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"Old Wu, this Qin Yan is not simple, we must be careful"

"Well, I will watch him." Wu Sanxing replied in a low voice.

Jie Lianhuan asked:"What are you going to do next?"

Wu Sanxing pondered for a while and said:"After everyone explores the general structure of the tomb outside,……"

Qin Yan, who was listening intently, was suddenly confused and almost wanted to curse!

Wu Sanxing actually switched to the Hangzhou dialect to be on the safe side, making it impossible for Qin Yan to understand.

"It turns out that they are two old foxes who control the situation behind the scenes. What a cunning chicken!"

Qin Yan finally experienced the feeling of being eunuch just when he was about to hear the climax.

It was so uncomfortable!

But Qin Yan soon felt relieved, because he knew that Wu Tianzhen later recorded in his notes that Jie Lianhuan would secretly go to the tomb alone, and also got a snake-browed bronze fish.

Humph, someone did a good deed to help touch the treasure.

Qin Yan was happy to be idle and was ready to sit back and enjoy the fruits of his labor.......

The next day.

Wu Sanxing led his men into the water. Since Qin Yan had already determined the location of the tomb, the next step was to figure out the structure of the tomb.

Qin Yan did not participate, so Wu Sanxing was left to do this kind of work.

Wu Sanxing dug a shovel all around the tomb, and using the traditional positioning method, he actually determined a huge underground palace in the shape of the Chinese character"土".

It consists of two side chambers, two auxiliary chambers, a corridor and a rear hall.

The construction area is about one thousand square meters!

When everyone drew the structure of the entire ancient tomb, they couldn't help but secretly smack their lips.

"The largest part here should be the rear hall. I dug a few shovels and found that it was about 30 meters long and 10 meters wide. It should be the place where the coffins are placed."

Wu Sanxing explained to everyone based on the picture drawn by Chen Wenjin.

The fat man was stunned and muttered:

"Oh my god, who is this Dou Li? He looks really extraordinary. This scale is comparable to the imperial mausoleum!"

Everyone was very excited about the following process.

Everyone couldn't sleep that night, so they gathered together, eating fish head hotpot and seafood while discussing how to get in.

Now the most important thing is how to get in.

Wu Sanxing analyzed that if the tomb was flooded, they could just make a hole to get in.

If the ancient tomb is still an enclosed space, it would be more difficult to deal with, because once it is drilled through, the water rushing in may cause catastrophic consequences. However, judging from the wood chips brought up by the shovel, there should still be air underneath.

Only the people from the Nine Gates and Qin Yan understood what Wu Sanxing said, and everyone else was stunned.

The final question is how to dig a hole to steal.

"But the biggest problem now is that the bottom of the water is all sand, it can't hold its shape and collapses very easily, which is no joke, being trapped in the water is basically a dead end~."

Jie Lianhuan pointed out the most critical problem.

Finally, after much discussion, everyone decided on a solution.

That is to use bombs to blow up a pit on one side, blow away the sand on top, and then dig a hole slanting downwards in the firmer sea mud below.

Wu Sansheng finally said:"This will be a huge project, and it will take about a week. Comrades, do you have confidence?!"

"Be confident!"

It must be said that Wu Sanxing was good at inspiring people, and everyone was full of fighting spirit.

Next, almost everyone devoted themselves to the work, and the weather was also very cooperative, with the sun shining brightly. In addition, everyone was very motivated, so the tunnel was dug smoothly, faster than Wu Sanxing expected. It took only four days for the tunnel to reach the tomb wall.

When Wu Sanxing surfaced and told everyone the news, there was jubilation on the boat!

At that time, almost all the most advanced diving equipment could be found, with a large helmet on his head, which looked very bulky, but was very sturdy.

No one in the archaeological team was willing to They stayed on the boat, so they all put on diving suits.

Qin Yan didn't want to carry a big head, because he had the ability to breathe underwater, but in order to avoid exposing too much, he had no choice but to put it on. After all, there were too many old foxes in this seemingly young archaeological team.

Everyone put on the diving suit smoothly, except for the fat man, whose head was too big. It took him a long time to stuff it into the helmet.

The head was stuffed in, but the belly button was exposed.

The fat on his body was tied up layer by layer, and his belly was only half covered, which was quite funny.

The fat man couldn't help but curse:"Where the hell is this produced? I want to complain to him for discriminating against fat people!"

Huo Ling smiled and said,"It's made in Germany, you go and complain!"

The fat man's face turned black, and he cursed:"None of these foreigners are good!"

Everyone laughed.......

Wu Sansheng finally reminded:"You can't talk in the sea, you must communicate through gestures, so I will teach you a few necessary gestures, you must remember them."

After that, he taught everyone a few gestures for asking for help, running away, and seeing something, etc.

Everyone was forced to do it, and they couldn't remember so much. Some only remembered the gesture for saving their lives.

However, Qin Yan knew that they were definitely going to encounter a special situation, because right now, there was a sea monkey following them silently.

But Qin Yan didn't point it out, the sea monkey was not the key issue, he just mentioned it:

"Sea monkeys are very vindictive. You may encounter them when you go down, so be careful."Everyone dared not ignore Qin Yan's words and checked their self-defense weapons again.

"Fatty, why do you carry such a big underwater flamethrower? Aren't you tired?" Li Si asked.

Fatty also felt a little awkward. After all, this flamethrower was not as simple as it is now. In addition to the nozzle, he also had to carry a can of gas on his back.

Wu Sansheng smiled and said,"Fatty, I guess you want to go to the tomb to roast rice dumplings."

Some people understood, some didn't, but the same thing was that they all laughed.

Fatty glared at everyone unhappily:"You will know when you get down there. Humph, even if you beg Fatty by then, Fatty won't care about you!"

Fatty didn't say that this was Qin Yan's intention, and he felt a little uneasy.

Although he didn't know what this thing was used for, his experience told him that he must trust Qin Yan.

Qin Yan just smiled and said nothing......

"Everything is ready, comrades, let's go!"

Chen Wenjin gave an order and fell into the sea first, followed by others. As soon as they entered the sea, their vision blurred.

However, they had made sufficient preparations before, so the journey was relatively smooth.

When the underwater tomb appeared in front of everyone, everyone's breathing became heavier unconsciously.

The entire underwater tomb was like a hill on the seabed. Looking from top to bottom, it was hundreds of meters long and wide, gray, and covered with blue and white porcelain that was already full of parasites. It was magnificent.

The scale was really breathtaking!

Everyone was so excited that they used gestures to express their excitement and admiration for the underwater tomb.

The archaeological team members couldn't wait to swim forward.......

However, Li Sidi, who was most familiar with the nature of water, fell behind and was slow.

After this period of contact, Qin Yan knew that Li Sidi was a silly and cute guy, and he was slow in everything he did. He didn't have the ruthlessness that Banjie Li had in the past.

He even suspected that Banjie Li was cheated on......

However, despite this, Li Sidi is the most honest and reliable one among the descendants of the Nine Sects.

At this time, Li Sidi also gestured to Qin Yan, expressing that the size of this underwater tomb was beyond his imagination.......

He looked relaxed, without any sense of crisis, and was very carefree.

Qin Yan couldn't help but find it a little funny, but the descendant of the Nine Gates just liked him.

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