combat.

With a snap, the back of the fat man's head was sucked by a human-faced sickle.

The next moment, the fat man's eyes were blank, as if he had become a walking corpse.

Qin Yan rushed over and fell with a sword.

It was not biased!

It was inserted right between the tumor and the fat man's scalp, and it was picked up suddenly.

The human-faced sickle fell to the ground and twisted around, scaring everyone around him to step back several steps.

After a few moves, the human-faced sickle melted into a mass of paste-like things and flowed down the seam on the deck.

The fat man quickly woke up, still in fear, and cursed:

"Fortunately, Master Qin is here, otherwise the fat man would have become a puppet!"

At this time, the deck was in chaos, and everyone retreated to deal with the densely packed human-faced sickles.

"Quick, hide in the cabin!"

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